The Lady Travelers Guide To Larceny With A Dashing Stranger. Victoria Alexander
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СКАЧАТЬ slanted him a quick glance. “You’re staring at me, Mr. Montague. Monsieur Eiffel would be most offended that you are not gazing with rapt interest at his tower.”

      “Ah, but he hasn’t met you.” He shook his head. “You’re not at all what I expected.”

      “Preconceived notions are often wrong.”

      “Apparently.” He chuckled. “But I am looking forward to discovering exactly where I was wrong.”

      “Good luck to you, Mr. Montague,” she said in an overly prim manner. Good Lord, the man was flirting with her and she was flirting right back. She hadn’t flirted since before George had died and even then flirtation with other men was of no consequence. She’d been married after all. Now...

      Why shouldn’t she flirt with him if she wished? Why couldn’t she do whatever she wanted regarding Mr. Dante Montague? It wasn’t as if she had a spotless reputation to maintain, although she’d been exceptionally faithful when George was alive. Now that he was gone, why, widows were allowed a certain amount of discreet freedom. Dante Montague might well be the perfect man to begin her new life of independence with. Besides, she had always been fond of men with dimples.

      “You needn’t try so hard, Mr. Montague.” Willie bit back a smile and kept her gaze on the tower. “It’s really not necessary.”

      “It’s not?”

      “Not at all.” She turned to him and cast him her brightest smile. “I suspect I will like you long before we reach Venice.”



      (Prepared by Miss Charlotte Granville)


      Day 1. A full day will be spent at the Exposition Universelle. Highlights of which will include an ascension to the top of the Eiffel Tower and the perusal of the many international exhibits, both cultural and progressive. The group will spend the evening in enjoyment of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West.

      Day 2. The morning and afternoon shall be devoted to appreciation of the extensive collection of mankind’s artistic accomplishments at the Louvre Museum. Following a day of artistic enlightenment, the entire party has been invited to an evening of music hosted by the American ambassador.

      “WHAT DO YOU think of her?” Dante said to his sister beside him but his gaze remained fixed on Willie. Halfway down the Louvre’s Salon Carré, with a guidebook in one hand and a voice that carried, she regaled the rest of their group with details about the paintings covering the walls and the palace itself. Today, according to her unyielding schedule, was to be spent at the Louvre.

      “Oh, I think she’s marvelous, of course, but then I always have,” Roz said. “Something about the play of light and perhaps the use of color makes the subject much more palatable. I recall seeing her on my very first trip to Paris. You remember—shortly after Paul and I were married? No, you probably don’t. Regardless, I thought she—no—I thought everything here was quite wonderful. Centuries of artistic accomplishment and all that. I did so want Harriet to have the same experience.”

      Dante’s attention snapped to his sister. “What?”

      “It’s a mother sort of thing. You wouldn’t understand.” She dismissed him with a curt wave of her hand. “Did you know those girls are calling Harriet Harry now?” She shook her head. “I’m not sure if I’m appalled or amused.”


      “Well, of course I knew you would be appalled. Precisely why I have decided not to be. Besides, while I have always thought a female with a man’s name to be the tiniest bit shocking, it is, as well, most delightful. It gives a woman a sense of strength and goodness knows, we could all use that. I know you don’t agree, Dante, but it is something you should consider. While you do tend to embrace progress in general, you really need to be open to new ideas when it comes to things like this.”

      “I am—”

      “However, to your credit, I have noticed you don’t seem quite so stuffy about it when it comes to Lady Bascombe’s name.”

      “Are you deliberately misunderstanding me?” He glared. “I was not talking about—” he gestured at the painting of Salome receiving the head of John the Baptist on a platter on the wall in front of them “—this.”

      She smiled in an overly sweet manner. “Yes, brother dear, I know.” She moved to the next painting and he trailed after her.

      For once Dante could ignore his sister’s determination to annoy him. After all, she had done him an enormous favor when she had begged off seeing the illumination of the Eiffel Tower, allowing him hours in Willie’s company without interruption. Not that there was anything improper in their evening together, which oddly struck him as something of a shame when they had retired to their respective rooms. Shocking idea, of course, but there it was. Even if she was nothing more than his path to the Portinari, she was still a fascinating creature and he was a normal man. Those kinds of thoughts were to be expected.

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