Passion Ignited. Kayla Perrin
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Название: Passion Ignited

Автор: Kayla Perrin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474036924


СКАЧАТЬ the footage, and see if the arsonist was anywhere in there. The first order of business when she got into her office was to check emails and her phone messages.

      Her cup of coffee in hand, Gabrielle exited the small kitchen and made her way toward her office. She rounded the corner into the main reception area, then stopped dead in her tracks.

      She blinked, trying to make sure that she wasn’t imagining things.

      “He’s been waiting here for an hour,” Renée the receptionist said.

      Gabrielle’s heart was pounding. Omar Ewing was there. Again.

      “What—what are you doing here?”

      “He said he wants to see you,” Renée went on when Omar said nothing.

      He stood up and smiled. He was wearing jeans and a white dress shirt and looked especially fine.

      Gabrielle started toward the door that led to the main offices. “I thought I told you to call and set up an appointment,” she said, trying to hide her irritation for Renée’s benefit. “I’m certain I didn’t tell you to just drop by.”

      “I was in the neighborhood.”

      Sure you were, Gabrielle thought sourly. Then she turned to Renée. “Let me know when my 2:00 appointment gets here.”

      Renée said, “Your 2:00?” She looked confused. “I didn’t realize—”

      Gabrielle shot her a narrowed gaze, and Renée caught on. “Oh. Of course. That’s right, I forgot all about that appointment.”

      Gabrielle pushed through the door, and Omar followed her. She walked swiftly to the second door on the left, which was her office. When she stepped inside, she continued to her desk. She put her clipboard and coffee down and picked up her phone.

      “What do you want, Mr. Ewing?”

      “I really wish you would call me Omar.”

      “Whatever. Why are you here?”

      “Why are you so hostile toward me?” Omar took a step toward her, and her body tensed. His large, muscular frame filled the room. She shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

      “I’m not being hostile.”

      His eyes widened. “Could have fooled me.”

      Gabrielle sighed softly. “It’s just that I have a lot to do. And you keep showing up. It’s a little annoying.”


      Gabrielle closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” She needed to get ahold of herself. “I’m not trying to be rude. It’s just... I do have a lot of work to do.”

      “And one of those things is finding the arsonist,” Omar stated. “Clearly, it’s something you’re passionate about. As a firefighter, I assure you that I’m passionate about that as well. So why don’t we sit down and put our collective heads together and see what we can come up with. Maybe there’s something you saw, something I saw...we both might have pieces of the puzzle that can help solve this.”

      It was an entirely reasonable request, and yet Gabrielle wanted to say no. But did saying no make sense? Omar had a good point. Between what he knew, and what she thought she knew, maybe they could finally nab the arsonist.

      Which was what she wanted most in the world.

      She just wished she could accomplish this without spending any more time with Omar.

      “What are you doing tonight?” Omar asked.

      Gabrielle’s eyes bulged. Then she chuckled mirthlessly. “So you’re asking me out to dinner again?”

      “I was hoping you reconsidered.”

      Gabrielle picked up her coffee and took a sip. She needed this. Her temples were already throbbing, and she didn’t need the added distraction of Omar Ewing.

      “So, what do you say?” Omar asked. “Dinner’s on me, of course.”

      “I have a terrible headache, and a ton of work to do—”

      “Which is why you could use a break,” Omar interjected. He glanced around her office. “This place is dull. Uninspiring. No wonder you have a headache. It’s no place to have a meeting.”

      Good Lord, would he never give up?

      “Pick the place, 6:00.”

      “Is that what works for you?” Gabrielle asked. “You give orders, and women just have to obey?”

      He took another step toward her, and her heart began to race. “Consider it the doctor’s orders,” he said. “Because you look like you could use a prescription for fun.”

      “Fun! I thought you said this is about work.”

      “See—look how you reacted when I said the word fun. It’s as though it’s foreign to you. Yes, this is about work. But it’s also about perhaps, enjoying each other’s company...”

      Gabrielle frowned. The problem was, she got the feeling that if she didn’t say yes, Omar wouldn’t go away. He was like a dog with a bone, unable to give up.

      “Fine,” she said.

      His eyes lit up, and something about that made her stomach tickle. The idea that he wanted to go out with her appealed to the part of her that irrationally found him attractive.


      “6:00 is fine,” Gabrielle said. “And you want me to choose the restaurant? Okay. There is a place on Elm Street. Italian.”

      “Or what about that soul food place? It’s also on Elm. The play good music.”

      Gabrielle was about to point out that he had suggested she choose the place, but she didn’t bother. “If that’s what you want—”

      “No, you’re right,” Omar said. “The Italian place will be quieter, more intimate.”

      Her eyes widened at the word intimate. “Do I have to reiterate that this is not a date?”

      “It’s a working date. And a place that’s quieter is a better spot to talk. Especially given what we will be talking about.”

      “Oh. Of course.”

      The office phone rang, and Gabrielle could see that it was from Renée’s extension. She picked up. “Gabrielle Leonard.”

      “It’s 1:55,” Renée said. “There’s no one here. What do you want me to do?”

      “Okay so he’s been delayed by ten minutes? That’s fine. There are some things I need to do before he gets here anyway,” Gabrielle said into the phone, making her story up as she went along. “Thank you, Renée.”

      “Your СКАЧАТЬ