Christmas At Prescott Inn. Cathryn Parry
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Название: Christmas At Prescott Inn

Автор: Cathryn Parry

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474094733


СКАЧАТЬ a show skater, Nathan,” she’d tried to explain. “I work here, out of Florida, on cruise ships. And I just got promoted.”

      “Wait, what are you saying?”

      “That I’m renewing my contract in a month,” she said patiently. “You know this.”

      Frankly, she’d felt blindsided by this inn thing, and she was fighting tears. Just weeks ago, they’d talked about maybe finding a condo together locally. “What about us renting a place down here and me skating and you working for the cruise line? Like we discussed?”

      “Emilie,” he’d said, his voice taking on a tone as if he was trying to be patient with her, “this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It just came up, and I had to act fast. It’s what I’ve always wanted. What I’ve really wanted.” He’d looked at her quizzically. “I thought I told you about my dreams for the inn.”

      “No, you didn’t.” Her throat felt raw, and it was becoming difficult to speak. “Not at all.”

      “But I’ve talked to you about Prescott Inn. About my grandfather. And when I was a boy.”

      But beyond the basics, he hadn’t told her much about his past. Not really.

      In his defense, she hadn’t opened up about her childhood, either. She hadn’t wanted to. She’d preferred to live in their never-ending cruise ship present. It had seemed happier that way.

      With sadness in his eyes, he’d nodded to the ring he’d bought her, resplendent in its jewel box. “Will you come with me to New Hampshire to build a life with me? Please, Emilie.” His voice had caught. “I love you.”

      She loved him, too. But no—she couldn’t move to an inn in New Hampshire. “I need to stay here, Nathan,” she’d said helplessly. “I’m an ice captain now. I have responsibilities.”

      His face had clouded over. “Is that what’s important to you?” he’d said shortly, in a tone that indicated he was dismissing the importance of the role to her.

      She’d suddenly been angry. He wasn’t thinking of her point of view at all. “Nathan, it is important to me.” Her voice had cracked, embarrassingly, with the emotion that she’d felt.

      He’d shaken his head. “But you can skate and choreograph in New Hampshire, Em. I can’t move the inn to the cruise ship—don’t you see our problem?”

      That wasn’t their problem. “It’s not the fact of the position for me, Nathan. It’s the people that I’m helping here. I’m important to them.”

      “On the cruise ship?” He’d outright laughed at her.

      He’d shaken his head again. “Em, it’s a fantasy life out here on the ocean. I mean, it’s fun for the short term, but it’s like living in Neverland. We’re not building anything of lasting value that will provide for people in the future.”

      “Of course we are!” she’d said. “My team is an all-new cast. We have an all-new show to implement.” And she was responsible for them. That was crucial to her.

      That he didn’t see it as she did hurt. “This isn’t a fantasy,” she said. “This is us being real. How can you feel that way about the life we’ve been living together?” She’d dug her nails into her palms, trying so hard not to get too upset in the middle of the fancy restaurant.

      He’d set his chin stubbornly. “The inn is important to me, and to a lot of other people, too. It’s a chance to build something in my community. To get back what my grandfather made. To grow roots.”

      “Why haven’t I heard this before now?”

      He shook his head sadly. “Maybe I was under your spell.”

      That had hurt her cruelly.

      There had been pain in his eyes, too. “I’m trying to say, Emilie—not very well, I realize—but please try to understand what I mean. Working at sea isn’t permanent, at least not to me. I need to go back home and make something concrete of my life.”

      “I don’t agree with you that our life here can’t be permanent,” she’d said, equally stubborn. “After I finish performing, I hope to choreograph. That is a concrete goal. You’ve made a huge, wrong assumption about me. It’s as if you’ve never even met me before.”

      “So, that’s what you want to do in your future?” he’d asked, looking miserable. “Choreograph cruise ship shows?”

      “Yes, Nathan.”

      “Can you at least come and spend a year with me and see how you like it?”

      “I can’t.” Wasn’t he hearing her? “I just got promoted. People are counting on me. I can’t leave them.”

      “They’ll be fine without you.”

      “No, they won’t.” Her voice was rising.

      “So, when does it end?”

      “When everyone is happy and taken care of.”

      His jaw had hardened. A subtle movement, but it was there. He was impatient with her.

      And it had hurt. Because he was belittling her and discounting her needs.

      “You care more about your inn than you care about us,” she realized.

      He’d stared at her, but Emilie knew that it was true.

      And suddenly, the bubble had popped. There was such a fundamental difference in what they each wanted, and there was no talking this out.

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