The Bride Next Door. Winnie Griggs
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Название: The Bride Next Door

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781472014252


СКАЧАТЬ well as myself when I say we’d be pleased to have you join us for supper one evening when you’re available.”

      Her cheeks warmed in pleasure. “Why, thank you. I’d like that.”

      “Be sure to let me know if you need help getting settled in.” Then Adam turned back to Everett. “It’s time I headed home. I’ll be back tomorrow, same time as usual, to see if you’ve figured out your next move.” He tipped his hat her way. “Enjoyed seeing you, Miss Johnson. Good day.”

      Once he’d departed, Daisy felt her smile grow a bit more forced.

      Which was totally unfair. After all, Mr. Fulton had been more than kind to her last night—in his own way, of course. But it was hard to remember that kindness when his disapproving demeanor reminded her so much of her grandmother.

      “I don’t allow animals in my office,” he said stiffly.

      He certainly wasn’t making it easy for her to remember his kindness. “I gave him a bath out by the stream this morning.” She did her best to keep her tone light. “And I assure you he’s very well-behaved. So he won’t leave tracks on your floor or bother any of your things.”

      “Nice to know, but I still don’t allow animals in here.”

      She sighed, then looked down at Kip. “You heard the man, boy. You’ll have to wait outside.” She opened the door and, meeting the animal’s gaze, tried to smile reassuringly as she pointed to the sidewalk. Kip, tail drooping, slowly exited. “I won’t be long.”

      She turned back to Mr. Fulton and had to rein in the urge to glare outright.

      But he apparently had no idea what she was feeling because he wore that infuriatingly condescending look on his face.

      “You talk to that animal as if he understands you,” he said.

      “Because he does.” She lifted her chin. “If not the words, then at least the feelings behind them. Dogs are smarter than most folks give them credit for.”

      Mr. Fulton strode forward. “I trust your foot is better this morning?”

      The thoughtful question put her more at ease. “Yes, thank you, good as new.” Then, remembering her reason for coming over, she thrust out the broom. “I wanted to bring this back in case you were needing it. I sure appreciate you loaning it to me. There was a wagonload of dirt that needed sweeping out of that place.”

      He accepted the cleaning implement and set it against the wall. Then he waved her to a chair in front of his desk. “So you’re finished cleaning.”

      If only that were true. “Afraid not. It’s going to take more than one day to take care of all that needs doing. But I made a good start.” She took the seat he’d indicated.

      “I saw you heading out for a walk this morning,” he said as he took his own seat. “Checking out what our town has to offer?”

      Had he been spying on her? “Actually, I went out and gathered up the materials to make my own broom. There’s still a lot of cleaning to do, and I didn’t want to wear yours down to a nub.” She smiled. “Besides, me and Kip needed to get out in the fresh air and sunshine for a bit after stirring up all that dust and dirt this morning.”

      He raised a brow. “You’re making a broom.”

      Why did he sound so surprised? “It’s not difficult. The hardest part is finding a stick that’s straight enough and sturdy enough to serve as the handle.” She’d learned to be resourceful, not to mention frugal, in the time she’d spent traveling with her father.

      Then she remembered the other reason she was here. “I spotted some dewberry vines out behind the schoolyard when Father and I were here before.” She smiled, pleased with herself. “’Course, most of them won’t ripen for another week or so, but there were some that were ready to pick. I gathered up a bunch and they made for a right tasty breakfast.”

      Something flickered in his expression, but she couldn’t quite read what it was. Not that it mattered. She handed him the cloth-wrapped bundle. “And I brought you some, as well.”

      He didn’t seem particularly eager as he accepted her gift.

      “I assure you that wasn’t necessary,” he said. “All I did was loan you a broom.”

      “And brought me supper last night.” Daisy watched him unwrap the cloth. “Anyway, it’s not much. But they are quite tasty.” She didn’t believe in not returning favors. “Thank the good Lord there’s a plentiful crop of them this year.”

      He stared at her offering for a moment without saying anything. Was something wrong?

      “It’s quite kind of you,” he said, finally looking back up. “But shouldn’t you keep them for yourself?”

      Was he feeling sorry for her? That wouldn’t do at all—she wanted friendship and respect, not pity. “Don’t you like dewberries?” She couldn’t quite keep the starch out of her tone.

      “I don’t believe I’ve ever tasted them. It’s just—”

      “Then it’s settled,” she said firmly. “I can pick more when they ripen—the vines are thick with them.”

      Looking for a way to change the subject, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Do you have any idea what sort of business used to be in my place?”

      “I haven’t a clue. Someone who’s been in Turnabout a lot longer than I have could probably tell you.”

      That confirmed something she’d already guessed. “So you’re not from around here?”

      He spread his hands. “I’ve only settled here recently. I lived in Philadelphia before that.”

      “Philadelphia. That’s over on the east coast, isn’t it?”

      He nodded. “It is.”

      She’d seen a map of the entire country once, and the east coast seemed a far piece from Texas. “So how’d you end up way out here?”

      His expression closed off again. “Just looking for a change of scenery.” He straightened a few papers on his desk. “So what do you have left to do?”

      Had she gotten too nosy? Curiosity was a weakness of hers. “I’ve sorted through most of the furnishings downstairs, but I’m sorry to say most of what was in there wasn’t fit for anything but firewood. There were a few pieces worth salvaging, though. And I found an old bed frame upstairs that’ll be good as new once I get some new rope to string it with and some ticking. I figure I can collect some straw and then stuff me a fresh mattress. Before you know it, I’ll have a proper bed to sleep on.”

      He shifted in his chair when she mentioned her bed. Her grandmother would chide her for being so indelicate.

      She’d best change the subject again. “Do you know of anyone looking for help? I need to find a way to earn some money.”

      He leaned back in his chair. “What kind of work are you qualified to do?”

      Something СКАЧАТЬ