Hannah's Courtship. Emma Miller
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Название: Hannah's Courtship

Автор: Emma Miller

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472072382


СКАЧАТЬ It was clear to Hannah that her daughter was still out of sorts with her over the whole David King mishap and was determined to exert her independence. Somehow, in Susanna’s mind, sneaking out of the house and the accident with the buggy had been Hannah’s fault and not hers.

      “I’m the li-bair-ian,” Susanna said. “I can’t stay here. Have to take the book to Naomi.”

      Hannah folded her arms. “I see.” Clearly, what Grace had said recently was true. Susanna had always developed slower than her sisters, but at almost twenty-one, she had charged headlong into her own form of independence.

      When Hannah had turned their unused milk house into a lending library for the local Amish community, she’d suggested that Susanna become the librarian. She’d hoped the responsibility would give Susanna a sense of self-worth. Despite her struggles with the written word, Susanna had taken to the job with great enthusiasm. She could read only a little, and Hannah suspected that much of Susanna’s pleasure from the library came from arranging the books by color and requiring users to print their names and the borrowed titles in a large journal.

      Susanna and the whole family enjoyed providing suitable books for their neighbors, adults and children alike. But what Hannah hadn’t expected was that David King would become an almost daily visitor to Susanna’s library, or that the two of them would spend so many hours in the small building laughing and talking together. Hannah was afraid that David was borrowing so many books as an excuse to see Susanna, something definitely against the rules for Amish young people of marriageable age. The trouble was, how did she put an end to an innocent friendship?

      “You’re walking across the field, aren’t you?” Hannah asked, more as a reminder than a question. “You aren’t walking down the road?”

      “Ya. The pasture. I can do it by myself.”

      “Be home by seven. Ask one of the twins to walk back with you.”

      “By myself, Mam.” Susanna threw her a look so much like her sister Johanna’s that Hannah smiled.

      “All right. By yourself, but be careful, Susanna. No talking to strangers.”

      Susanna giggled and folded her arms in a mirror image of Hannah. “No strangers in the pasture.”

      Hannah sighed. “No, I suppose there aren’t. But be careful, just the same.” Feeling a little out of sorts with herself, Hannah left the library and went back into the house. There, she looked around for something out of place or something that needed doing, but all seemed in order.

      The house echoed with emptiness. Chores done, floors scrubbed, dishes washed and put away. Susanna had been busy today, so busy that she’d left nothing for Hannah to do. And with all her children active in their own families, Hannah knew she should have been glad for the peace and quiet. No grandchildren running through the house, no slamming doors, no tracking mud through the kitchen, no supper to cook.

      Of course, she would need some sort of supper for herself. Maybe she’d start something that she, Susanna, Rebecca and Irwin could have again tomorrow. Hannah wanted to begin setting out early vegetable plants in the garden, and she wouldn’t have time to prepare a big noon meal. She went to the refrigerator, but when she opened it, there was a pot of chicken and dumplings as well as a bowl of coleslaw. A note was propped in front. “Enjoy! Rice pudding on bottom shelf. Love, Johanna.”

      Hannah sighed. Why did Johanna’s thoughtful deed add to her sense of restlessness? Maybe she should walk over to Ruth’s and see if she needed help with the twins. Or, perhaps she should check on the chickens to see if Susanna had remembered to gather the eggs. Taking a basket from a peg on the wall, Hannah went back into the yard.

      She was halfway to the chicken house when she heard the sound of a motor vehicle. As she watched, a familiar truck came up the lane and into the yard. Albert pulled to a stop, rolled down the window and smiled.

      “Afternoon, Hannah.”

      “Afternoon, Albert.” She walked over to his truck, egg basket on her arm.

      “Wondered how the pony was, if you noticed any swelling in his legs or any bruising?”

      She shook her head. “Ne. The pony is fine, thanks be.”

      “And Susanna? She’s no worse for the tumble?” He tugged at his ball cap and leaned out the window.

      “Ne, Susanna’s good.” She chuckled. “Actually, she’s not behaving like herself. She’s always been the easiest of my children, but recently...” She spread her hands. “I know you don’t have children, but...”

      “No, I don’t, but I think I should have. Sometimes, Hannah, I wonder if...”


      He removed his cap and squeezed the brim between his hands, then put it back on his head and tugged it tight. “You sure you don’t want me to check that pony out?”

      “The pony’s fine.” First Susanna and now Albert. This was turning into the strangest afternoon, Hannah mused. She liked the man, found his company interesting and felt at ease with him, but she couldn’t imagine why he was acting so oddly.

      It seemed almost as if Albert wanted to say something but couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was like a father to Grace’s husband. Was there some trouble with Grace’s new family that she didn’t know about? Hannah’s eyes narrowed. And why was Albert so worried about Susanna? Was there more about Susanna and David than what he’d told her?

      “If you’ve something to tell me,” she said. “It’s best you just say it instead of beating around the bush.”

      Albert’s earnest face flushed.

      Bingo, she thought. But she didn’t urge him further. If there was one thing that she’d learned from being a teacher, it was that silence often brought more confessions than demands did.

      “There is something I wanted to ask you.”

      “Ya, Albert. What is it?”

      He leaned out the window. “Well, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about...”

      It was all she could do to keep from tapping her foot impatiently. “Yes, Albert?”

      “Alpacas,” he said.

      Chapter Four

      Albert raised his gaze to meet Hannah’s. He could feel his face growing warm. Being around Hannah Yoder always did that to him. Made him tongue-tied, too.

      It wasn’t just that Hannah was attractive. She was that and more. Maybe attractive didn’t do her justice. Hannah was strikingly handsome, with large brown eyes, a generous mouth and a shapely nose with just a smattering of freckles. Hers wasn’t a face a man was likely to forget, no matter his age.

      Hannah’s creamy skin was as smooth as a baby’s, and her hair, what he could see of it, peeking out around her kapp, was thick and curly, a soft reddish-brown. She was tall, but not too tall, sturdy, but still graceful. He’d never seen her when she wasn’t neat and tidy.

      It wasn’t just her looks that he liked. Hannah was the sort of woman you expected could take charge if she needed to. Something СКАЧАТЬ