The Marriage Agreement. Renee Ryan
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Название: The Marriage Agreement

Автор: Renee Ryan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474035040


СКАЧАТЬ mother, always so full of life and energy, had contracted asthma recently, a chronic disease that usually showed up in childhood, but was not uncommon to reveal itself later in life. Although the doctor said Mary Mitchell’s illness was manageable, Fanny still feared the worst.

      Asthma was incurable. People had been known to die from a severe attack. Her mother suffered bouts regularly. Though hers were usually moderate in nature, stress brought on more severe symptoms. Fanny prayed the party didn’t cause her any additional strain.

      “I look forward to catching up with her while she’s in town,” Mrs. Singletary said. “Your mother has always been one of my very special friends.”

      “And you, hers.”

      “Walk us out, Miss Mitchell.”

      “Of course.” Fanny led Mrs. Singletary and Philomena to the front steps of the hotel, then bade them farewell. Back in the lobby, she fingered the guest list. This needs addressing immediately. She cast a surreptitious glance toward Jonathon’s office.

      The door swung open and out walked the man himself.

      Never one to put off an unpleasant situation, Fanny hurried over to meet him. Something in the way he held his shoulders caused her unspeakable concern.

      Judge Greene forgotten, she touched her employer’s arm. It was barely a whisper of fingertips to sleeve, yet had the intended effect. Jonathon slowly looked down at her.

      The moment their gazes merged, Fanny’s breath backed up in her throat. His face was like a stone, but his eyes were hot with anguish.

      She tightened her grip. “What’s happened? Is something wrong with the hotel?”

      “No, it’s my...” His words trailed off and his gaze fastened on a spot somewhere far off in the distance.

      Her hand fell away from his arm. However, her resolve to ease his distress remained firmly in place. “Perhaps you would care to take a short walk with me?”

      She spoke in a mild tone, the way she would when making the same suggestion any other time. They often took walks together, mostly when Jonathon required her opinion about some issue in one of his hotels.

      “A light snowfall has begun,” she added, knowing it was his favorite time to be outdoors.

      Hers, as well. There was nothing more wonderful than those precious moments when the world fell quiet beneath a blanket of fluffy white flakes.

      Jonathon remained silent, his gaze unblinking.

      “Come with me.” She took his hand and pulled him toward the exit.

      For several steps he obliged her. Just when she thought she had him agreeable to the idea of a brief stroll, he drew his hand free.

      “Not right now, Fanny.” His voice was hoarse and gravelly, not at all the smooth baritone she was used to hearing from him. “I have another matter that requires my immediate attention.”

      His deliberate vagueness put a wedge between them. She bit back a sigh. “I understand.”

      In truth, she understood far too well. He’d shut her out. It wasn’t the first time and probably wouldn’t be the last. Nevertheless, it stung to realize he didn’t trust her, at least not enough to share what had put him in such a dark mood.

      Without a word of explanation, he turned to go, then just as quickly pivoted back around to face her. “I’m not certain how long I’ll be gone. I need you to see to any issues that may arise in my absence.”

      “You can count on me.”

      She didn’t attempt to pry for additional information. He would reveal whatever was on his mind when he was ready. Or he wouldn’t. It was a reminder of how little he trusted her concerning his life outside the hotel.

      He’s not for you.

      But there was someone out there who was; she sensed it as surely as she knew her own name. She simply had to trust the Lord would lead her to her one true love in His time. Patience, faith—those were her greatest tools.

      “I’ll be here when you return,” she said when Jonathon made no move to leave.

      He reached up and touched her cheek. The gesture was brief, yet so full of tenderness she thought she might cry. Did the man realize how good he was beneath that polished, unflappable exterior he presented to the world?

      He would make a wonderful husband, and an exceptional father, if only he would allow someone—anyone—to squeeze through the cracks and into his heart. She wanted that for him, desperately.

      “I count on you always being here when I return, Fanny.” His expression softened. “More than you can possibly know.”

      With relief, she heard the message beneath his words. Jonathon relied on her above all others.

      The thought should have made her happy, but instead produced a small stab of pain in the vicinity of her heart. The sensation felt a lot like loss.

       Chapter Three

      Later that same afternoon, Fanny found one excuse after another to return to the hotel lobby. If she was called away, she took care of the matter quickly and then hurried back to her post behind the registration desk. She was probably overreacting, but she couldn’t shake the notion that Jonathon needed her.

      She knew the exact moment he reentered the hotel. Even if she hadn’t been watching for him, the air actually changed. The atrium felt somehow smaller, his presence was that large and compelling. Everyone else in the building faded in comparison.

      Or maybe that was Fanny’s singular reaction to the man. None of the guests milling about seemed quite as captivated by Jonathon Hawkins as she.

      Of course, she’d been watching for his return. Her concern had grown exponentially with each passing hour. Catching a glimpse of his face and the way he held his shoulders, she knew she’d been right to worry. He was still as distraught as when he’d left.

      He hadn’t seen her yet.

      She took the opportunity to study him without interruption.

      His steps were clipped, purposeful, a man in complete control of his domain. But his eyes. Oh, his eyes. Fanny had never seen that look of raw emotion in his gaze before.

      Hurrying out from behind the registration desk, she cut into his direct line of vision.

      His feet ground to a halt.

      “Jonathon.” Unable to mask her concern, Fanny spoke his name in a rush. No good, no good. That would only entice him to put up his guard.

      She adopted a breezy, businesslike tone and began again. “Tell me what you need. Name it and it’s done.”

      He looked at her oddly, then cracked a half smile. “I appreciate the offer, but everything’s under control.”

      She frowned at the СКАЧАТЬ