The Last Gamble. Anabelle Bryant
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Название: The Last Gamble

Автор: Anabelle Bryant

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781474070591


СКАЧАТЬ of one taste of her breasts would cause a man to sell his soul to the Devil. He adjusted his position on the chair just as she turned to put away the honey… oh, and the honey. Damn if he couldn’t think of a hundred uses for that. Damn if Georgina wasn’t the most beddable governess he’d ever imagined. If he needed to resort to seduction…

      He banished his lustful fantasies, pushing them aside for what remained most important. He needed to find Nathaniel. Still, after decades on the street and involvement at the hell, caution never proved his strong suit. ‘Your suggestions are well meant but will prove of no use. I’ve exhausted every resource at my disposal. The most powerful weapon is a credible and impartial stranger to support my claim. That’s why you need to come to London.’

      ‘I don’t even know you.’ Her words were cautious at best.

      ‘But you know my problem.’ Nathaniel. I’m so sorry, Nate. ‘I must find my son and you’re the only person who can help.’

      ‘I’ll think about it.’

      She came to sit at the table, a personal portrait of simple country living. Two adults discussing their plans for the immediate future. How different life proceeded away from the city. It reminded of a time long ago when he first learned he would be a father, the grave parallel of the two scenes uncanny.

      ‘I hope so. I need your help.’ He winced as he moved his arm on the table. He wasn’t above evoking a bit of guilt if it accomplished his goal, though the words didn’t come easily. ‘With your testimony, it would be difficult for a magistrate to ignore my claim.’ In truth, he wondered if that hypothesis held true, but faced with no other leads, it offered a promising path to pursue. Mayhap he could confront Dursley with Georgina at his side, although he would never wish to do anything to upset her or place the governess in harm’s way. She deserved better. Scandal wouldn’t reach her out here hidden in the countryside, but that didn’t mean he would exploit her generosity were she to decide to help. And he would convince her.

      He would make true his invitation to show her The Underworld. Introduce her to Cole and Sinclair. A stroke of pride squared his shoulders as he viewed her now. She remained quiet so he turned the conversation in an attempt to learn more about her. ‘Do you enjoy working as a governess? I’ll confess I was never one for schooling.’ At least not the kind involving books.

      ‘I do.’ Her mouth lifted in a pleasant smile. ‘What is it you do at this gaming hell?’

      ‘Whatever needs to be done. Numbers, business, money, it all runs together. I manage operations within the establishment with two partners. It’s a popular distraction for the ton.’ His voice rang with confidence and rightly so.

      ‘That sounds dangerous, although I admit I’m intrigued.’ Her eyes were bright, as clear and blue as a summer sky. ‘Where is it located?’

      ‘Eleven Bond Street, West End.’

      ‘Near St James Square then?’


      The conversation had become casual and surely Georgina didn’t realize her mistake. No country governess would know the landmark locations of London streets without an intimate knowledge of the city. The lovely lady hid something, most definitely.

      ‘Yes.’ He wouldn’t elaborate or point out her error, not wishing to destroy the fragile trust. ‘I would be happy to escort you there were you to come to London. It’s not a place women are allowed to frequent and would present a rare opportunity for someone interested in learning new things.’

      She hemmed her bottom lip and he couldn’t help but focus on the erotic habit. He’d never kissed a governess. Better sense intruded to poke holes in his logic and remind the latter part of that sentence could be completed a plethora of ways. He’d never kissed a fishmonger, never kissed a debutante or duchess or dowager, but he wouldn’t waste time with the mental game. A more enticing proposition took root. Would a kiss convince her to make the two-day journey? Hell and the devil, he’d known his kisses to convince women to do a lot more than that.

      He inhaled again, savouring her light, fresh fragrance, and leaned entirely too close to her person. So close, their breath mingled. He noticed her eyes darted to his mouth and then up again. For a tiny, breathless moment, he thought she might say something, but she remained silent like he, almost as if they waited each other out, a draw of equalled bluff he’d witnessed dozens of times on the gaming-hell floor. Who would fold first? Who would raise the stakes and what did it mean?

      Georgina paused, her breath tight in her lungs. Luke had leaned across the narrow table, his eyes on her lips and her most copious wish in that moment was that he’d kiss her. Repercussions or ramifications beyond that singular idea escaped better sense. How would his mouth feel against hers? She still burned with memory of her body atop his. How would intentional touching feel? The only kiss she’d received made her want to scrub her mouth afterward, but she slammed the door on that unwanted memory faster than it could materialize, disallowing it to intrude and ruin the moment.

      Luke’s kiss promised unfathomable pleasure. Of that she was certain.

      Now, his eyes glinted silver, daring her in a dozen wicked ways, suggesting things and evoking desire with nothing more than a glance. His lashes, long and dark, lowered as if he considered the exact same idea.

      Absorbed in the frisson of energy that ricocheted between them, she didn’t notice Biscuit’s howling protest and the scratch of his frantic bid to enter until Luke pulled back and cleared his throat.

      ‘Oh, Biscuit.’ She gave a vigorous shake of the head as if that alone would dispatch the romantic haze from her brain as she hurried to the back door. By the time she’d filled the pug’s water bowl and he lapped at his refreshment, Luke appeared ready to take his leave.

      ‘Thank you, Georgina.’

      She startled the smallest degree, hearing her name in his voice. ‘My apologies again on behalf of my dog.’ She eyed the pug, who now reclined in a sated, furry heap on the kitchen floor. ‘I can only surmise he feared for my safety.’

      ‘Foolish, that. Let’s not dwell on it.’ He smiled, that dimple at work to weaken her knees. ‘Before I leave, perhaps you can recommend a restaurant for my dinner this evening. The inn doesn’t have a formal dining room and I do my best healing on a full stomach.’ His eyes twinkled with the reference to the bite wound.

      ‘There’s only one pub aside from the teahouse. Sadly, the food there is not very good. I’ve taken to teaching myself to cook. The market has an excellent assortment of meat and produce and the butcher has a mind to save the finer cuts for me. Tonight, I’m preparing partridge with blackberry sauce and fresh artichokes.’ She hiked her chin higher, proud of her accomplishment in conquering the detailed recipes in the culinary volume she’d purchased at the bookstore. Life in Coventry had necessitated she develop a more domestic side to her repertoire of skills.

      ‘Thank you, I accept.’ He smiled, wider this time and she couldn’t help but feel she may have been bamboozled, made victim by a sharper and his shrewd swindle. ‘What time shall I return?’

      She couldn’t in good conscience refuse him. Her dog had bitten his arm, and too, Coventry’s sole restaurant was dreadful. And while she guarded her privacy, one dinner could not hurt, could it? A ridiculous swirl of anticipation tingled down her spine and she moved to open the door and expend the invigorating energy. ‘Six o’clock will do nicely.’

      Luke walked СКАЧАТЬ