The Reluctant Bride. Kathryn Alexander
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Название: The Reluctant Bride

Автор: Kathryn Alexander

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472064295


СКАЧАТЬ Career Day displays set up there. Posters, pamphlets, booths with displays and even a miniature firehouse filled the area. Several firefighters, military personnel, a chef with baked goods to sample, a secretary with modern business equipment to demonstrate, a nurse and an airplane pilot were present, along with a martial arts expert who was practicing on mats in the middle of the floor. Numerous other occupations were represented, as well.

      “I have three children,” Angela stated as they entered the crowded gym. “And they all, as young as they are, know what they want to be when they grow up. Nathan, my ten-year-old wants to be a doctor, David, my middle child, loves airplanes, so he's going to be a pilot, and Heather, well, she wants to be a teacher like her mommy.”

      Micah was about to ask Angela a few questions about her children, when she noticed him. At school. In the gym. Smiling and walking toward her. She could hardly believe her eyes. But after reaching her, he leaned over and kissed the other teacher on the cheek.

      “Hi, Rob. Thanks for coming,” Angela greeted him.

      Micah stood speechless. How many times would she encounter this man? And what was he doing kissing Angela?

      “Glad to help out, little sister,” Rob said as he studied Micah's confused expression. “So we meet again, Miss Shepherd.”

      “Yes…I…” She remained at a loss for words, and he was looking at her as if it didn't matter.

      “I am the official representative of the legal profession today. My sister couldn't con a judge into coming, so she settled for me.”

      “Now don't tell lies, Robert. You know you were my first choice,” Angela commented as the three of them started walking through the tables and displays. “I'm surprised you and Micah know each other.”

      “Yes, it seems rather strange to keep running into each other. Are you sure you haven't been following me, Miss Shepherd?”

      “I could accuse you of exactly the same thing, Mr. Granston,” Micah quickly remarked.

      “Perhaps, rightfully so,” he answered quietly, his disturbing gaze never wavering.

      “So, tell me, Robert. How do you plan to compete with martial arts demonstrations and samples of the chefs cooking?” Angela inquired.

      “Speaking of cooking,” Micah interrupted, “thank you for buying lunch the other day. It was very kind of you.”

      “You're welcome,” he replied and then turned his attention to his sister's question. “I've set up a courtroom.” They moved to Rob's area of the floor and viewed what appeared to be a mock trial in progress. “We've selected twelve impartial jurors, after explaining the words impartial and juror to them. And we have a judge, a prosecutor and a defense attorney. I put everything on hold until I could find you. I thought you'd like this.”

      Angela was beaming. Obviously she did like it very much.

      “What's the judge's name?” Rob asked the small, blond boy in the judge's seat.

      “Sam Oleson.”

      “The Honorable Sam Oleson presiding over this trial,” Rob announced. “And, ladies, we need an alleged criminal. Would either of you care to do the honors?”

      Rob looked only at Micah as he spoke, and Angela laughed at the lack of attention. “I guess you're it, Micah.”

      “No, thanks,” she replied, stepping back. “I have some other exhibits to attend to. I don't have time to be tried and convicted.”

      The children responded enthusiastically. “C'mon, Miss Shepherd. Be the bad guy!”

      “The ‘alleged’ bad guy,” Rob clarified as he reached for Micah's hand.

      “No,” she stated quickly as she moved away from Rob and the “judge's” bench. “Angela will make a better bad guy for you.”

      “Thanks a lot!” came Angela's response. “What a compliment.”

      “We want Miss Shepherd! We want Miss Shepherd!” the children chanted.

      “Hold it down, guys.” Rob said as he raised his hand to quiet down his group. “Miss Shepherd looks a little too honest to play a criminal.”

      “I'll do it,” Angela intervened, apparently sensing Micah's nervousness. “I just hope I don't become a victim of type-casting.”

      “Guilty! Guilty!” cried the young participants.

      “What kind of jury are you?” Rob asked before laughing at the children's reaction to his sister.

      Micah edged away from the scene, hoping to slip out unnoticed. Rob organized the children into the arrangement he wanted, but not without glancing up curiously at Micah as she walked from the circle of activity.

      Micah rubbed her arms briskly as she fought the invading chill. Years had passed since she had been part of a courtroom setting. Time changes things, or so she had heard; but she was under the growing conviction that time did not change anything but pages on the calendar.

      There were colorful displays and some rather plain exhibits, but they all received adequate attention from curious children in no hurry to get back to the classroom.

      The martial arts expert drew the largest gathering of children. Oohs and aahs filled that portion of the gymnasium as the youngsters freely expressed how impressed they were with the performances. Micah watched for a few minutes, wondering how martial arts qualified for a Career Day exhibit. Not exactly a nine-to-five job, she considered. But then, neither was painting. She stopped at the small concession stand and bought a soda.

      The elderly lady who had come for her family-owned bakery was a major attraction, and it only took a taste of one of the woman's hundreds of thumbprint cookies filled with strawberry jam to understand her popularity. But Micah ate a second, just to confirm her theory.

      The afternoon slipped away, and soon the children were herded back to their classrooms by Angela, Micah and the other teachers for school dismissal. The bell soon rang and the children were “free.” At least that was the impression they gave as they burst from the confines of the long brick building and filled the sidewalks with skipping feet, endless chatter and an occasional word of profanity.

      “Children,” Micah said quietly to herself. So few of them were the sweet, innocent kids they deserved to be at their tender ages. Many knew far more of the world's harsh ways and heartaches than their teachers, who had grown up in gentler decades. Micah closed the classroom window with a thud.

      “Micah?” Angela stuck her head around the corner of the doorway, peering into the classroom. “Everyone is in a hurry to get out of here this afternoon. Are you ready?”

      “Almost.” Micah rearranged a few books and flipped off the light switch. “What's the rush?”

      “We all have to be back here at seven o'clock for a special meeting regarding funding cuts.” Angela's smile seemed a bit mischievous as she offered, “You're invited to attend.”

      “No, thanks. Not attending that kind of meeting is one of the fringe benefits of being a sub.” She exited the classroom and walked down the hallway with Angela. “The gym is СКАЧАТЬ