Regency High Society Vol 6: The Enigmatic Rake / The Lord And The Mystery Lady / The Wagering Widow / An Unconventional Widow. Anne O'Brien
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      ‘Is there a problem?’

      ‘Why, no.’ Joshua smiled at his wife and held out his hand in welcome. ‘I have an interest in purchasing some land, which he is dealing with. That is all.’

      With which Sarah had to be content. Of course he would have business interests. What gentleman of considerable fortune would not?

      The Faringdon family returned and took up residence in Hanover Square.

      One of Sarah’s first dilemmas was the continuing position of Millington in the household. She remembered his depredations in the wine cellar and her own distressing encounter with him of a more personal nature. With her lord’s permission to dismiss and choose the servants as she saw fit, it would be a matter of common sense to appoint a new butler. But now that she could, she did not at all know that she wished to do so. As she thought about it, the little smile that curved her lips grew, recalling with a degree of affection his part in the French banquet and the subsequent celebration in the servants’ hall. Millington had risen to her support, a positive champion, with aplomb, unquestionable arrogance and an impressive French accent, overseeing the serving of the meal with supercilious hauteur. Not to mention the appearance of the bottles of claret in which they had toasted the defeat of the Countess of Wexford. So Millington remained as butler in the Faringdon household, but with strict instructions as to the amount of port he might consume in any one week.

      Within the first week of their return, Lady Joshua Faringdon found herself in receipt of an invitation to pay a morning visit on the Countess of Painscastle in Grosvenor Square. Presenting herself at the appropriate time, she was far from surprised to find Theodora already sitting comfortably with Judith, both awaiting the bride’s appearance. Both were sipping glasses of madeira, both looked up as she entered. Sarah immediately realised that she had been the topic under discussion and with quick understanding set herself to repel any questions of an intimate nature.

      She need not have bothered. There was no hope of her holding out with dignity under the scrutiny of two determined ladies.

      They rose to greet her, sat her down, presented her with a glass of madeira and proceeded to quiz her on her state of health, her enjoyment of the wedding, her appreciation of the house in Richmond and, of course, her new relationship with Lord Joshua Faringdon.

      ‘So how is the bride?’ Thea surveyed her critically over the rim of her glass.

      ‘Very well, Thea. As you see.’ She winced at the prim note in her voice, but determined to give nothing more away.

      ‘Are you enjoying being a married lady again?’

      ‘Yes, indeed. Most enjoyable.’

      ‘I expect your stay in Richmond gave you the opportunity to get to know Joshua better.’

      ‘Why, yes.’

      ‘Does Joshua please you?’ There was just a hint of impatience in Thea now. Perhaps the clue was the slight tapping of her foot against the Aubusson carpet.

      ‘Of course.’ Sarah gripped the stem of her glass rather more firmly and took a fortifying sip.

      ‘Sarah!’ Thea sighed. ‘Is he virile?’

      ‘Theodora!’ Judith cast her a look no more horrified than Sarah’s.

      ‘What?’ The lady’s brows rose in perfect astonishment. ‘We want to know, do we not? And if I do not ask Sarah outright, she will never tell us!’

      ‘He is my brother!’ Judith explained. ‘It does not seem to me suitable to be discussing such matters of Sher’s…of his… Well! You know what I mean!’

      ‘Well, I can discuss it. You are suddenly very mealy-mouthed, Ju.’ Thea turned back to her sister with a laugh and a sparkle in her delphinium-blue eyes. ‘Sarah. Did Joshua make you happy?’

      The tell-tale colour began to creep up the bride’s throat from the fashionable ruched neckline of her morning gown. ‘Yes. He gave me The Jewel for my own.’

      ‘That is not what I meant, as you very well know.’

      ‘I know,’ Sarah admitted, but her smile was now mischievous.

      Are you not going to say?’


      ‘You look very happy.’

      ‘I am.’

      ‘Does he give you pleasure? Is he a good lover?’

      ‘Oh, yes.’ By now Sarah’s cheeks were as pink as a June rose. ‘Oh, yes!’

      They laughed. For indeed there could be no doubting it. Thea and Judith clucked in a maternal fashion, Judith pouring more glasses of madeira so that they might toast the bride. Because Sarah Faringdon positively glowed. And her friends were more delighted for her than they would ever have admitted.

      It became necessary later within that week for the object of their intense discussion also to pay a morning visit on his sister, fortunately for his dignity knowing nothing of the previous conversation. The visit to Richmond had been more pleasurable than he could have imagined, for a surprising number of reasons, not least his attraction to Sarah herself, his increasing desire to make her happy. So when a thought came into his mind, one that he could not resolve, he decided to pay a visit on Judith.

      ‘Sher. At last. I am delighted to see you.’ Judith kissed his cheek. ‘How well you look. And completely healed, I see. No cane and no limp. Country life has been good for you.’

      ‘I am very well.’ He grinned at her obvious ploy, but shook his head before kissing her cheek.

      ‘I have seen Sarah. She said she enjoyed Richmond. She certainly looks in the pink of health.’ The lady’s sly smile was also ignored.

      ‘I need your advice, Ju. I wish to buy Sarah a wedding gift.’

      Judith laughed. ‘So?’

      ‘I have no idea what. She can be very… Well, I was hoping for some help. You probably know her the best of any of us.’

      ‘Joshua!’ Judith blinked at this ingenuous admission, but was immediately caught up in the project, although not without a sharp dig. ‘And I thought you knew women so well.’

      ‘But not Sarah, it seems.’

      ‘There is always jewellery, of course.’

      ‘No. That is not what I want.’ Joshua frowned a little. He knew instinctively that his wife would have difficulty in accepting precious stones. ‘Besides, she will have the Faringdon jewels that Lady Beatrice has promised to hand over.’

      ‘Mmm. If Mama will part with them. Let me see… You pay for her clothes anyway… ‘

      ‘Of course.’

      Judith thought for a moment, eyes narrowed, contemplating the young woman whom she had indeed come to know well. ‘I know exactly what Sarah would like. It is easily done, but will take some organisation. Let me talk to you about this.’

      It СКАЧАТЬ