Treasure Creek Dad. Terri Reed
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Название: Treasure Creek Dad

Автор: Terri Reed

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472022684


СКАЧАТЬ My tours are geared toward a true wilderness experience. We eat what we can carry, we fish when we hit the river and everyone helps set up and take down camp each day. We’re up at sunrise and on the move all day until dusk. It’s a pretty physical trip.”

      Raising an eyebrow in challenge, he said, “I think Veronica and I can handle that.”

      She shrugged, not quite sure he was correct. But…his money, his call.

      “How soon would you like to go?”

      “As soon as we can.”

      “Okay. We need to have time for orientation, when we’ll go over the gear needed, safety tips. And I can answer any questions she or you might have. This meeting usually takes about an hour. Let’s look at the calendar,” she said, and moved to Rachel’s desk. Rachel handed her the appointment book.

      Casey flipped open to the month of August. Today was Wednesday, the fourth. “How about this coming Monday? Then we could do an orientation Friday evening, which would give you time over the weekend to get the supplies you and your daughter will require.”

      He didn’t hesitate. “Great. My parents are leaving on Sunday after church for a week-long cruise, so this will work out perfect.”

      The door to the tour company blasted open, and a tall, shapely woman bustled in, along with the cloying scent of liberally applied perfume. She wore a tailored pantsuit beneath a faux-fur long coat, stylish pumps with little rosesetts on the pointed tips and a Coach hand bag slung over her shoulder. Clearly not a native to the area.

      The woman paused a moment, as if assessing the situation, before gliding across the reception room and halting beside Casey. Dark brown hair, styled attractively around her oval face, made her sultry brown eyes stand out. Or maybe it was the curiosity that subtly shifted in her gaze, as she looked from Casey to Jake and back again.

      Casey blinked, hardly believing what she was seeing. “Amelia?”

      Chapter Two

      Not sure what to think of her sister’s sudden and unexpected appearance after so many years away, Casey asked, “What are you doing here?”

      Raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow, Amelia said, “Hello to you, too, sis.”

      “Sorry. Hi.” Casey gave Amelia an awkward hug.

      As Amelia released Casey, she tugged on Casey’s short ponytail. “I came for our class reunion, of course. And because I saw that wonderful article about Treasure Creek and all the hunky bachelors.” She slid a glance toward Jake.

      A wave of irritation crashed over Casey, but with Jake watching, she choose to ignore the reminder of that awful article, as well as her sister’s condescending action and the tone that suggested Casey should have known why she’d returned.

      But how could Casey possibly know her twin would come back for the reunion, when Amelia hadn’t even RSVPed? Since Casey was on the reunion decoration committee even though she wasn’t planning to attend, she’d heard all about how her sister hadn’t responded yet. “The reunion’s not for another three weeks.”

      Amelia shrugged and said, in an airy tone, “I had some vacation time I needed to use or lose, so I thought I’d come early.”

      “Okay.” That sounded reasonable. Or did it?

      If it were anyone other than Amelia, Casey would believe the explanation. But this was Amelia talking—the girl who had left two days after they’d graduated from high school, loudly proclaiming she couldn’t wait to get as far away as she could from Treasure Creek. She’d ended up in San Francisco. Back to the place where they were born.

      Over the last decade, though she called every few weeks, she’d come back only twice. Each time staying no more than a couple of days before declaring she couldn’t take another minute in this small town. So why the sudden need to return? And from the sound of it, for an extended stay.

      Casey knew she should be glad to see her sister, but for some reason, Amelia’s presence only stirred up annoyance. How awful was that? Guilt curled in Casey’s belly, making her breakfast churn.

      A chiming noise emanated from Amelia’s purse. She stuck her hand inside and silenced the cell phone.

      “You’re not going to answer that?” Casey asked, curious as to why she wouldn’t.

      “No.” Amelia turned her red, glossy smile on Jake. “Jake Rodgers, right?” She held out her soft-looking, manicured hand. “I remember you. You were ahead of us by a couple of years.” Her gaze slid speculatively to Casey and then back to Jake. “I didn’t know you two were friends.”

      The insinuation in her voice grated across Casey’s nerves. “He’s my client,” she said, trying to keep impatience out of her tone.

      Jake briefly shook her offered hand. “Nice to meet you, Amelia. I take it you don’t live in Treasure Creek anymore.”

      “Oh, please. No, I flew the coop after graduation. Just like you. I ended up in San Francisco. I manage a department store now,” she said, with obvious pride in her voice. “Where did you end up?”

      “The windy city of Chicago.”

      “Ah. And now you’re back.” Her dark eyes took on a predatory gleam. “For how long?”

      Casey clenched her jaw at her sister’s obvious ploy. Amelia liked her men rich, which Jake Rodgers definitely was.

      “Permanently,” Jake stated, firmly. “I’m taking over the family business.

      “How interesting.” She glanced at Casey. “So you’re hiring my sis to take you on a wilderness tour? Very exciting.”

      Jake flashed a grin at Casey. “Yes, I am. We were discussing the details.”

      Amelia bumped Casey with her shoulder. “I’ve always wanted to take one of sis’s tours, but have never had the time. Until now.”

      Right. Like Casey believed that. Her prissy sister wouldn’t last ten minutes out in the Alaskan wilderness. Needing to get her sister out of her hair so she could finish up with Jake, Casey dug her house keys from the side pocket of her hiking pants and held them out. “Why don’t you take my keys and head to the house? You can unpack and unwind. I’ll be home later.”

      Ignoring the dangling keys hanging from Casey’s finger, Amelia pinned her with a challenging look. “I’d really like to hear about this tour. When are you going?” She slanted a coy glance at Jake. “Is there room for one more?”

      “We haven’t firmed up the particulars. We were talking about leaving this coming Monday.” Jake tilted his head and shifted his gaze to Casey. “I’m open to having a group tour.”

      Dread sluiced through Casey like a dam bursting. Gritting her teeth in a semblance of what she hoped was a smile, Casey said to Jake, “That’s very generous of you.” To her sister, she said, “Amelia, it’s a backpacking trip. You know? Hiking through the woods, climbing over rough terrain, camping out, carrying your own equipment.”

      “Oh, how rugged that sounds.” Amelia grinned, flashing her even, СКАЧАТЬ