Secrets Of The A-List. Helen Lacey
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Название: Secrets Of The A-List

Автор: Helen Lacey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474075695


СКАЧАТЬ have you trying to steal that crown from me.”

      Rafe stuck his chin out. “I think I could pull off a tiara as well as you, little sister.”

      She laughed loudly. “Of course you could,” she said and reached across the small coffee table to grab the sparkly headpiece that matched the earrings she’d added to her trousseau. “Want to try this on for size?”

      “You think I won’t?”

      Elana loved that her brother was always up for a dare. “Be my guest.”

      Rafe reached across and grabbed the small tiara, propping it on his head with a laugh. “See...perfect.”

      “You look so pretty.”

      Her brother quickly ditched the headpiece and laughed. “We all know that Luc is the pretty boy in the family. And he’s a doctor. And he has a perfectly beautiful and well-connected girlfriend. Even if Rachel is so cold you could freeze ice cubes on her ass. Yes, Luc’s the whole package.”

      “But you’re nicer,” she assured him, chuckling. “Anyway, I always thought Gabe was the handsome one.”

      “And Dad’s favorite,” he said and grinned.

      “Don’t let Luc hear you say that. Besides, I think Gabe has taken Dad’s accident he feels he should have protected him, or something.”

      Rafe frowned. “Protected him from what?”

      She shrugged. “I don’t’s just a feeling. You know they work closely together. He’s Dad’s right-hand man.”

      “The son he wished he always had,” Rafe said with a cynical smile.

      But Elana wasn’t fooled. She knew her brother craved to be held in the same esteem as their cousin or Luc. “You know that Dad has always found it hard to show how he feels about things.”

      “About me, you mean?” Rafe said and raised a dark brow. “It’s okay, Elana... I know he loves me. It’s just that sometimes...sometimes he acts as though he wishes he didn’t, if that makes sense. Anyway, let’s not get maudlin. Let’s talk about happy things. Like your wedding.”

      Elana let out a long sigh. “Thom wanted to elope. He called the wedding a circus,” she said and sipped some champagne, looking around at the racks of gowns and the almost vulgar sense of wealth that surrounded them. The place reeked of opulence and entitlement. It really wasn’t her thing. Elana preferred a little more edge to her wardrobe. “I’m beginning to think he’s right.”

      “Thom just wants to keep you safe.”

      “Do you think?” she asked, thinking it seemed a strange thing for her brother to say. “Safe from what?”

      “Overexposure,” he replied and shrugged. “Bad press. Particularly after that scuffle Luc and I got into recently.”

      “Scuffle?” she echoed, one brow arched.

      Rafe grinned. “Luc likes to think he can still beat me in a fight. Which he usually can,” he said and rubbed his jaw at the memory. “But I’ll never let him know that. Besides, you know the Scotts haven’t hogged the limelight like the Marshalls have for the past few decades. They might be wealthy, but they’re middle-class, suburban folk at their core.”

      “Pompous snob,” she chided playfully. “I thought you adored Thom as much as I do.”

      Something flashed across her brother’s face. Disappointment? Concern? Anguish? Was her caring, sensitive brother really convinced that she was doing the right thing?

      “Of course I like Thom,” he said quietly. “And I’m not a snob. I just want you to be sure.”

      “I am sure. I’m doing the right thing,” she said. “You’ve been friends with him for years, too. You know Thom is a good man. He’s just a lousy public speaker.”

      Rafe made a sympathetic face. “No doubt he’s going to be reminded of his appalling speech at the engagement party for a while?”

      “You know what the press is like,” she said and sighed. “But I’m sure he’s tough enough to take it. Although he did shut down his social media accounts as a precaution.”

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