An Unexpected Match. Dana Corbit
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Название: An Unexpected Match

Автор: Dana Corbit

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408963814


СКАЧАТЬ giving her a chance to answer. When she didn’t, he hurried on. “The youth group kids are great. I’ve chaperoned several of their trips, and they’ve been a lot of fun.”

      He didn’t know why he was selling the plan so hard. Chaperoning a youth group trip wasn’t one of his favorite things, but the youth director was always begging for volunteers, and Matthew helped whenever he was available.

      “I don’t know,” she said, finally.

      “It’ll be an adventure.”

      She lifted an eyebrow. “Don’t you think the whole dumped-at-the-altar thing is enough of an adventure for one weekend?”

      “She’s right, Matthew,” her mother said as she scooped leftovers into plastic containers. “She has too much on her plate right now to be chasing off in a car with teenagers. Caroline might like to go though.”

      “Me working with teenagers?” Caroline shook her head. “That’s not going to happen.”

      Matthew turned back to Haley. “I just thought you would like to forget about the wedding business for a few hours.”

      Haley had already opened her mouth, probably to decline, but she closed it again, appearing to reconsider. “You know, maybe I will go with you. I could use a break from my life.”

      Trina Scott turned and rested her hip against the counter. “Now Haley, are you sure you want to do that?”

      “It will be better than sitting at home feeling sorry for myself. Besides, it will give Elizabeth and me the chance to get to know each other better.” She patted the child’s head, and Elizabeth grinned up at her.

      “She won’t be there.” Matthew had spoken too quickly, and from the women’s expressions, he could tell he wasn’t the only one who’d noticed. Just because he didn’t want his daughter to spend too much time with Haley didn’t mean he needed to be unkind. “I mean…younger kids aren’t included in this event. Elizabeth will be spending the night here.”

      “Oh. It’ll be fun anyway, I guess.”

      Haley appeared disappointed, and Matthew didn’t know what to think about that.

      “Daddy, I want to go, too,” Elizabeth whined. “Why can’t I go with Miss Haley? It’s not fair.”

      Matthew sighed inside, preparing himself for his daughter’s meltdown. This was a new stage for her, one he was determined to put to an end quickly. But just as he started toward Elizabeth, Haley lifted her up on her hip.

      “You get to spend the whole night here with Grammy? You’re going to have so much fun.”

      “That’s right. You’ll have a blast,” he agreed.

      Matthew didn’t have to look to know his mother was watching him again, sending him another one of those knowing looks. Just because Haley had averted one tantrum didn’t mean she was qualified to care for his child. She was still Haley Scott—and all that implied—and he was still Elizabeth’s father.

      Those truths didn’t stop him from feeling badly for Haley though. She’d been through a lot today, and the coming weeks were sure to be difficult. Maybe it was a bad idea for him to invite her to join him in chaperoning, but he would never be so cruel as to withdraw the invitation.

      That didn’t keep him from wanting the whole event to just be over with. Then he would have completed his good deed for the day by helping out a woman he’d known since childhood get through a couple of rough days. After that, he could wish her well, and he and Elizabeth could get on with their lives.

      Chapter Three

      Haley stepped back from the front door, gesturing for Matthew to come inside. She felt strange inviting him in like a guest when he’d visited her mother’s new house more times than she had. In fact, everything felt peculiar about her going on this outing with Matthew now, though it had sounded like a good idea last night.

      Already she’d spent the morning hanging her incredible wedding gown on the consignment rack at the bridal store and arranging storage for her possessions back in Michigan. Next, she’d “enjoyed” an afternoon of writing thank-you notes for gifts she had to return. Now the idea of accepting an invitation—probably given out of pity—felt like one dose of mortification too many.

      Oblivious to her humiliation and appearing fidgety himself, Matthew scanned the room, now stacked with wrapped gifts on one wall and about a dozen packages addressed for return on the opposite wall.

      He cleared his throat and turned back to her. “Wow, look at this place. You’ve been busy.”

      “Probably too busy. Maybe Mom was right. I am tired. Maybe I should just—”

      “Not so fast, Haley Scott.”

      Haley had been staring at the gifts again, feeling the weight of the work ahead, but she turned to look at him. “Excuse me?”

      “You don’t know how hard it is to get volunteers for youth group events. Now that you’re on the hook, there’s no way I’m letting you off.”

      She snapped her fingers, grimacing. “I knew it. I knew you were only asking me because I was vulnerable and you were short of volunteers.”

      “Smart gal. Now get your coat. A rowdy bunch of teens are waiting for us.”

      Forgetting her flimsy argument, Haley did as she was told. Matthew seemed too determined to treat her as his charity case for her to change his mind anyway. For a few seconds last night, she’d wondered if her mother had discouraged her from accepting Matthew’s invitation just to trick her into going, but one look at that disapproving frown had ruled out any suspicion of matchmaking motives.

      Even the two matchmakers probably recognized the unfortunate timing, and besides, they’d always intended Caroline for Matthew in their silly plan. Not her.

      After she retrieved her purse from the bedroom, Haley found Matthew bent in front of the pile of small appliances and stoneware place settings stacked along the wall.

      “You’ve got quite a stash here,” he said.

      “Two toasters, three waffle irons, a blender and a smoothie maker, and that’s without unwrapping any of the ones I hadn’t already opened.”

      “Caroline was right. You should get to keep the loot.”

      “I don’t think so.” She shook her head to reinforce her words. “I do wish I could use a form letter for my thank-you notes though. My hand is killing me.”

      As she flexed and unflexed her left hand, her gaze stopped on her third finger. Her hand looked so bare now without her engagement ring. That piece of jewelry was safe in a drawer upstairs for when she would return it to Tom. The sound of Matthew clearing his throat brought her attention up from her hand.

      “Then you need a break…for the sake of those sore fingers. So shall we?” With a tilt of his head, he indicated the front door.

      Haley couldn’t help smiling as they went outside and descended the steps toward Matthew’s hybrid SUV parked at the curb. He was so kind to distract СКАЧАТЬ