The Seal's Return. Patricia Potter
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Название: The Seal's Return

Автор: Patricia Potter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474067072


СКАЧАТЬ Stephanie continued. “It’s a real commitment. Your commitment. Not your sister’s.”

      “I know,” Kerry said. She looked at Lisa. “I’ll take care of her. I promise.”

      “She’s had all her shots and has been spayed. She’s already been chipped in case she ever gets lost,” Stephanie continued. “She’s in good health now, but she’s gone through some tough times, and she needs security and affection. I have to warn you,” Stephanie added, “she’s still in the chewing stage. You don’t want to leave your shoes where she can get them. Chew sticks are advised.”

      Lisa started having doubts after the last comment but by then Susie’s head was resting on Kerry’s shoulder and the dog looked like she’d reached heaven.

      “What is the fee?” Lisa asked.

      Stephanie smiled. “We don’t charge anything if we find the right home, but I belong to a rescue group that accepts donations to help cover their costs. The name and address of the group will be on Susie’s paperwork and it’s completely voluntary. I’ll never know whether you contribute or not.”

      Lisa looked down at Kerry. “What do you think, sis?” she asked, even though the answer was obvious.

      “I want her. Please. Can I take her now?”

      Lisa looked at Stephanie, who hesitated. “You’ll need a collar and leash. Dog dishes. One for water, one for food. Dog food, of course. You can get that at the grocery store here in town. They have several good brands. You might want a dog bed. The general store has those, along with dog toys.”

      Lisa nodded, her mind a cash register as it started adding costs.

      “Why don’t we have lunch at Maude’s?” Stephanie suggested. “We can talk about training Susie. Then you can pick up what you need before taking her home.”

      Lisa hadn’t expected a new member of the family this fast. She’d intended to discuss the possibility first. She’d always been a planner, someone who looked at all aspects of an action before making a decision. But lately it seemed decisions were being made for her.

      Then she saw the broad smile on Kerry’s face and nodded. Her sister obviously didn’t want to leave the dog, and apparently Susie didn’t want her to leave either as she pressed her body against Kerry’s. She was claiming Kerry as much as Kerry was claiming the dog.

      They walked several doors down to Maude’s and went inside. Maude greeted Lisa like an old friend even though it was only the second time they’d met. She walked them to one of the few remaining booths and gave them menus.

      Stephanie talked about Susie and what she’d observed since the dog had been with her, then asked Kerry about herself. “I heard you like horses, too.”

      “Oh, yes,” Kerry said. “Mrs. Manning told Lisa she’d teach me to ride.”

      “What else do you like? In school, for instance, what’s your favorite subject?”

      “English and history.”

      “You’ll have to go to our pageant Saturday night,” Stephanie said. “It’s all about the history here and the gold rush.”

      Kerry looked at Lisa. “Can we?

      “Sure,” Lisa said. “I’d like to see it, too.”

      Lisa listened to Stephanie and Kerry talk about Susie and the dos and don’ts of raising a puppy. She reminded herself that she needed to get home, check on her brother and read the files Dr. Bradley had given her. She planned to spend the entire day at the clinic tomorrow. There were a number of shots to administer to incoming first graders along with three scheduled annual physicals.

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