Engaging the Earl. Mandy Goff
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Название: Engaging the Earl

Автор: Mandy Goff

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781408980231


СКАЧАТЬ you wherever you’re going safely.”

      And that would be helpful, she thought, if he could somehow manage to get me there four hours ago. As it stands, I’m growing later by the minute, and this additional delay is hardly helping. She smiled tightly at the constable in response.

      As if he sensed her frustration, Mr. Fairfax swiftly drew the exchange to a close. “Good night, Constable Hilliard.” Then he wasted no time pulling her away and down the sidewalk. “My carriage is not far. I’ll take you home,” he said to Emma.

      Emma let herself be pulled along, while trying to decide exactly what she should do.

      It was hardly ideal to accept an escort from a man she had not properly met. If she saw anyone who knew her, the resulting scandal would be sensational. But who were they likely to encounter at this hour? And the constable had seemed entirely convinced that Mr. Fairfax was respectable. The most compelling reason of all to go along with him was that she wouldn’t have to walk back to the Roths, costing herself even more precious time in the process.

      So Emma allowed him to guide her past the puddles of indefinable liquid on the street, away from the leers and jeers of men congregating in their path. And it was actually rather nice not to feel exposed and in danger.

      Mr. Fairfax’s carriage appeared in the distance. Within minutes, she was safely ensconced in the luxurious coach and had given Mr. Fairfax the Roths’ address, which he conveyed to the driver.

      â€œI appreciate your assistance,” Emma said rather grudgingly once the gentleman took a seat across from her.

      The man had helped her a great deal. Emma had not spotted a single hack during her exchange with Mr. Fairfax and then the constable. Were it not for Mr. Fairfax’s offer of his escort, she would be facing the unpleasant prospect of a long walk through some rather unsafe streets.

      Not that a carriage ride would save her from being fired.

      â€œWhy so pensive?” Mr. Fairfax asked quietly.

      â€œI’m wondering what my employer will say about my tardiness.” She didn’t know what possessed her to share that; her plan had been to enjoy the ride in stony silence, not wanting to converse with Mr. Fairfax any more than necessary.

      â€œEmployer?” he repeated. “You’re going to work at this hour? What do you do?”

      â€œI’m a governess.”

      â€œAh,” he said.

      It was on the tip of Emma’s tongue to ask him what that meant, but she bit the question back.

      Mr. Fairfax stretched out his long legs, and because of the close confines of the carriage, Emma felt even more crowded. She resisted the urge to shy away from him.

      â€œWhat were you doing in this part of town so late?” he asked.

      Emma had no intention of answering that question.

      â€œThat’s personal.” The words came out more snappish than she’d intended.

      Mr. Fairfax frowned. “This isn’t a safe place for a gently bred lady to be.”

      â€œI hardly think that would concern you at all.” Emma bristled at his tone.

      Mr. Fairfax didn’t back down. “You need to think carefully about where you travel, especially at night.” Along with the I-know-better-than-you attitude came a strong note of disapproval.

      â€œDon’t trouble yourself, Mr. Fairfax. I think I can manage without your pearls of wisdom—” A phrase she decided on instead of her first choice, which had been “overbearing dictates.”

      His nostrils flared. “Had I not troubled myself this evening, you would have found yourself robbed … or worse,” he said ominously.

      â€œSo you say,” Emma said stubbornly. She didn’t want to concede the smallest point to her new adversary. “I never saw anyone behind me anyway.”

      â€œI came to your assistance before he had a chance to accost you,” Mr. Fairfax argued.

      The battle over who could be the most intractable continued until the carriage rumbled up to the Roths’ townhome. Emma made a move toward the coach’s door, but Mr. Fairfax was faster. Swinging the door open, he jumped down to the street and reached out his hand to help her descend.

      â€œThank you for your unnecessary assistance,” she grumbled, dropping her hold on his hand once both of her feet were on the ground.

      â€œMy pleasure.” He bit out the words.

      When Emma began walking toward the back of the house, Mr. Fairfax followed her.

      â€œWhat do you think you’re doing?” she hissed, reaching around, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the shadows.

      â€œWalking you to the door,” he said, as though he were a typical gentleman escorting a young lady home after a leisurely stroll.

      Their situation was anything but typical.

      â€œAre you mad? What if someone sees you?”

      â€œWho do you expect to be awake at this time of night?” he asked with a lift of his eyebrow.

      Emma didn’t bother mentioning that Lady Roth was undoubtedly waiting for her. “You can’t very well tell me you expect a band of ruffians or thieves to be hiding behind the bushes, waiting to accost me,” Emma said instead.

      Mr. Fairfax obviously thought answering her wasn’t necessary, because he only held out his arm, indicating she should lead and he would follow. Throwing her hands up in disgust, she resumed her walk to the house and didn’t bother to look back to see if he was following.

      But of course he was.

      When they reached the servants’ entrance, Emma motioned for Mr. Fairfax to step back into the shadows. Surprisingly, he complied without comment, and she blew out a heavy breath of relief.

      â€œI suppose I should thank you for the escort,” Emma said, hesitating on opening the back door.

      â€œBut you’re not going to?” Mr. Fairfax asked with a smirk. The shadows obscured most of his expression, including his injured eye. Emma briefly noticed the effect was actually quite dashing.

      â€œThank you,” she replied, working to push the errant observation out of her mind. Her words of gratitude sounded rather grudging, however. Very grudging.

      â€œI’ll wait here until you’re inside,” he told her.

      Emma didn’t argue. Even with only their brief acquaintance as a guide, she knew it would have been pointless. But she did steal one last look at the handsome man standing in the shadows before she pulled the door shut behind her and stepped into the darkened kitchen.

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