The Bachelor Baker. Carolyne Aarsen
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Название: The Bachelor Baker

Автор: Carolyne Aarsen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472013910


СКАЧАТЬ swallowed his pride and stepped inside the bakery, a buzz above his head announcing his arrival.

      He glanced around the inside, his eyes ticking over the wooden shelves covering the wall to his right. They were filled with loaves of freshly baked bread lined up haphazardly, as if someone was in a rush to put them out.

      The glass cases to his left held cookies, squares, cupcakes and stuff he didn’t even recognize but figured he would soon.

      A movement in the back of the bakery caught his attention and then, there was Melissa, wiping her hands on a towel, a welcoming smile on her face.

      That faded when she saw him.

      Great beginning, he thought.

      “Can I help you?” she asked, her voice polite but cool.

      His throat closed off as the words stuck, but he forced them out.

      “I need to talk to you. About the job.”

      Melissa frowned, her head tipped to one side as if she wasn’t sure who he really was.

      “If it’s still available, that is,” he added.

      “It is. For sure.” She wiped her hands a bit more, then laid the hand towel aside. “When can you start?”

      As if he had anything else going in his life.


      She hesitated. “As in right now?”

      “I thought you needed help.” Dread clutched at his stomach.

      “I do. I do...” She caught the side of her lip between her teeth, as if thinking.

      “Did someone else get the job?”

      “No. Not yet. I have to talk to Mr. Eversleigh yet.”

      Brian wasn’t sure what that was about, but he was surprised at his relief.

      “I can start Monday if you prefer,” he said.

      “No. May as well start right now.” Melissa brushed her hands over her apron and gave him a polite smile. “Come into my office and we can get some of the paperwork out of the way and get you started.”

      Brian fought down his hesitation.

      It’s only until something better comes along, he reminded himself.

      Once that happened, he was out of here.

      He followed Melissa into the office, feeling as if the walls were closing in on him. She sat down and pulled some papers out of a drawer.

      “Fill these out. Let me know when you’re done and we can go over the basics.” Her words were clipped and Brian suspected she was about as willing to hire him as he was to work here.

      Oh, this was going to be fantastic.

      But he only nodded at her, then took the pen she handed him and started filling in the blanks.

      Ten minutes later he was done. He left the papers on the desk and walked to the back of the bakery.

      Melissa was dumping some flour into an industrial-sized mixer. She looked up when he came in. “Done?”



      Great conversation. This was going to be just swell.

      Melissa wiped her hands again, then walked past him to the front of the bakery, stopping at the front counter. “I thought you could start with taking care of customers, stocking the cases and organizing the stockroom.”

      “And baking?”

      “I take care of that,” she said, a brusque note in her voice.

      “I thought you needed full-time help.”

      “I do, but for now you can start with this.” She leveled him a narrowed gaze. “I hope that’s not a problem?”

      Brian held his hands up. “No problem. I just figured I’d have to be making cupcakes or some such thing.”

      “I like to be in charge of the baking.” She said it with such a firm note in her voice, Brian pegged her immediately.

      Control freak. Not that it mattered to him if he didn’t do any baking. This job was strictly a fill-in.

      “This is the cash register, obviously,” she said, changing the subject. She pointed to a machine sitting on the wooden counter at right angles to the display cases. “People can pay cash or use their debit or credit card.” Melissa demonstrated, her fingers flashing over the keys. Brian tried to keep up but figured he would find out by trial and error how the thing worked.

      “I’ll be in the back most of the day and when I’m not, Amanda is around. She comes at noon and stays for the afternoon. She knows how to run the cash register, too.”

      Melissa gestured at a chalkboard on the wall behind her. “This is a list of the prices of the goods. I also have a master list of what I’ve baked for the day in the back. When the stock gets low, check the list first to see how much we need compared to how much we make on average.”

      Melissa pointed out another checklist, rattled off some more information about stock and overages, words spilling out of her mouth faster than oil out of a busted hydraulic hose.

      “Hey, Miss Sweeney,” he said, holding up his hand to stem the verbal flow. “You’re throwing too much at me too quick. Why don’t we take this one step at a time? Let me learn as I go.”

      “Okay,” she said, her gaze flicking away from his. “I’m usually in the back so I’m available.”

      “Good. Then I’ll start with memorizing the price list.”

      Melissa nodded, then, avoiding his eyes, walked to the supply room just off the front of the bakery.

      Brian blew out a sigh as he looked around the front of the bakery. Well, this was it. His new job. And from the way Melissa was acting, it was as if she wasn’t too impressed with having him as an employee either.

      As Miss Coraline said, God moves in mysterious ways.

      “One other thing I need from you,” Melissa was saying as she came out of her office carrying a bag. “You’ll have to wear this.”

      Brian opened the bag, pulled out an apron with broad pink-and-white stripes, then stared at Melissa in dismay. “Seriously?”

      “Seriously.” Melissa gave him another pinched-lip look and he stifled yet another flicker of humiliation.

      “Looks too small,” he said, grimacing as he held it up.

      “I had ordered a couple extra because I had assumed if I hired someone I would be hiring...” She paused, shrugged.

      “Another СКАЧАТЬ