My Fair Fortune. Nancy Thompson Robards
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Название: My Fair Fortune

Автор: Nancy Thompson Robards

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474001786


СКАЧАТЬ put her through the Alden Moore school of business, which included several years of courses like Hard Knocks and Trial by Fire.

      Her father was doggedly determined that she would fall in love with the business and someday take over.

      What her dear old dad didn’t understand was that the research and study of animals wasn’t just a passing fancy. She wanted to make it her life’s work. When she graduated, she’d been hard-pressed to find a job. So when Alden offered her the job as vice president of research and development for Moore Entertainment along with a healthy salary and benefits, she’d been tempted, sure, but it was the bonus that had sealed the deal: he offered her the chance to make her dream come true. If she stayed on and helped make Cowboy Country USA a success, then there was a chance they could develop a second phase of the park, a zoo park featuring animals indigenous to Northwest Texas.

      But then her father had gotten sick, and all thoughts of zoo parks and resentment for his herding her into the family business gave way to what was really important: her dad’s health.

      When he’d suffered a nearly fatal heart attack, she’d stepped in to make sure her father’s dream didn’t founder while he was fighting for his life. She’d felt so helpless when she saw him lying there in that hospital bed hooked up to all those machines. This man, who’d always been larger than life and twice as fierce, was facing a challenge that might best him. Rather than sit by his bedside wringing her hands, she vowed to step up and see Cowboy Country through the way he’d want so he could focus all his energy on getting better.

      Well, in a perfect world that’s what he would do, but the other side of the coin was that he had little choice but to have faith that she could pull it off. Relinquishing control would be difficult. Believing that Caitlyn was capable to lead the park through a successful opening was another matter altogether.

      This was her chance to prove her worth to her father, and she intended to succeed.

      She knew the longer she put off talking to Clark, the more difficult it would be. She gathered herself mentally, sat forward in her desk chair and buzzed her assistant, who was really her father’s assistant. “Janie, I’m going into the park to take care of something.”

      “Ms. Moore, before you head out, I wanted to let you know that Mr. Hayes of Hayes Consulting is here to see you.”

       Oh, that’s right...Hayes Consulting.

      Caitlyn glanced at her watch. He was twenty minutes early. She decided to go out and greet him and then ask Janie to show him around while she put out the most recent fire. She’d only be gone thirty minutes, tops. Then she’d come back and get Mr. Hayes whatever he needed to get started with whatever it was he did to work his magic.

      If she had a dime for every time her father had reinforced how important working with Hayes Consulting was to Cowboy Country, she could retire a wealthy woman. Apparently, the firm was very good at fixing the images of businesses that had managed to do something to sully their reputation. Or, as in Cowboy Country’s case, had simply gotten off to a bad start in the community.

      Her father had a lot of faith that this Hayes guy could fix things. He’d underscored how expensive and difficult it was to book time with this outfit. Keeping this meeting had been one of the few mandates her father had given her.

      “Please tell Mr. Hayes I’ll be right out.”

      She stood and slid on her navy jacket because it was one of the few pieces of business attire that she owned that made her feel professional and pulled together. Fake it until you make it, she told herself and strode out into the reception area. All the blood drained from her head when she saw Brodie the Brit—that guy from the quadruple Fortune wedding—standing in the middle of the room.

      “What in the world are you doing here?” She immediately regretted her tone and the words. Good grief. Way to finesse it, Caitlyn. Or Cait. He’d only known her as Cait. And he’d never called. So how on earth did he find her here, two and a half months later?

      For a moment, he looked as surprised to see her as she felt, but then his handsome features hardened into a mask so different from the way he’d looked that night. His eyes were cold and guarded. Wait a minute, neither one of them should be cold and guarded because they were adults and they both had known what they were getting themselves into.

      “Hello, Cait,” he said, offering her a hand to shake. A hand. What was it they’d said that night at the wedding? That they were way past shaking hands. And that was before they’d left the reception.

      She looked at his outstretched hand but didn’t shake it. She was tempted to tell him to put that thing away, but she should’ve thought of that two and a half months ago. Now she had more important things to worry about—like an employee who was about to cost them the inspection they desperately needed to open and a costly consultant who was... Speaking of... Where was he? She glanced around the waiting room. Restroom, perhaps?

      His absence was a stroke of luck. She’d have time to get rid of Brodie before the situation became sticky.

      “Walk with me,” she said to him.

      “I’d love to. However, I have an appointment.”

      “What a coincidence. So do I. Could you please tell me why you’re here?”

      He narrowed his gaze at her. “Do you work here?”

      She quirked a brow at him. “You might say that. I’m not usually in this office, but my father is ill, and I’m filling in for him. Who is your appointment with?”

      She watched the color drain from Brodie’s formerly tanned face. “You wouldn’t happen to be Cait Moore? Er...Caitlyn Moore?”

      “The one and only.”

      “Fancy that. I’m Brodie Hayes, Hayes Consulting.”

      Caitlyn opened her mouth to say something and then closed it, because what was there to say? Nothing. Or at least nothing they could say out loud or discuss out here in the open, with Janie’s eyes on them, mentally recording everything they said and did.

      “Can we please go into your office?” Brodie asked.

      “Not right now. I have a situation I need to take care of. You can wait for me in there, though. Make yourself comfortable, and I’ll be right back. Janie, please show Mr. Hayes into my office.”

      “A situation?” Brodie asked.

      Caitlyn glanced at her watch. She needed to hurry; she didn’t want to end up chasing Clark Ball down in the parking lot. “Yes, a situation. So you’ll have to excuse me.”

      Brodie’s large body blocked her path, and when she looked up at him to send the you need to move message, she remembered how that body felt moving on top of her that night nearly three months ago. Heat started in her cleavage, which was modestly covered up today—as it should’ve been that night—and crept up her neck, spreading to her cheeks.

      He crossed his arms. The body language was so defensive that she couldn’t help but glance up at his face, which was stone cold and lacking any hint that he might be glad to see her.

      She groaned inwardly, silently admonishing herself.

      Of course he wasn’t glad to see her. This wasn’t СКАЧАТЬ