Too Wild. Jamie Sobrato
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Название: Too Wild

Автор: Jamie Sobrato

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474019965


СКАЧАТЬ hear she’s getting married.”

      “To an absolutely magnificent man!” Her mother’s voice had changed from nagging to dreamy in an instant. “The wedding is in two weeks. I told Kathryn to send you an invitation, but the way you two fight…”

      Yeah, yeah, whatever. No need to invite the black sheep of the family to the social event of the season. Kathryn probably couldn’t imagine her lowlife sister rubbing elbows with her country-club friends. Not that Jenna considered herself a lowlife, but she knew her lack of a six-figure income and her less than glamorous lifestyle were a major embarrassment to her family.

      While Kathryn had stepped right into their mother’s social climbing footsteps, Jenna had never been much impressed by status symbols and excessive wealth. Her rejection of the material life was a constant source of discord between herself and her family, and Jenna imagined Kathryn and their mother shaking their heads and tut-tutting every time the subject of Jenna’s rattletrap car or seedy apartment came up.

      “It doesn’t matter. Do you know anything about Travis Roth, the brother of Kathryn’s fiancé?”

      She could almost see her mother’s surgically youthful eyes narrow. “Why do you ask, dear?”

      “He, or someone claiming to be him, contacted me today.”

      “About what?”

      “First, tell me what you know about him,” Jenna said, already feeling relieved that at least there was a Travis Roth.

      “I’ve only met him a few times, but he seemed like quite the gentleman. Handsome, too. He has a stellar reputation, from what I hear. Runs the investment branch of the Roth family empire, isn’t married, lives in Carmel near his brother and their parents.”

      “What does he look like, exactly?”

      “Tall, sandy blond hair, green eyes, nice physique, in his mid-thirties.”

      “Do you happen to know if their family is connected to any beauty pageants?”

      “No, and why on earth do you ask?”

      “Never mind.” Jenna relaxed back onto the sofa, releasing a mental sigh of relief. It sounded as if her lunch companion wasn’t a fraud and knew nothing about the break-in.

      “What are all these questions about?”

      “I can’t say, but don’t worry. I’m not going to ruin Kathryn’s wedding or anything.”

      Soon after Jenna ended the call with her mother, the police arrived, checked out her apartment, took statements from Jenna and Mrs. Lupinski and dusted for fingerprints. The biggest clue the police found was a note scrawled on the bathroom mirror in red lipstick that read, “Don’t write the story, bitch.”

      The only story Jenna was working on was the beauty-pageant exposé, so she’d given the police all the information she could remember about whom she had contacted during her research and promised to let them know if she remembered anything else. They’d advised her to take some time off and leave town, maybe stay with family or friends, but to give them an address and phone number for wherever she went.

      An hour after they’d left, Jenna sat alone in her ransacked apartment, nervous and depressed. Her laptop and all her files had indeed been stolen. She didn’t allow herself to think about the years of work that were now gone. Instead, she focused on the mess. She wandered around and around the small space surveying her once orderly surroundings.

      And strangely, her thoughts kept going back to Travis Roth. His offer wasn’t sounding so outrageous, now that her normal life had suddenly turned into a bad dream she wanted to wake from. As if she hadn’t been scared enough before, now she knew for absolute sure that someone didn’t want her writing the beauty-pageant exposé.

      Jenna twirled a strand of hair between her fingers in a nervous habit she’d engaged in since childhood. Any minute now, she figured her eye would start twitching, and then some outrageous behavior wouldn’t be far behind.

      Her entire life, she’d always relieved tension by doing something wild. In elementary school, there’d been that incident with Mrs. Joliet’s desk chair right before the big Little Miss Twin America finals. In junior high, there had been the liberation of the science-class rats after her mother had filed for divorce from her father. In high school, there’d been the time she’d cut class and gone cruising with the biggest badass hunk in school, right before refusing to ever do another beauty pageant.

      Later, she’d discovered a little fun in bed had the same effect. Preferably, outrageous fun in bed. And here she was with the greatest need for a tension reliever she’d ever had, and no boyfriend or even the prospect of one in sight.

      Jenna sank onto her bed, fighting back the big melodramatic sob that threatened to escape her throat.

      Not now, not when she had to think.

      Two weeks and twenty-five thousand dollars. She’d get to leave town, forget about her own mess of a life for a little while. Maybe that would give the police enough time to catch the scumbag who’d just trashed her apartment. Or maybe not.

      But she’d get to leave town. Even if it meant impersonating her sister, perpetrating a fraud, it was an offer she couldn’t turn down now.

      And maybe the offer had advantages she hadn’t even considered yet. She envisioned Travis Roth in all his tall, blond, broad-shouldered, suntanned glory. Maybe a few weeks in close proximity to him was just what she needed…and maybe a little negotiating was called for.

      She smiled, and an outrageous impulse came bubbling up from her subconscious.

      Negotiations, yes.

      Something to take her mind off her worries. Something to remind her that she was still Jenna, still in control of her own destiny.

      Something wild.


      A calm settled over her for the first time since she’d laid eyes on her ransacked apartment, and an idea formed in her head. An outrageous idea, guaranteed to make her forget her problems, sure to dwarf all the other outrageous stunts she’d pulled over the years.

      She withdrew Travis’s business card from her pocket and stared at it. After a few moments and a silent prayer, Jenna dialed his number.

      TRAVIS HAD DECIDED to drop in on an old college friend at his office downtown before leaving the city. He was just starting the car, wondering what his next step with regard to Jenna should be, when his cell phone rang.

      “Travis Roth,” he answered.

      “It’s Jenna Calvert. I’ve been thinking about your offer, and I may have changed my mind.”

      “So you’re willing to help?”

      “Maybe. I have a condition of my own I’d like to discuss, in person.”

      “Of course. I’m open to negotiating.”

      “I’d like you to come here to my apartment and pick me up, if you don’t mind.” She sounded almost…scared. And far less sure of herself than she had a few hours earlier.

      “Is СКАЧАТЬ