Missionary Daddy. Linda Goodnight
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Название: Missionary Daddy

Автор: Linda Goodnight

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408965641


СКАЧАТЬ smelling pizza was as close as she dared come.

      Following an afternoon around the family’s magnificent backyard pool, she, Ashley and two-year-old Gabriel had come upstairs to Ashley’s large bedroom suite to eat and talk, a sisterly act they hadn’t embraced during their growing-up years. Funny how maturity and a little baby could change one’s attitude.

      Maturity had other effects, too. Or perhaps she could blame the perspective change on Africa. Her sister’s living quarters included a private bathroom and balcony, as much space as the entire bedroom facility in Eric’s orphanage.

      In fact, the spectacular Harcourt Mansion, with seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms, was considerably larger than the space where thirty African children lived, slept and attended school.

      The comparison made her feel guilty. Worse yet, her parents were renovating a huge area into a private apartment every bit as elegant as the best hotel, just for her.

      “Have some pizza, Sam.” Ashley pushed the opened box toward her.

      Sam patted her empty stomach. “Not hungry.”

      Baby Gabriel, sitting on Sam’s lap, reached for a slice. Ashley gently pushed his hand away and made a face. “I’ve been with you all day and you haven’t eaten a bite. Eat. You’re not going to lose your skinny-model body over a single piece of pizza.”

      Sam blinked, stunned. No wonder the pizza smell was killing her. She really hadn’t eaten anything all day. Six years ago the monster of anorexia had sent her to the hospital, malnourished and dehydrated. Nobody, not even Ashley knew about her secret shame.

      Since that frightening wake-up call and the subsequent months of treatment, she was regimented about her eating, making sure she took in sufficient nutrition every day. Somehow she’d gotten off schedule since coming back to Chestnut Grove.

      With every ounce of willpower she possessed, Sam reached for a pizza slice. “Smells awesome.”

      Ashley chowed into a fourth slice. “Tastes even better.”

      Sam forced the pizza to her lips and took a bite. “Mmm. Delish.”

      The food lodged in the back of her throat. She grabbed her diet soda can and swigged, forcing the pizza down. During times like this, times of high stress or emotional unbalance, the anorexia tried to rear its murderous head. She’d done enough damage to her body already. Damage that might never heal. She couldn’t allow the disorder to take control again. Next time, it might kill her.

      “Why don’t you come to church with us tomorrow, Sam?” Ashley asked as she handed LEGO blocks to her son with one hand and stuffed away pizza with the other.

      “Chris is coming down after service.”

      Ashley’s face glowed when she mentioned her fiancé, Chris Sullivan who pastored a church in Williamsburg. Some Sundays she and Gabriel drove up to spend the day with him. On others, he drove down to spend the afternoon with them. He was a great guy who’d helped Ashley forgive herself for past mistakes, and Sam was glad to finally see her sister so happy.

      “The whole church thing seems weird to me.”

      “There’s nothing weird about being a Christian.”

      “That’s not what I meant.” Since coming home, Sam had noticed a radical change in her family. Once cold and distant, her parents suddenly wanted to be close, to make up for lost time. They’d started attending church with Ashley and Gabriel and wanted Sam to do the same.

      “I wish Mom and Dad had been this enthused about family when you and I were kids.”

      Gabriel threw a block onto the floor and laughed.

      “Me, too, but if I learned anything through the ordeal with losing Gabriel and trying to get him back again, it’s that we can’t change the past. We have to move on, and try to do better in the future.”

      Ashley’s teenage pregnancy had been a pivotal event for all of the Harcourts. Too afraid and ashamed to tell anyone, she’d given Gabriel up at first. When Sam had found out, she’d rushed home to help her sister regain custody of the baby. She couldn’t imagine not having this precious boy in their lives.

      Since then, Ashley was working hard to complete a degree in fashion design and looking forward to a future as Christopher’s wife. She’d been lucky to find a man who not only didn’t hold her past against her, but who loved her son as his own.

      “I’m glad you found your path in life, sis. Really, I am. But church is so foreign to us Harcourts. All we’ve ever needed was money.”

      “Look what that got us.” Ashley ripped off a piece of pizza, blew on it, then slid it into Gabriel’s open mouth. Though the little guy had been well fed before the pizza had arrived, he responded with a toothy grin.

      “Yeah. Reporters calling day and night to ask what we know about the adoption scandals. The whole town acts as if we personally stole babies and still have them hidden in the attic thirty years later.”

      They both laughed at the silliness. Gabriel patted the side of Sam’s face with Bob the Builder. She caught his hand and kissed it, drawing in his clean baby smell as a powerful love welled up inside.

      “I don’t know why Grandfather falsified adoption papers and birth certificates. I wish I could understand. He hurt a lot of people.”

      “Money, Sam. Barnaby Harcourt was all about making money. That’s all I remember about him. He looked like a kindly grandfather but he spent every waking moment getting richer.”

      “He could have made money by adopting out children honestly.”

      To the deep embarrassment of all the Harcourt family, Barnaby had extorted money from people who had given up their babies and then had spent years blackmailing them. Even the town mayor had fallen victim.

      “Life has been insane around here since the construction workers found those papers in your wall,” Ashley said.

      “The Cavanaughs are nice people. Ben didn’t deserve to find out about his birth parents that way.”

      Ironically, one of Ben’s construction-company employees, Jonah Fraser, had discovered the hidden files. Since then, reporters had been hounding the Harcourt family, trying to blame them for Barnaby’s misdeeds.

      Hammering issued from the other end of the house.

      “Funder,” Gabriel said, eyes wide. For some reason, he’d developed a fear of thunder and lightning. Even though the hammering had continued off and on for weeks now, the toddler considered every sudden noise to be an ensuing storm.

      “It’s okay, sweetie,” Sam crooned, raising the sturdy two-year-old body up to her shoulder. “Someday they will actually finish those rooms and stop hammering.”

      Ashley chuckled. “And about the time they have the entire suite just the way you want it, you’ll run back to Chicago.”

      “I don’t think so. I’m thinking of renting out my condo.”

      “Are you serious?” Ashley’s face registered disbelief. “Why?”

      “I’m СКАЧАТЬ