Undone By His Kiss. Anabelle Bryant
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Название: Undone By His Kiss

Автор: Anabelle Bryant

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781474035927


СКАЧАТЬ his precious spirit. She’d never wanted for food or clothing. Yet she was not so unlike the child in a different way, as surely they both wanted for the affection and approval of a loving parent. At least Emily did so at one time.

      “I’m sure the visitor considers his duty done.” Emily’s mutter drew the attention of both doctor and nurse.

      “Miss Shaw, my apologies for this scene.” Dr. Alastar strode forward and the child shrank in equal measure. “With all this commotion, I’ve neglected propriety. Forgive me.” His professional demeanor transformed into easy charm.

      “Please don’t give it another thought. I’ve come to visit the children as always, although it would appear there will be a new addition in the group.” She turned a gentle smile toward the lad pressed into her side.

      “He’ll need a bath and fresh clothing. You shouldn’t be so near until we’ve determined he’s healthy.” The doctor went to one knee, but the child pressed harder into Emily’s side. Was it her imagination or could she feel him trembling through the layers of her walking dress?

      The doctor nodded toward the nurse and she took the initiative with a broad smile. “Come now, what’s your name? Wouldn’t you like a hot bath?”

      The questions prompted the child to withdraw further and Emily’s heart ached at the atrocities he might have endured living near the river, under a bridge or perhaps, sleeping on the cold damp ground night after night. How deep were his scars that he’d not recognize genuine kindness and shun the basic essentials of cleanliness and warm clothing?

      She stared at the top of his filthy blond head, the color all but obscured. He remained mute, silenced by fear or other inhibitions. Emily twisted to free her skirts and knelt beside the nurse to clasp the lad’s hands tightly within her own. “I have more treats in my basket. Not just biscuits, but small toys as well. If you’ll go with the kind nurse, you’ll be clean and ready for supper like all the other children who will fast become your friends.”

      A breach in wariness softened the worry etched in his brow. He glanced to the nurse who’d stepped away and then returned his gaze to Emily, the cynical sideways glance exposing suspicion beyond his tender years. A moment passed before he shoved his fingers into his left pocket, his forehead puckered with determination.

      Emily watched as his free hand worked to retrieve something from his torn trousers, for surely his stance and perseverance proved it as important.

      At last, when she worried Dr. Alastar would show no more patience, the lad accomplished his goal and wriggling a piece of jewelry from the assorted trinkets dragged from his pocket in a tangled clump, treasures he’d salvaged from the perils of the Thames. He gathered the silver chain together and pressed it into her palm.

      Startled, Emily glanced from bracelet to child, before acknowledging his trust with a grateful smile. “How delightful. Thank you ever so much. I will treasure this always.”

      With her words, all apprehension faded. The lad left without a squeak of protest and Emily stared after him, the gift safe in her palm and the hope for another child’s future happiness warm in her soul.

      Across the city, Jasper stole a glance out the window as Penwick exited his carriage. A skip of anticipation, inspired by his desire to succeed, beat a cadence in rhythm to the earl’s walking stick against the slates. Sleep had eluded him last night. Was the thief of his respite eagerness for business or the recurring image of Miss Shaw’s stunning blue eyes? He did not know. Amusement dared distract as memories of the lady’s indignation renewed, but he suppressed the daydream. Now was not the time for fanciful notions. This morning he hoped to secure his first client and initiate an endeavor toward a lucrative, respected future; thus proving his worth to his overbearing brother.

       His brother.

      Jasper considered Dashwood’s imminent return. The wedding trip, initially planned for one month’s time, had already extended a week overlong. How he’d like to secure an account or two before Dash stormed into London, newly married and forever condescending.

      Penwick entered and with tempered enthusiasm Jasper rounded the desk to greet the earl. He’d hardly completed niceties before Randolph rushed through the door.

      “Excellent. Excellent timing.” Randolph’s jovial announcement brought pause. “I wouldn’t want to miss this appointment.” He angled a pointed glare at Penwick, then lower to the earl’s cravat and Randolph’s eyes flared.

      They all seated before Jasper’s desk, but instead of aiming attention to Nasmyth’s invention, the conversation swiftly turned to Penwick’s neckcloth.

      “Fine linen, Penwick. May I inquire of the design?” Randolph leaned forward with pointed interest.

      “My valet is a master with the Osbaldeston knot.” Penwick twisted from left to right to offer a better view of the complicated arrangement. “He outdid himself this morning.”

      “Indeed.” Randolph leaned closer still, his eyes narrowed. “Extraordinary crispness in each complicated crease and fold.”

      Beaufort withdrew, apparently satisfied, and Jasper suppressed the desire to roll his eyes. “Gentlemen, shall we begin?” He smoothed the papers on the desk blotter and looked up with expectation.

      “Of course, although I should mention,” Beaufort eyed Penwick’s assemble, “you’ll be the name on every tongue if you flaunt your valet’s talents at any lively London reverie.”

      “That’s a timely observation as I intend to frequent as many gatherings as possible during my short stay in town. I’m trying to locate a dear friend. Perhaps you might suggest a social where the popular ton will be in attendance.” Penwick appeared most serious.

      Beaufort let out a loud guffaw, his eyes shooting to Jasper. “The perfect assignment, wouldn’t you agree, Jasper?”

      Jasper who’d begun to tap his fingernails against the paperwork in exasperated patience forced a smile that both men interpreted as agreement. Taking advantage of the conversational lull, he cleared his throat, reassembled the information on the blotter and launched into a fast, furious description of the steam hammer. Neither man appeared nonplussed and after a few minutes of factual reiteration of financial benefits for investment, Penwick appeared satisfied. He questioned the durativity of the invention, as well as its construction and adaptability and Jasper, due to his diligence, answered each question with thoughtful information. Before long, a rush of accomplishment and relief took control as Penwick signaled his commitment to invest in the proposal. A casual ease returned to their appointment.

      “Perhaps you’d like to join us later this evening. We’ve plans to meet up with Viscount Kellaway. He’s a likeable sort who knows everyone worth knowing. I doubt Kell would mind an addition to the crowd.” Social connections through Penwick or otherwise could only serve Jasper’s business well.

      “Thank you. I appreciate your kindness.” Penwick stood and retrieved his walking stick before the three men completed the meeting with a firm handshake and a commitment to meet later that evening. By no means did Kellaway, a sworn lothario and bachelor, present the entré into polite society Penwick desired, but the association was one which could lead to invitations within the ton. Kellaway knew everyone and everything that happened in the city.

      Emily returned from СКАЧАТЬ