The Outrageous Debutante. Anne O'Brien
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Название: The Outrageous Debutante

Автор: Anne O'Brien

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781408983393


СКАЧАТЬ to kindness with rude and insulting words? Yet a tinge of admiration crept under his skin, recognition of her courage and spirit, until he deliberately, ruthlessly thrust it away.

      Lifting his hand from the reins, he stretched it, then made a fist with a grimace. The welt was red, a little swollen where the blow had broken the skin. He swore at the sting of pain.

      Of one thing he was quite certain, he decided, as he turned into the entrance of Grosvenor Square. He had never met the woman before. And he would not be sorry if he never saw her again.

      ‘It is a very pretty dress,’ Thea acknowledged with what could be interpreted as a most accommodating smile, if one did not know the lady. ‘And I am sure that the colour is most suitable and flattering to any young girl. But I will not wear pale pink.’

      ‘But it is Maiden’s Blush, miss.’

      The four ladies all surveyed the gown being displayed in the arms of the assistant at Madame Therese’s in New Bond Street with varying degrees of appreciation. The assistant frowned, impervious to the débutante’s smile. As Madame Therese’s senior assistant, she was used to dealing with their noble customers with superior and knowledgeable condescension. Dealing with this exacting, although exceedingly polite young lady, she felt her temper was beginning to fray.

      ‘Maiden’s Blush it may be, but it is still pale pink. It is entirely inappropriate for my colouring, either my hair or my skin. I will not wear it.’ Thea’s opinion was expressed in the gentlest of tones, almost apologetic in its denial, but her refusal could not be in doubt. The assistant’s frown had no effect.

      ‘Perhaps this would be better suited to you, miss.’ The harassed lady laid the offending gown with its delightfully ruffled skirt and pearl-buttoned sleeves—the epitome of the art of dressmaking and one of their finest designs—across a chair and lifted another with tender care. ‘This is Evening’s Kiss. A most fashionable colour this year. A most exclusive garment, as you can see.’

      ‘That is pale blue.’

      ‘Indeed, it is very attractive, Thea. Such precise but delicate embroidery, don’t you think? Will you not try it?’ Lady Drusilla saw the set of her daughter’s lovely mouth, despite the smile, and her heart sank. Not stubborn exactly, just … well, decided. Dressing Thea was never easy.

      ‘I do not wish to wear pale anything, Mama. How can you ask it of me? You know that I look far better in something with a little—intensity, with depth.’

      ‘But it is most becoming for a débutante.’ The assistant appeared close to tears. This was the sixth gown that had been rejected out of hand and one of them had been Damsel’s Dreams. How could any young lady reject such a confection of white organdie sprinkled with knots of forget-me-nots?


      ‘Jonquil?’ suggested Judith. ‘It is such a soothing colour, I always think, and unexceptional for morning wear.’ The Countess of Painscastle had joined them at Madame Therese’s with apologies for her late arrival. Simon had returned home earlier than she had expected, she explained, with a becoming flush to her cheeks. She had been detained.

      Thea turned unbelieving eyes on Judith. ‘Pale yellow? It will rob my hair of any colour at all! I shall look even more sallow. How I wish that I had been born a brunette with dark eyes! Or a redhead like you.’ She turned her gaze back to the blue creation, determined that she would not grace Almack’s, or any other occasion, in such an insipid dress, however fine the embroidered hem.

      Lady Beatrice sighed and shuffled on her chair. This was going to be just as difficult as she had expected. Theodora had a most unfortunate strength of will. And her mama had apparently encouraged her to exert it with flair and confidence at every possible opportunity. The Evening’s Kiss had been so pretty …

      They were interrupted from any further discussion over the maligned gown by a slight, dark lady coming into the room. Her face was thin, her features narrow and prematurely lined, but her eyes were quick and assessing of the situation.

      ‘Madame Therese.’ Lady Beatrice hailed her in the light of a saviour. ‘Yours is just the advice we need. Here we have Miss Wooton-Devereux who is to go about in society. She is reluctant to wear the dresses we have seen that are suitable for a young girl who is to make her début. Perhaps you can persuade her where we have failed.’

      Madame Therese smiled a greeting. ‘I will try. Let us consider what we might achieve for the lady.’ Her accented voice was genuine. A French emigrée who had fled from her home in Paris, she had been forced to sell her skills. She had a decided air of fashion and an excellent eye for what would suit, so she was soon in demand when she opened her select little establishment in the heart of Mayfair. Rumour said that she had been a countess in her past life. It added a cachet so she did not disabuse her customers.

      ‘Come, mademoiselle.’ She took Thea’s hand to draw her to her feet. ‘If you would stand. And turn a little. You have an excellent figure, if I might venture. And such a slender neck. It will show to good advantage in the low necklines that are so fashionable this year. And with your hair so short—c’est magnifique. You are tall enough to carry the slender skirts with style. I think we shall manage very well. Tell me what you would choose to wear.’

      The result was a comfortable and detailed conversation between Madame Therese and Miss Wooton-Devereux, which resulted in the hovering assistant being dispatched to collect a number of garments from the workroom at the back.

      ‘You are not the traditional débutante, not the shy ingenue. I agree.’ Madame Therese spoke her thoughts. ‘I think we should—ah, experiment a little. I believe that we should try for a little restrained sophistication. For youth, of course, but with a layer of confidence. We will keep it simple but add a little gloss—how you say—town bronze.’ She nodded, pleased with the direction of her thoughts. ‘What a challenge it will be to promote a new style for a young lady who is not merely a child. I think that we might take the town by storm. I vow that you will wear any of my creations with panache, mademoiselle

      ‘I do not think that we wish to draw too much attention …’ Lady Drusilla was quietly horrified. It would take little to encourage Thea. Taking anything by storm was not a careful mama’s intention. A quiet, demure introduction would be much more the thing and far more likely to attract the titled gentleman she had in mind.

      ‘No, no, Mama.’ Thea’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm for the first time since they had set foot inside the establishment. ‘Madame Therese understands perfectly.’

      ‘I do indeed.’ The dark eyes reflected the sparkle. ‘There is no need for concern, my lady,’ she was quick to reassure Lady Drusilla. ‘We shall consider nothing outrageous or unseemly. All will be tasteful and elegant. Now. Might I suggest …’

      The next hour passed rapidly. An array of dresses appeared as if by magic for mademoiselle to try. Dresses for morning wear, for afternoon visits, for walking or driving in Hyde Park. Silk spencers for when the day was inclement. Gowns for an informal soirée at home, or an evening at Almack’s. Even for a formal ball with a matching cloak and satin slippers. The prevailing style suited Thea to perfection, Judith had to admit with only a hint of jealousy, as she watched her new friend execute a sedate twirl in a high-waisted, low-necked column of shimmering gold with a transparent gauze overskirt. She was as tall and stately, as coolly elegant, as a regale lily until you saw the flash of fire, of sheer enjoyment in those dark blue eyes.

      The gowns were, as Madame Therese СКАЧАТЬ