Burning Desire. Kayla Perrin
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Название: Burning Desire

Автор: Kayla Perrin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472071811


СКАЧАТЬ problem.”

      “Just to confirm, you’re bringing your fire gear including helmet, as well as your dress uniform.”

      “Yep. I’ll bring some tools, as well. Accessories for the shoot.”

      “Sounds great,” Sabrina said. “I’ll see you at four.”

      Sabrina hung up. She then loaded up a picture of Mason on her screen. It became all too clear why she had thought about him in bed. He was gorgeous, and everything about him oozed sex appeal, which would work out well for her shoot. She was certain that he would be an easy model to work with.

      With each of the firefighters, she had taken shots of them in her studio. She had also taken some photos at the firehouse with the engine and ladder trucks as backdrops but she had also utilized local parks, the waterfront, and the forest the bordered the eastern side of town. With Mason, she wanted to travel a little bit north along a stretch of the Pacific Ocean that had a beautiful rocky backdrop. She was certain to capture what would be stunning photographs there. She wanted the calendar to be pleasing not only because of the male models, but because of the lush scenery in Ocean City. It was what would make this particular calendar unique.

      And he had a feeling that Mason was going to be an ideal model.

      * * *

      It was just minutes before four o’clock when Nya entered Sabrina’s studio to announce that Mason Foley had arrived.

      “Oh, good.” Sabrina climbed down from the stepladder. She had just finished putting up the background she wanted to start with for the shoot. It was a cityscape of Ocean City at night. Turning to face Nya, she saw a huge grin on her friend’s face.

      “Nya, what is it?”

      “Giiirl.” Nya all but pranced toward her, the grin on her face growing even bigger. “I have seen some fine men in my day, but Mason— Oh, my Lord. He has got to be the finest man to step foot in this studio!”

      Sabrina looked beyond Nya’s shoulder toward the door that led out of the studio, in case Mason had followed her in. Not seeing him, she said in a lowered voice, “So the man is fine. Get a hold of yourself.”

      “That’s easy for you to say. You haven’t seen him yet! I’m just trying to prepare you!”

      “Okay, I get it.” Sabrina sounded nonchalant. She had photographed all sorts of people in her life. She wasn’t the type to lose her head over an attractive man. “Go ahead and tell him to come on back. I’m ready for him.”

      “Oh, you think you’re ready.”

      What the heck had gotten into Nya? “You know what you need?” Sabrina said, smiling sweetly. “You need a man.” It was obvious that her friend had gone too long since her last relationship, because her extreme reaction to this Mason guy was over the top. Sabrina only hoped that Nya had been professional with Mason in the reception area.

      “Maybe I can help you here while you do the shoot?” Nya offered.

      “Nya!” Sabrina made a face. “What’s gotten into you?”

      Sabrina shooed her silently, hoping that Mason had not overheard any of their conversation. She had to admit that this behavior was a little out of character, even for man-crazed Nya.

      And it wasn’t that Sabrina didn’t enjoy a good-looking man as much as the next woman, but she certainly knew how to be professional.

      “Go get him, please,” Sabrina reiterated. “And please be professional,” she added in a hushed voice.

      Once Nya left the room, Sabrina went over to the octagonal softbox light that she had set up, and fussed with it. She heard his footsteps, but still didn’t look behind her, preferring to appear busy.

      “Ms. Crawford?”

      Sabrina turned. And just like that, the air left her lungs in a rush. Instantly, she understood why Nya had been out of sorts. Mason Foley was indeed a stunningly gorgeous man.

      When Sabrina had seen his picture on her computer, she had deemed him to be a fine specimen of a man. One who would surely be a hit with the ladies when the calendar was produced. In fact, she had already figured that a picture with him would be great on the cover.

      But her reaction to him now was visceral. And for a moment, she was bereft of words.

      Totally unlike her.

      He took a step into her studio, seeming to fill the space with his tall muscular frame. “You’re Ms. Crawford, right?”

      It was then that Sabrina realized that she had not moved since seeing him, and she forced one foot in front of the other until she reached him. She outstretched her hand and offered him a smile. “Sorry. I just...” She just what? Was taken aback by his good looks? Surely she couldn’t tell him that. “I didn’t expect that you would be so tall,” she finally said. “How tall are you?”

      “Six foot six,” he told her.

      “Oh, wow.” Realizing that her tone had been filled with awe, Sabrina frowned slightly. What was wrong with her? She felt flushed, and her heart was beating faster than normal. It had been a long time since just looking at a man had set her heart aflutter like this.

      The pictures she had seen of him did him no justice. In person, there was a quality to him that radiated throughout the room. A charisma that made him instantly likable.

      Glancing beyond Mason, she saw that Nya was standing in the doorway, a dreamy look on her face. Sabrina cleared her throat before speaking. “Nya, would you put the kettle on?” She faced Mason. “Would you like some tea, coffee, water? We also have a variety of juice.”

      “Just a bottle of water, that’d be great.”

      “Is there anything else I can get for you?” Nya asked. “I can run out and get some sweets from the bakery across the street, if you like...”

      Sabrina widened her eyes as Mason turned to look at Nya, silently trying to tell her friend to take it easy.

      “Just the water,” Mason told her.

      And when he turned back to look at Sabrina, she felt a definite charge. Goodness, it wasn’t simply that he was good-looking. What Sabrina felt was undeniable attraction for this man.

      She turned, walking toward the backdrop, determined to rid herself of whatever had taken over her being. “You brought your gear?” she asked.

      “Yes. It’s in the reception area. I figured I would ask you how you want to do this first. You might want to take a couple of shots of me wearing this before I change.”

      Mason was wearing jeans and a white cotton shirt that was unbuttoned down to his mid chest with the sleeves rolled up. There was an easy confidence to the way he walked, and Sabrina got the sense that he knew exactly how he affected women.

      Sabrina could easily take photos of him in what he was wearing, and probably make a fortune selling them to GQ magazine. But this shoot was for the firefighter’s calendar, and that meant taking photos of him in his uniform. In full gear, partial gear and in his dress uniform. She СКАЧАТЬ