Her Lone Star Cowboy. Debra Clopton
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Название: Her Lone Star Cowboy

Автор: Debra Clopton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408980156


СКАЧАТЬ you did. God sent you along just at the right moment. Thank you, Jess Holden, my knight in shining armor.”

       Jess chuckled. He wasn’t surprised by much, but she’d gotten him with her complete turnaround. “You’re welcome. You’re Adela’s granddaughter, right?” He’d heard the fellas talking about her down at Sam’s Diner. Adela Ledbetter Green was one of the older ladies in town. She was married to Sam who owned the local diner and there had been much excitement surrounding Adela’s granddaughter coming to town.

       “Yes, I am.”

       He grinned. “Seeing as how Adela is one of three older ladies known as the Matchmaking Posse of Mule Hollow, do you know what you’re getting yourself into by moving back here?”

       They’d finally reached the blacktop and Jess breathed a little easier. He paused at the stop sign and studied his passenger, waiting for her to answer his question. He’d been holding off the matchmakers for a while, a bit startled that they hadn’t tried harder to match him up with someone. Those three ladies had the “fix’n up” on the brain.

       Gabi smiled, exposing a deep dimple. “Oh, I’m aware of what my grandmother does. But I already told her I was off-limits for now. Believe me, I’ll be looking for a husband again—I mean, someday soon. But right now I just want to get settled.” She cocked her wet head to the side, her gaze probing. “Do you know the Lord?”

       Jess had been caught off guard by the “again” and then by her wanting to know if he knew the Lord. “Sure,” he very nearly stammered, feeling a little uncomfortable. He and God knew each other, but they kept their distance.

       “Oh, wonderful,” she gushed, grinning, bright and beautiful. Her eyes warmed with joy. “Just wonderful! I gave my life to God about a month ago and I’m about to bust figuring out what He has in store for me.”

       Excitement radiated off Gabi like sunshine off new snow. It had Jess forgetting to press the gas pedal, leaving them sitting at the edge of the road. She winked at him—probably because his expression mirrored his surprise.

       “I know, I know, I get a little excited over this. And I have to admit that getting stuck on the side of the road in tornado weather isn’t exactly what I was expecting today. But you know what?—I think God must have meant for me to meet you today and that’s what all of this is about. And if so, this craziness has been well worth everything.”

       “Thanks,” he chuckled. The woman had an infectious way about her and he couldn’t help the grin that lingered as he held her gaze. She was studying him like he was a painting on a wall or something. He lost his train of thought for a second and decided it was time to drive. He eased the truck onto the pavement. At last, after miles of soggy dirt road, he felt his wheels meet with solid ground. Feeling her gaze, he glanced at Gabi again and yup, she was studying him again.

       “What’s wrong?”

       “Nothing’s wrong.” She sighed. “I’m just trying to figure out why God sent you into my life.”

       One thing was for certain, Gabi Newberry was different. “That’s easy enough,” he teased, hiking a brow as he looked back at the road. “You obviously needed someone to rescue you from the water and tell you to stay out of the elements.” He was only half joking.

       “You’re one of those men who has to be bossy, aren’t you?” she asked, reaching to turn up the heat in the truck—since they were both soaked, it was a bit chilly in the cab.

       “I’m just being honest.”

       She gave a short laugh. “You’re being bossy. I wouldn’t have drowned. I can swim like a fish.”

       The rain had slowed up to a drizzle and he could see a patch of sun peeking through the gray clouds. The lightning had moved farther off but still flashed in the distance over Gabi’s shoulder. He glanced at her just as a flash sparked behind her. It mirrored the spark of challenge he saw in their green depths. “Um, you were drowning when I pulled you out. You risked your life when you should have been waiting for help.”

       “I did what I thought I needed to do. I couldn’t just let these little guys stay out there and risk that trailer going over.” As if knowing they were being discussed, the calves bawled louder and stuck their wet noses over the seat.

       “Look, Gabi. I’ve just met you, but out of respect for your grandmother, I need to warn you to be more careful. You need to think smarter if you’re going to be traipsing around out here in the country by yourself.”

       A calf poked its nose in her ear, causing her to laugh. She tucked her legs underneath her and turned to pet the calves that began trying to come over the seat. “You, Mr. Holden, are about as pushy as these boys. Thanks for your concern. I hear what you’re saying, but I did what I had to do.”

       The vet clinic came into view. It was obvious that she was not going to take his advice to heart. Stubborn woman. “Next time you might not be so lucky.” He pulled to a stop beside the holding pens behind the clinic.

       Her gaze twinkled as she placed her hand on his arm. Her touch was warm and a spark of awareness danced along his skin. Her expression was a mixture of humor, laced with a firm you-aren’t-going-to-tell-me-what-to-do attitude.

       “So be it,” she said, pulling away her hand and reaching for the door handle. “Thanks for the rescue and the ride.”

       “But not the advice,” Jess said as he climbed out of the truck. He wasn’t sure if the woman was soft on the brain, stubborn or both. Either way it was bothersome. He strode around to her side of the truck, where she waited with her hands on her narrow hips, her hair hung in tiny curls wisping about her forehead—they’d dried on the trip in and were a pale honey blond. His pulse kicked in abruptly, when she smiled that smile that lit across her face and let the dimple out of its hiding place.

       “You can give me all the advice you want to. I’ll consider it. I’ll even thank you for it.”

       “But you won’t take it. That’s about what I’d expect.” He opened the door and reached for the nearest calf.

       Gabi already had the gate opened. She had a hand on her hip and one hand on the gate as he tramped past her. “Don’t get comfortable thinking you know what to expect. I’m not as easy to read as you think I am, cowboy.”

       He paused to look down at her. She blinked innocently and her smile widened showing a bright white smile. There was nothing innocent in that smile. He had known her all of thirty minutes and he’d already figured her out. “I never said you were easy to read. Matter of fact, I have a feeling you probably work real hard at being complicated.” He went for the other calf.

       Gabi chuckled behind him. “You know what?”

       He was walking past her with the other calf and paused to let it loose before facing her. “What?” he asked, grinning because there was nothing else to do.

       “I like you even if you are bossy. I’m going to have fun keeping you on your toes.”

       If he’d have had a hat, he’d have tipped it at her, but it was somewhere downstream stuck in the mud. Instead he just nodded. “Have at it. I like a woman who keeps me guessing.”

       “Then you’re going to love me,” she quipped, and strode toward the office.