A Dry Creek Courtship. Janet Tronstad
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Название: A Dry Creek Courtship

Автор: Janet Tronstad

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408963951


СКАЧАТЬ because I haven’t done it for a few years doesn’t mean I can’t.”

      Charley noticed the woman didn’t even turn around to face him. That didn’t bode well.

      “I’m sorry I forgot.” Charley kept right on going down the side of the coulee, sidestepping instead of walking straight to keep his balance. “I can get the berries now though. Just give me a few minutes.”

      Charley caught up with Edith as she reached the chokecherry bushes. They were gnarled and rooted deep in the sandy soil with nothing but thistles to keep them company. Those bushes had been there for decades and each year they were red with chokecherries until the birds from Canada started picking the berries off as they flew south.

      There were no red berries in sight.

      “They’re all gone,” Charley said. The birds had already been here. The bushes were picked clean. “I’m sorry. Maybe there’s some left over on that hill by the Morgan farm.”

      Those berries were never as plump and Charley knew that, but he saw no reason to remind Edith of that fact.

      “It’s all right,” Edith said. “I can get by without chokecherry jelly.”

      Charley noticed that she still hadn’t looked at him. “But you always make chokecherry jelly.”

      “Only because there’s no peaches around.”

      “I’ll get you some chokecherries. Don’t worry,” he vowed.

      Edith finally turned to him. The brim of her floppy garden hat kept her face in shadow, but Charley could see the stiff curve of her lips as she gave him what would pass for a smile if he didn’t know her like he did.

      Charley felt miserable.

      “What happened to your moustache?” Edith asked. “I thought you were growing a moustache.”

      Charley nodded. “I couldn’t decide if it made me look better or not so I shaved it off.”

      “You don’t need a moustache to make you look handsome,” Edith said firmly. She sounded relieved. “You’ve got a fine face.”

      “Really?” Charley smiled. “I thought maybe I could use a change.”

      “Well, sometimes change isn’t what we need at all.”

      Charley knew Edith didn’t like change. But the same old things weren’t always good, either. “If you ask me, we absolutely need to change sometimes. Like with…” Charley lost his nerve. He couldn’t say anything about the changes he’d like to make between the two of them. “Cars. There comes a time when a person needs a new car.”

      Edith nodded. “If you want a new car, you should get one.”

      “I didn’t mean me. I meant you. Besides, what’s wrong with my pickup? It can still pull a horse trailer if I need to move an animal. And I’ve just got the driver seat broken in the way I like it.”

      “Then you know how attached a person gets to their car. I don’t know if I’d be able to drive a different car.”

      Charley shifted his feet. “The new cars steer easier than that old Ford you have. You’d like a new one if you’d give it a chance and take it out for a test drive.”

      “My old car does fine for me.”

      Charley snorted. “Just because Harold bought you that car—”

      “He didn’t buy it for me,” Edith interrupted. “It was his car. He bought it for himself.”

      “Well, all I’m saying is that Harold wouldn’t expect you to keep it forever. Not when you consider everything.”

      Edith drew in her breath. “What do you mean by that?”

      Maybe Charley knew more about the past than she thought. Did he know about Jasmine?

      Charley looked at her. “Just what I said. When you consider the muffler and the battery and the windshield wipers that don’t work. Harold would not expect you to keep the thing.”

      “Oh.” Edith put her hand up to steady her hat against a breeze. The movement made her feet slip a little along the side of the coulee.

      “But that’s why you keep that old car, isn’t it? Because it reminds you of Harold?” Charley didn’t know why it annoyed him that Edith was so loyal to her dead husband. She even had that locket the man had given her tied to the rearview mirror in the car. Charley knew it had both of their pictures in it because that’s what lockets were for. He had grieved for his wife deeply when she died, but he hadn’t set up any memorial for her in his pickup.

      “There’s nothing wrong with my car,” Edith said. “I keep it because it gets me where I’m going.”


      Edith lifted her head. “The world would be a better place if people didn’t throw away things that still worked. Just look at how many landfills there are in this country. People need to fix things instead of throw them away.”

      “I don’t think they put old cars in landfills.” Especially not around here, Charley thought. He didn’t even think there was a landfill within a hundred miles of where they stood. Probably not even within two hundred miles.

      “You don’t know what they put in those things. Some of it’s toxic, too.”

      Charley didn’t want to talk about garbage problems.

      “Well, my nephew, Conrad, is opening a used car lot in Miles City next to his garage. He’d move his business to Dry Creek if he thought he could get enough customers. Talk to him and maybe he can put you in a newer car for reasonable payments.”

      “I’m certainly not going to start buying things on credit at this stage of my life,” Edith said. She looked up at Charley. “You remember the problems we all had that year when hail destroyed the wheat crop and most of the men had to work in Billings over Christmas just to make ends meet?”

      “I sure do,” Charley said. “I know Harold went. I thought it must have been hard on him. He didn’t talk much about it though when he came back.”

      Edith took a deep breath and looked down slightly. “He wasn’t proud of everything he did that winter.”


      “I don’t suppose he told you about it?” Edith looked up again.

      “Not much. He said he had dinner with Elmer a few times.”

      “I’d forgotten Elmer was there that winter, too.”

      Charley thought he saw a tear starting to form in Edith’s eyes.

      “Don’t worry,” he said as fast as he could. “I’ll go check on the Morgan place and see if there are any chokecherries.”

      Edith turned and started walking back up the coulee. “I don’t need any chokecherries this year. All that jelly СКАЧАТЬ