Love Me Tonight. Gwynne Forster
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Название: Love Me Tonight

Автор: Gwynne Forster

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472019011


СКАЧАТЬ as he was attractive. She was accustomed to trusting her mind, but it wasn’t working properly because her father had unsettled her in a way that would have put Einstein in a quandary. “What the hell!” she said to herself as she unlocked the door of her apartment. “I’ll deal with it.”

      More that ever, Judson felt an urge to know who he was. He was thirty-four years old, and the time would soon come when he would want to marry and raise a family. He figured he ought to know more about his background, if only for his children’s sake.

      “I suspect I’m going to need all the financial resources I can muster,” he said to Scott when they spoke by phone Sunday evening.

      “So you’re going to really pursue it, huh? A lot of adoption papers are sealed. It won’t be easy.”

      He tapped the nightstand with his rubber eraser. “I’m going a different route. I believe I know where I was born, and I’ll take it from there. If I hit a blank wall, I’ll figure out something else. Right now, my gut instinct is to begin with the bits of information I have. I’ll be busy. I’ve taken on a new case and it’s going to be tough.”

      “What’s the topic?”

      “A radiology report that led to a misdiagnosis.”

      “Did the patient die as a result?”

      “No. The patient’s and the doctor’s reputations were injured. I’ll file suit in about six weeks.”

      “You sound pretty confident.”

      “There’s no guesswork.” He paused. “Have you seen Heather this week?”

      “She was at work Friday. She told me she was worried about her dad.”

      “I gathered as much the day I visited her. Gotta go.”

      He hung up and dialed Heather’s number. “This is Judson,” he said when she answered. “How are you feeling?”

      “Not much of my cold left, Judson. How are you?”

      “I’m fine. How’s your dad?”

      “I just left him. We had a good visit, but he told me that neither he nor his doctor expects his condition to improve. I had to keep a straight face. I didn’t want him to start worrying about me. But th-this is awful, Judson.”

      “Believe me, I know. If you don’t have any plans, would you have dinner with me? I know it’s a last-minute invitation, but I want to see you. Maybe you’d feel better with some company.”

      She didn’t hesitate. “I may not be good company, but if you think I won’t ruin your Sunday evening, okay. Give me about forty-five minutes.”

      Just the kind of woman he liked. Not a hint of coyness. “I’ll be there at seven o’clock.” He hung up. Whether she agreed because of her mood, or because she liked his company was immaterial. She’d agreed to see him; he could handle the rest.

      At least he’ll see me without a runny nose, Heather thought, rationalizing why she’d agreed to have dinner with Judson. She rarely got depressed, but her father and Annie were all she had, and the thought of losing her father was more than she was able to contemplate right now. She went to her closet and scanned it for anything that was attractive and red, a color that always made her feel outgoing and confident.

      Her V-neck, sleeveless dress had a wide, multitiered skirt, and when she looked at herself in the full-length mirror, she thought of her college graduation.

      “You’ve come a long way in a short time,” she said aloud. The doorbell rang. She looked down at her red toenails peeping through the straps of her three-inch heel, black patent-leather sandals and wondered what Judson would think of them. She was who she was. Tossing her head, she strolled to the door and opened it.

      “Hi. You’re right on time. Come in.”

      He handed her three calla lilies—red, purple and yellow—wrapped in cellophane and tied with a red ribbon. “Hi. How are you feeling?”

      “I’m making it. These flowers are lovely. I think they’re precisely what I need. Just the right touch.”

      “Thank you. I’ve chosen an Italian restaurant that specializes in seafood, but if you’d prefer something else, I have a couple of alternatives.”

      “Excuse me a minute.” She went into the kitchen, put the flowers in a vase with water and returned with them. “I think I’ll put them in the living room on the coffee table. When I get back I’ll put them on my nightstand. And by the way, I love Italian food. Italian is always your best bet with me.”

      “I’m glad to know that,” he said.

      Heather grabbed a white cashmere sweater and joined him.

      “Ready?” he asked.

      She locked the door to her house and followed Judson to his car. “How did I know you’d drive a Buick?” She said aloud and immediately wished she could have kicked herself.

      “Now, you are definitely going to have to explain that,” he said.

      “You are not ostentatious, but you like quality. My second guess would be a Mercedes, but that’s got status written all over it, so you’d choose something else.”

      He glanced at her as he pulled away from the curb. “And to think I’ve had the impression that I’m complicated. I’m not a show-off. You’re right about that. I love the Mercedes coupe, but this car uses less gas and is kinder to the environment. How did you get to Hagerstown?”

      “I drove. State Department gives me a chauffeured car, but I’d rather not use it for personal business, unless I have to. I do use it at night. My car’s a Lexus.” She held up her hand. “I know. I should be helping our environment, but at least I’m helping our employment rate, since that car’s made here.”

      “How long does it take you to drive to Hagerstown?”

      “An hour and a half or so, but one day I’ll get caught.”

      “I won’t go there,” he kidded. “I’m planning on visiting Hagerstown soon to begin looking for my birth parents. I found a birth announcement for a boy who’d be about my age. Coincidently, my adoptive mother was born there.”

      Heather didn’t want to discourage Judson, so she said, “You have to look everywhere until you’re successful, so starting with the birth announcement newspaper clipping is as good a place as any. Will you be looking for any relatives?”

      “That’s the idea. Some of them may know something.”

      “If I can help you in any way, you know I will.”

      “I appreciate that. First, I’ll find the names and contact information of African-American newspapers.”

      “Judson, you don’t have to research that. Most of that information is available in the local library or the Internet.”

      “Thanks. This is very helpful.”

      “I think you have СКАЧАТЬ