Her Christmas Hero. Lorraine Beatty
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Название: Her Christmas Hero

Автор: Lorraine Beatty

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474045414


СКАЧАТЬ plenty of professional help. As she concluded the meeting she sensed excitement in the air. A swell of joy filled her throat. The owners were in agreement that pumping up the holiday events was vital to recuperating some of the sales lost when the Southways plant closed down last year and tossed over a hundred people out of work.

      Several owners stopped by to express their delight in the events and pledge their support. Now it was up to her to make the necessary arrangements and coordinate all the bits and pieces.

      “What happened to the Christmas parade?”

      Gemma started at the sound of the deep voice. Linc’s voice. It was hard to ignore once you’d heard it. Rich and smooth, it flowed along her nerves like warm honey. She looked into his blue eyes and suddenly found it difficult to swallow. “What are you doing here?”

      “I’ve been in the back, listening to your pitch.”

      His intense navy blue eyes zeroed in on her, making her forget his question. “The parade?”

      “It’s a tradition. Has been since I was a kid. We all looked forward to it each year. There’s going to be a lot of kids disappointed if it’s canceled.”

      Linc’s tone suggested that she should reinstate it at once. But she knew what he didn’t. “I doubt that. According to the reports I have the parade has shrunk in size over the last five years, and attendance has fallen to a trickle.” She tapped an app on her cell and swiped to the right page. “Last year there were only three floats, a fire truck and the Santa float. One police officer was assigned for crowd control and the parade lasted barely fifteen minutes.” She smiled up at Linc. “Is that the tradition you’re referring to?” A muscle in Linc’s jaw flexed.

      “I know you’re new here and you’re not familiar with our Christmas traditions. But we cherish our celebrations. We like the way it’s been done in the past. It works for us.”

      She raised her chin and planted a hand on her hip. “Actually, it doesn’t work. Business has fallen sharply over the past three years. When Southways closed it got worse. The Chamber has hired me to turn things around by making Christmas in Dover more appealing to people who will spend money in the stores and restaurants.”

      Linc crossed his arms and looked down his nose. “Surely you can come up with a compromise that will preserve our traditions and still attract tourists.”

      “Like a parade?”

      “Yes. My mother was in charge of that for years and everyone loved it.”

      “Are you aware that there are six holiday parades around the area? Several in Jackson and the suburbs that are much larger and draw the bulk of the crowds. You have to give people more reason to come to Dover than just a puny parade.”

      “What if we don’t want more people in Dover?”

      “You’re a businessman—is that what you really want?”

      “What I want is to keep our cherished traditions intact.”

      “Traditions are habits with no meaning. Most people don’t even know why or how they got started.”

      “You’re wrong. They are important rituals that remind us of our past, of our roots and our history.”

      Gemma crossed her arms over her chest. “Really? Then, why does the courthouse put up a red star on the dome every year?” She almost laughed at the stunned look on Linc’s face. He clearly had no answer for her. “It was donated to the city in 1972 to honor longtime mayor Louis Carswell. Is that part of the history you cherish?”

      She scooped up her satchel and headed for the door, eager to make her escape while Linc was still stunned. He quickly caught up with her.

      “You’re deliberately twisting things.”

      She stopped and faced him. “No. I’m pointing out the flaw in your reasoning. Tradition is useless sentiment. Comfort food for the brain. I’m here to create events that will bring joy and happiness to people, to let them have fun and experience Christmas to the fullest.”

      “Are you talking about the commercial Christmas or the real one?


      “Not possible.”

      “Of course it is. If your heart is in the right place. Good night, Linc.”

      Gemma walked to her car with a smile on her face. She was actually coming to enjoy these little skirmishes with Linc. It might be fun toppling some of that arrogance. What he didn’t realize was that every time he challenged her it only made her more determined to make the Dover Christmas celebrations the biggest and flashiest she possibly could.

       Take that, Mr. Linc.

      Saturday morning was chilly and overcast with a brisk breeze that demanded a warm jacket and a scarf to protect against the cold. Gemma hardly noticed. Her attention was focused on the happy boy on the field. Never had she felt so proud and so grateful. Watching Evan play flag football had lightened her mood and confirmed her decision to take the Chamber job. He was having the time of his life. He’d taken the field hesitantly at first, but quickly found his footing and had played the game with enthusiasm. It had helped that his new school friend and neighbor, Cody, was on the team.

      And she had Linc to thank. She watched as he paced up and down the sidelines cheering on the boys, calling out directions and letting loose with a whoop and a fist in the air when they scored. He’d surprised her. She’d expected him to be demanding and harsh if the boys failed to perform well. When he strolled past her this time, he smiled and gestured toward the field.

      “Evan is a natural. Was his dad an athlete?”

      Gemma’s good mood plummeted the way it always did when the subject of Evan’s father came up. She stared straight ahead, focusing on the red number two on her son’s back. “I have no idea.” She sensed his surprise, but after a moment he moved on down the sideline calling out to one of the boys.

      The game ended in a tie, but none of the players seemed to care. Evan raced toward her with a huge smile on his face, revealing his crooked teeth. There were braces in his future. But she’d do anything, spend any amount to make sure he had a happy life.

      Linc dismissed the boys from a short postgame meeting, and Gemma opened her arms for a hug as soon as Evan ran back toward her. “You were great, honey. Did you have fun?”

      “It was awesome. I can’t wait for next week.”

      Linc joined them, ruffling Evan’s hair. “Good job, buddy. You’re a real asset to the team.” He looked at her and smiled. “You ready to head to the storage area?”

      They had ridden to the game with Linc this morning so he could show her the way. The fields were tucked away on the edge of Dover in what used to be a cotton field. She would have had trouble finding it alone. He also offered to drive her to the storage facility after the game.

      “Yes. I just need to check with the Fenellis. They invited Evan to go with them to get pizza.”

      As СКАЧАТЬ