Her Unforgettable Cowboy. Debra Clopton
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Название: Her Unforgettable Cowboy

Автор: Debra Clopton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472013736


СКАЧАТЬ Grinned. “Count me in.” His chest was so puffed out Morgan feared the teen would throw his back out of whack.

      Their eagerness had Morgan rethinking some things...like maybe it was time to offer Joseph and Wes some guidance on relationships, and what was acceptable around a girl. Not that the boys were around girls very much because they went to school on the ranch. Still, there were local girls at church and around town. Morgan made a mental note.

      Jolie’s eyes widened at their offer. “I would love some help if you fellas want to. Only if Morgan doesn’t have plans for you, though.”

      Every eye turned toward him.

      “You don’t, do you?” Joseph vocalized their question.

      He wanted to say that yes, in fact, he sure did. He wanted nothing more than to tell the kids they had other things that required their attention besides Miss Jolie Sheridan. But any cowboy worth his salt knew when he was caught.

      The right thing to do—the courteous thing to do—was help out the new teacher and offer assistance.

      Him included.

      If it had been any other person, he wouldn’t have even hesitated.

      “Nope,” he heard himself saying. “No plans that can’t wait. Helping Miss Sheridan get settled would be the gentlemanly thing to do, so we’ll do that first and then we’ll go build the fence.”

      “I don’t want to disrupt any plans you’ve already made,” she insisted.

      The guys erupted like squawking geese, assuring her it was no problem. No problem at all.

      Morgan suddenly wanted to take the boys and get as far away from Jolie as possible. But instead, he said, “Like the guys are telling you, it’s not a problem. We can build the fence Monday after school if we don’t get it done this afternoon.”

      She smiled at him and it hit him in the gut like a two-by-four. He was in for a beating while she was around, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

      “Well, okay. Thanks.”

      “You’re welcome,” he said, his breath jamming in his throat.

      She hesitated, her eyes locking on his for a second before turning back to the boys. Only then could Morgan breathe.

      “If that’s the case then follow me, good men that you are,” she directed with a laugh. “Let’s go see what adventures await us.”

      Waving to the fellas to follow her, she headed for the three-room schoolhouse. The boys trotted behind her looking like a litter of puppies with their tongues hanging out.

      Morgan watched them go. “Just call me Jolie,” he heard her telling them, her voice drifting to him over the distance, like a long-forgotten song.

      “I heard she was back.” Pepper came out of the stable to stand beside him. “Your grandmother told me she stopped by the kitchen yesterday and said hello. She said they had a real nice visit. Said she was worried about you, though. Me, too. I figure from that scowl on your face you just found out this morning.”

      So even his grandmother knew.

      “How many others knew about this?” he asked, not even trying to hide his anger.

      “Don’t get me to lying. I just happened to see her coming out of your dad’s office yesterday when you and the boys were off working cattle with Rowdy. I asked your grandmother about it.”

      Morgan shook his head, watching Jolie in the distance. His stomach rolled like he’d just been thrown from a rough bronc. What had he been thinking when he’d offered to help?

      Staring from beneath bushy eyebrows with concern, Pepper clapped Morgan on the back. “You hold your ground, Morg. Dig your boots into that gravel and don’t budge. I helped scrape your heart up off the sidewalk once, and I ain’t lookin’ forward to doing it again in this lifetime.”

      Morgan shot him a firm look. “You don’t have to worry about me. I learned my lesson a long time ago. I’m just looking out for the boys today.”

      “Good. I haven’t ever disagreed with your dad about much, but this time I have to admit that I did. He should have never let that girl come back. It just ain’t right, accident or no accident.”

      Morgan knew about the accident. His grandmother had told him how Jolie had nearly drowned in competition on a river. It hit him hard then and still did now, even if he had gotten over his feelings for her the day she’d given him back his ring.

      Tugging his hat down low, he gave Pepper a nod and headed off toward the school. Might as well get this over with.

      Despite the anger that still lived inside him, his pulse picked up speed as he started after Jolie. And his boots followed suit, not dragging anywhere near as much as he thought they should, considering he was going to help the woman who’d left him high and dry with his heart—and his engagement ring—in his hand.

      Chapter Two

      Did I make the right choice coming home to the ranch?

      Jolie’s emotions had been tumbling around inside her like clothes in a dryer since the moment she’d spotted Morgan standing beside the stables. The cowboy had always turned her world upside down with his midnight-black hair and deep blue eyes. Six feet of lean Texas cowboy with an extra inch added on for good measure—like the guy needed any extra help.

      He’d been thirteen when she moved to the ranch with her parents. Immediately she’d thought he hung the moon. He’d probably thought she was a ten-year-old pest but was too kind to let her know it, unlike his brother Rowdy. Instead he’d endured her childish adoration with a patience that she’d tested on a regular basis.

      How could she not have fallen in love with the guy?

      “Where should this go?” Joseph asked, looking at her desk.

      “I think I’d like it over there by that wall.” Jolie pointed to the opposite side of the room from where the heavy oak desk was sitting now. She smiled, determined not to let the rush of the past and the uncertainty of the present distract her from getting her classroom set up.

      She was impressed with the way the boys were willing to help. And startled and a bit shaken by the fact that Morgan had offered his help, too. Especially because he’d not hidden the fact that he was unhappy about her being here—his eyes had told the tale. She’d hoped time had healed old wounds, but even if it hadn’t, she’d had to come home to the ranch.

      Needed to come home.

      Needed desperately to find the person she’d been, the person she’d lost somewhere in the depths of West Virginia’s Gauley River.

      She had loved Sunrise Ranch from the moment she’d moved here when her folks had been hired as house parents for one of the two foster homes on the ranch. It had been a wonderful place to grow up. And she was praying it would now be a place where she could heal and find the funny, take-the-world-by-the-horns girl she’d lost beneath the dark water of the Gauley.

      The girl she СКАЧАТЬ