Finding Amy. Carol Steward
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Название: Finding Amy

Автор: Carol Steward

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472020963


СКАЧАТЬ ready for.”

      Susan raised her eyebrows. “That sounds interesting. Keep me up-to-date on how it goes. And if you need any help finishing up the publicity, I’ll be glad to get it to Colleen.”

      Just before seven o’clock, Sam called Jessica to confirm her address and see if they were still on.

      “Surely you don’t think you’re going to be let off the hook? Took me long enough to get the courage to ask you to do this, Samuel Vance. Now that I have you, I’m not about to let you go.”

      “You sound awfully confident, Ms. Mathers.”

      “Do you want to be the one to tell your mother you backed out?”

      He laughed. “Not a chance. But honestly, I can’t believe that spending the evening planning a date for a bachelor auction is the highlight of my day. I’ll be right over.”

       Chapter Four

       D espite the tension of the murder investigation, a smile teased Sam’s lips when he saw Jessica and Amy waiting in front of the two-story Victorian. He stopped the truck and walked around it to meet them.

      “Evening, Jessica.” He knelt down and smiled at the little girl. “Hi, Amy, I’m Sam, a friend of your mom’s.”

      Amy giggled then ducked behind Jessica’s leg.

      “She doesn’t talk much,” Jessica explained. Amy held out her teddy bear for Sam to see.

      Sam recognized it as the one he’d given her in the hospital. “That’s a really cute bear. Looks like you love it a lot.”

      Jessica tousled Amy’s windblown hair. “She takes it everywhere. Someone gave it to her after the accident.”

      He extended his hands, but Amy held on tight to her mother’s leg. “Well, if you’re ready to go… Amy, would you let me help you and your bear into the truck?”

      Jessica glanced into the truck as she spoke. “I was going to suggest we take my car since you don’t…oh, you do have a child seat.” She looked again in the truck and back at him. “I hadn’t even considered you might have children.”

      He somewhat enjoyed watching “Miss Personality” fumbling for words, though it seemed peculiar. She hadn’t seemed at a loss when he’d seen her lunching recently with those other men at the Stagecoach Café. “I brought one from the station. We keep them on hand, in case we need to transport children.”

      She bit her lower lip, wrinkled her nose for a second and looked at him, her expression full of appreciation. “What made you think of bringing one?”

      “It’s my job to plan ahead. I figured it would be easier this way. Are you ready? I’m starving.” Sam motioned to the truck and opened the passenger door.

      As Jessica stepped back, Amy moved with her. “Don’t tell me you got so caught up in the investigation that you didn’t have lunch?” While Jessica pried Amy’s arms from around her legs, Sam noted her disapproving glance. “Amy, we’re going to eat now. Can you let Sam help you into his big truck? Mommy’s back hurts.”

      Amy nodded. “Mommy owie.”

      He offered Amy a hand, and she lifted both arms up to him. “Can you say ‘Sam,’ Amy?”

      Amy smiled and gave Sam a hug.

      “Wow.” Jessica’s slate-colored eyes opened wide. “You should be flattered.” She apparently hadn’t expected Amy to respond so well to him. “What did you do, give her C-A-N-D-Y when I wasn’t looking?” She gave him a wink as she moved to the truck and set her briefcase on the floor beneath the car seat.

      As she stepped back, Sam reached up and grabbed the door, blocking her in the small triangular opening with him and Amy. “Kids are a good judge of character. I don’t need to bribe her.” Jessica’s eyes brightened with her usual perkiness. “Must just be that natural charm, huh?”

      “Must be. Only works on certain females, though.”

      She blushed, then ducked under his arm, skimming her hand along his ribs. “That’s what you think, Samuel Vance.”

      “What’s that supposed to mean?” While he waited for another of Jessica’s smart-aleck remarks, he gently set Amy in the seat and helped position the straps over her shoulders. Amy grabbed the buckle, as if she thought she could do it herself. Sam waited until she took his hand and guided it to the buckle. “Need help?”

      Amy nodded. Sam snapped the locks in place, then tested the seat to make sure it was secure. “I asked around the precinct for suggestions on where the car seat works best. There isn’t enough room in the back seat. Sometimes kids kick the gearshift when they’re in the middle, so the passenger seat won the vote. I turned off the air bags, so that’s safe.”

      “Sounds like you have everything under control.”

      “Not quite everything. You didn’t answer my question.”

      Her pink cheeks were answer enough for him.

      “Nor do I plan to.” Jessica wished she had an on-off switch to her heart. Sam’s charm could be considered a lethal weapon. And this wasn’t even a date, it was a business dinner.

      “Plan to what? Answer me honestly, or fall for my charms?” He stepped around her, glancing up the street, then back at her with a boyish smile. Sam opened the driver’s door and the half door to the back seat, lifted the bench seat, placed his service pistol inside a lockbox and closed it. That told her a lot about him. “Knowing I had plans with you and Amy got me through the day.”

      She hated avoiding his questions, but her feelings for Sam were difficult to explain. She remembered his compassion from the accident as well as his determination to get to the truth, no matter the cost. She’d seen him a lot recently at the café where she’d met with the other bachelors. She presumed he was there to meet a wife or girlfriend. Then, after his mother mentioned introducing them and an article in the newspaper about his capturing Adam Montgomery’s assailant, Jessica had put the pieces together. Sam had been going to have lunch with his mother. “I saw you on the news tonight. How did the investigation go?”

      Sam shook his head. “I’ve had better days. If I hadn’t had a date planned, I’d probably have grabbed a burger and worked straight through.”

      “You have to go back to work after dinner?” She turned, suddenly aware of the cramped quarters, of how firm his square shoulders felt against hers.

      “Afraid so. Let’s talk about something more pleasant.”

      Jessica tilted her head. “Such as…the auction?”

      “Such as your adorable daughter.” He laughed. “Surely you don’t think I’d refer to the bachelor auction as pleasant.”

      “It’s going to be fun. You get to meet someone new, and it won’t cost you anything. What’s wrong with that?”

      “I don’t like being set up. And this screams of trouble.”

      Amy mumbled quietly, and Jessica СКАЧАТЬ