Light Me Up. Isabel Sharpe
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Название: Light Me Up

Автор: Isabel Sharpe

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408969373


СКАЧАТЬ suspiciously, again pleading with her blush mechanism for mercy. “Excited how?”

      “Artistically. Of course.” He grinned in a way that made it extremely difficult not to grin back. “Have coffee with me? A quick cup. I’d like to talk over what I hope to do with the pictures.”

      “Blackmail me?”

      He laughed. “Not blackmail you. I promise.”

      “I need to get to work.” Even she could hear her lack of conviction. Work would still be there half an hour from now. Melissa was always early, always thoroughly prepared to tackle her day. She was admittedly intrigued by this man and his work, and she wanted to see if he’d be open to negotiating a legitimate deal so she could afford him for Gretchen’s wedding.

      She and her sister hadn’t grown up poor, but they hadn’t been well off, either. Her father had imploded after their mom died; any ambition he might have had to get his PhD or pursue a principal’s or administrative position had died with her. All he’d done since then was teach high school and watch TV. Melissa really wanted Gretchen to have a dream wedding, but without money growing on the family tree, it fell to her to make things happen, as it had so many times since her mom’s death.

      “One quick cup.” She hoisted her gym bag briskly. “In the bakery. With a table between us. And Mace if you have any.”

      “Won’t need it.” His smile reached his eyes instantly. “Angela’s better than Mace, she’s stronger and faster. But really, I’m harmless.”

      Melissa had definite doubts about that.

      They walked down the hall together and, in a moment worthy of farce, Melissa caught Bonnie doing a frantic double take at the sight of them, and then Angela doing the same when she and Jack came into the bakery.

      “Oh. Hi.” Angela glanced rapidly between them. “You two—Well. What can I get you?”

      “Just coffee.” Jack’s voice came over Melissa’s right shoulder; she was ridiculously conscious of his body close to hers. “This is Melissa.”

      “Yes.” Angela nodded uncomfortably. “We met.”

      Melissa beamed at her, unable to resist a little torture. “I’m the college-friend look-alike.”

      “Oh … yes.” She gestured desperately toward the other side of the shop. “Coffee’s over there, help yourself, on the house, let me know if you want anything else.”

      Jack was laughing, a deep chuckle that was frankly delicious. “Angela, it’s okay, she—”

      “Hey, Angela.” Bonnie sailed into the bakery and pretended to have just caught sight of them. “Oh! Hi, Jack. Hi, Melissa. Do you two know each other?”

      “Melissa has seen the pictures. We’re here to talk it out. Bonnie, go pot ferns. Angela, go bake a cake.”

      “Are you kidding me? Miss this conversation?” Bonnie sent Melissa a sly wink behind Jack’s back. “Dish up the muffins, Angela. Front-row seats for the showdown are available.”

      “No.” Jack took a threatening step toward Bonnie. “You are not staying—”

      “Ooh, good idea, Bonnie.” Angela threw Melissa a grin while Jack growled at Bonnie. “Chocolate chip, oatmeal cranberry, lemon blueberry …”

      “Over my dead body.”

      “If that’s necessary, sure, Jack.” Angela bent down and started picking out muffins. “You don’t mind if we’re here, do you, Melissa?”

      “Of course not.” Melissa suppressed a giggle. Nice to see Jack wasn’t always in control. It actually made him more appealing. “I’m happier in a crowd when I chat with my stalkers.”

      “Oh, me, too.” Bonnie plunked herself into a chair and patted the one beside her for Melissa, then pointed to the chair opposite and looked expectantly at Jack. “Sit.”

      Jack sat, glowering at all three of them. “Apparently I am outnumbered.”

      “Outnumbered, outclassed, outwitted and outmaneuvered.” Bonnie rested her elbows on the table and her head on laced fingers. “Now, Melissa. First of all, let us reassure you about Jack.”

      “Yes. We must.” Angela put a paper plate of divine-looking muffins on the table. “He might look and act like a complete creep—”


      “—but he’s a total sweetheart.”

      “And a very talented photographer,” Bonnie added.

      “I promise you are completely safe with him.” Angela sat down and beamed at Jack.

      “Absolutely.” Bonnie nodded vigorously. She and Angela exchanged glances. Their confidence slipped. “Well … pretty safe.”

      “Yeah …” Angela bit her lip. “I’d say more or less safe.”

      “If you have people around.”

      “Hired to protect you.”

      “Who are armed.”

      Jack brought his hand down on the table, enough to make the muffins jump. His lips twitched. “Stop. Now. You are not helping.”

      “Of course we’re helping.” Angela turned to Bonnie in concern. “Aren’t we?”

      “Well …” Bonnie looked troubled. “Now that I think about it, we might not be. Melissa?”

      “You are both helping. A lot.” Melissa nodded her most gracious thanks. “It was pretty frightening seeing those pictures, but now, hearing from both of you that Jack is probably a sociopath … well, I feel a lot better.”

      Angela and Bonnie burst out laughing. Jack put his head in his hands and groaned. Melissa gave in and cracked up with the women, and for a few seconds, felt a sweet glow of belonging. Which was silly, since she didn’t.

      “All righty, then.” Angela got up and pushed in her chair, smiling fondly at Jack. “Our work is done.”

      “We’re outta here.” Bonnie grabbed a blueberry muffin and kissed the top of Jack’s head. “You’ll do fine, Jack. Just be yourself. Or maybe … hmm. No, actually, if I were you I’d be someone else. Anyone, really.”

      “Yeah, thanks a hell of a lot. Both of you.”

      The women walked off giggling, Bonnie to her shop, Angela into the bakery kitchen, leaving silence and intimacy behind them.

      Melissa clasped her hand around her mug so she wouldn’t show her nervousness. “They are hilarious.”

      “Uh-huh.” Jack didn’t bother hiding his amusement. “And they knew exactly what they were doing.”

      “Trying to reassure me?”

      “Did it work?”