Romancing the Runway. Linda Hudson-Smith
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Название: Romancing the Runway

Автор: Linda Hudson-Smith

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472019974


СКАЧАТЬ never leave here without my sweet potato pie. If you’re ready to go, I can order it for takeout.”

      Kennedy waved off his concern. “I’m in no hurry. If you wait to eat it at home, I won’t get a chance to steal a pinch.” She laughed at her flirty hint.

      Xavier grinned. “I hear you. I’ll get the waiter over here right away. Sure you don’t want anything else?”

      Ashamed that she’d left a fair amount of salad on her plate, she looked down at it. “If I could eat anything else, I’d finish off what I already ordered. In a lot of places salads are super-sized these days. I’m not wasteful…and I promise I’ll finish what I take out.”

      “Don’t give it another thought.” He looked down at his plate and cracked up. “Mama would be proud of me if she saw my dish. It was too good not to eat it all.”

      The waiter arrived simultaneously with the end of Xavier’s comment. He ordered two slices of sweet potato pie, one to eat now and another slice for takeout.

      Their intense gazes suddenly caught and locked for several seconds. Kennedy turned her head away. She liked his bluish-gray eyes, loved his dazzling smile and his solid packaging. She felt breathless for a moment. If looking at his tantalizing lips, full, sexy and inviting, took her breath away, what would happen if he tried to kiss her? She’d welcome it and probably grow greedy for more.

      Kennedy couldn’t get her mind to switch gears. Wondering what might occur when Xavier walked her to her door had her trembling inside.

      Xavier reached across the table and closed his hand over Kennedy’s. “Think you can find your way back to earth?”

      Feeling her color rise, Kennedy tried to laugh off her embarrassment. “Sorry about that. I don’t know where my mind skidded off to.”

      “You don’t? I know exactly where my mind was in your absence.”

      She knew he was setting her up, but she still decided to take the bait. “Where?”

      His eye color deepened. “Out there on the dance floor, holding you in my arms. Think we can make it happen? I’d love to dance with you.” The deepness of his voice was strong and husky, yet intimately passionate.

      Dancing was her absolute favorite thing to do. She looked across at the dance floor, where patrons were grooving to the smooth piano tunes. “The feeling is mutual.” She scooted her chair back from the table and waited for him to extend his hand.

      As Xavier took Kennedy’s hand into his, guiding her out onto the dance floor, his smile defied description. The heat emanating from his hands warmed her through and through. The heat grew feverish as he gently pulled her in close to his body, leading her in a seductive slow dance. A light breeze just might help cool things down, she thought.

      The intense desire Kennedy had to lay her head against Xavier’s chest was no match for the common sense busy kicking her in the shins. Her strong attraction to him couldn’t be denied. Nor would she try to deny it, but she had to proceed with caution.

      Her thoughts flew her back to the beach modeling gig in Malibu, where his fiery hands had explored her anatomy with relaxed ease, touching her like this, caressing her like that. His lips had come within micro inches of hers—and it had been doubly hard not to make the sweetest of introductions. She shivered at the thought of a passionate lip connection.

      Kennedy had been checking him out the entire day. And she had made it her business to find out if Xavier was in a relationship. She had had her fill of men who thought it was okay to date more than one woman at a time, especially without making them aware of the intent. All of the sources she’d spoken to had been very reliable, which was the main reason she’d accepted his invitation to dinner. According to Xavier De Marco’s peers, the man had a stellar reputation.

      The many things Kennedy and Xavier soon learned they had in common amazed them. They liked the same music, loved sports—and each possessed a strong desire to see the entire world to experience life in other cultures. Both were champions to the underdog. They were also in just the right profession to have it all.

      Xavier realized Kennedy was lost to him again, her mind off to somewhere else, but he was okay with it this time. She was safely in his arms and the night was still very young. “The Look of Love” was playing softly and “Never Can Say Goodbye” had just ended. He hadn’t planned to go inside when he took her home, that was, if she even invited him in, but he knew he wanted a host of encore dates.

      Kennedy was something special. Xavier’s instincts had told him that much. Even though he didn’t believe in dogging women, period, he wouldn’t ever think of half-stepping with this woman. She deserved his all, his everything, and he was sure she’d come to demand the same from him. He didn’t plan on falling short of her expectations.

      The quiet ride to her home in the close confines of his convertible Mercedes Benz 350 CLK had her breath catching every few minutes. He smelled so good, so manly. After all their hours together, his light citrus-scented cologne still stirred her senses. As she studied his hands on the steering wheel, she saw that he had tight control, without being uptight. It was like he caressed the wheel, holding it steady and sure. She felt safe.

      The radio station Xavier had tuned in to was one of those late-night romance fests, where the DJ had a smooth, silky voice and knew all the right buttons to push to heat things—and bodies—up. Every song was soft and sensuous, sweet, sweltering and sexy.

      The more she thought about it, the more she was sure she’d love for Xavier to wrap her up in his arms securely, stroke her limbs tenderly, kiss her hungry mouth passionately and tenderly nibble on her earlobes until her heart thumped wildly.

      Laying her head back on the headrest, Kennedy closed her eyes. These were the kinds of provocative moments one savored when becoming lost in the array of intimate possibilities. Xavier was the kind of man Kennedy had often daydreamed about, only to later meet up with him in her bedtime fantasies. Waking up alone was always disappointing.

      Taking the keys from Kennedy’s hand, Xavier opened the door and handed the heart-shaped ring back to her. “Want me to make sure there’s no boogeyman inside?”

      The lighthearted teasing from Xavier made Kennedy laugh. “I’m not scared of any old boogeyman.” She flexed her arm muscles. “This girl got muscles. If someone jumps out at me, they’d better be ready for action. I got some serious, kick-butt moves.”

      “Okay, Miss Tae Kwan Do.” His expression suddenly turned sober. “I really enjoyed myself. You’re refreshing. Any chance we might do this again?”

      “Any chance we might not?” Kennedy shot back. Xavier was impressed by how quickly she’d fired right back. “Or was that just your way of asking me out again?”

      He eyed her with intense curiosity. “What if is was? How would you respond?”

      Laughing, Kennedy shook her head from side to side. “Since you haven’t asked me anything specific, I don’t know how I’d respond.”

      He took hold of both her hands. “Will you go out with me again, Kennedy?”

      “I’d love to. Nothing would give me more pleasure.” She openly flirted.

      “What about tomorrow evening? I’d love to cook dinner СКАЧАТЬ