Claimed By The Wolf Prince. Marguerite Kaye
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Название: Claimed By The Wolf Prince

Автор: Marguerite Kaye

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781408935927


СКАЧАТЬ the tiller straight, gazing off into the distance. “Where is Kentarra, I can’t see it?” she asked nervously, looking at the empty ocean.

      “It is there, if you know where to look,” he replied with an enigmatic smile. An icy spray arched over them. “Pull the fur around you, it will keep you warm.”

      As she did as he bid her, Iona allowed her gaze to linger on her captor’s half-naked body. His long black hair streamed out behind him, his muscles rippling as he fought to hold course. He looked like part of the landscape, a force of nature. His raw animal power, though constrained, was there nonetheless. He made her feel as if she should hold her breath. Waiting. Watching. Wondering all the time, if he would unleash it. Looking out at the fast-diminishing land, down at the deep, dark ocean, she realised she was in every way completely out of her depth. Her patent vulnerability disturbed her, but not as much as it should. She should be frightened but she didn’t know quite how to describe how she felt. Nervous. Tense. Reckless. A little wild. And excited, too, there was no denying it. The boat rocked as it crested a particularly high wave, and she clutched anxiously at the sides.

      “Try to get some rest,” Struan said.

      “Rest! How can I rest when I’ve been kidnapped and am being taken to some Godforsaken island against my will, to suffer who knows what barbaric indignities?” Iona muttered. But she dropped down into the hull and curled up, pulling the furs tight around her.

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