His Small-Town Family. Lorraine Beatty
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Название: His Small-Town Family

Автор: Lorraine Beatty

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472072733



      Her vulnerability triggered his protective instincts, something he hadn’t felt in a long time. And noticing an attractive woman made him feel human again. He’d spent too much time trying to survive. It was nice to experience normal reactions again.

      Ethan pried the shipping label from a small box, turning to glance at Nicki as she strode into the stockroom and went to the storage closet. Sliding the blade back into the box cutter, he watched as she rummaged through the shelves a moment, then pulled out a new lightbulb, shut the cabinet and reached for the four-foot folding stepladder leaning against the wall.

      She smiled over her shoulder, holding up the bulb. “Light’s out in my office.”

      “Need some help?”

      “No. I can do it myself.”

      He watched her walk away, lugging the awkward stool, her shoulders squared. The defiant tone in her voice piqued his curiosity. Maybe he should keep an eye on her. He wasn’t comfortable with her climbing an old step stool without someone to steady it.

      He found her in her office, stool unfolded and placed squarely beneath the light fixture. The office ceiling was at least ten feet. To reach the socket she’d have to stand on the top step, and even then it would be a stretch. He stepped forward, extending his hand. “Let me do that.”

      She pulled the lightbulb out of his reach, her blue eyes darkening to navy. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m perfectly capable of changing a lightbulb.”

      Ethan held her gaze, surprised to see fear flash through her blue eyes. Her posture was rigid. Her jaw was set. He held her eyes a moment longer, wishing he could understand and help somehow. But right now, discretion was called for. He stepped to the front of the ladder, steadying it with both hands, and waited.

      Slowly, the tension eased from her shoulders. She inhaled a deep breath and grasped the side of the ladder, bulb in the other hand. The front bell chimed, halting her on the first step. She glanced from the doorway back to him, clearly torn between completing her task and greeting the new customer.

      He held out his hand. “I’ll finish up here. If that’s okay.” His offer was rewarded with a sweet smile that sent his heart on an odd roller-coaster ride.


      Ethan watched her hurry away, then quickly replaced the lightbulb and returned the step stool to the stockroom. His curiosity about his new boss was fully engaged now. He wanted to know what had caused the fear in her blue eyes. Whatever it was, he’d be keeping a close eye on her from now on. She was prone to acts of recklessness.

      A loud rumble from his stomach an hour later reminded Ethan that it was lunchtime. While Nicki had insisted they were on the honor system, he wanted to at least notify her he was leaving. He decided to try the deli around the corner today.

      Striding out of the stockroom, he peeked in the office door. It was empty, but he could hear her speaking softly in the back room. He grinned, tugging on his earlobe. Maybe she was the kind who talked to herself. Another thing that made her interesting.

      He heard her giggle before she stepped back into the office. He looked over at her, teasing words on the tip of his tongue. He froze. Blood drained from his face. His heart refused to beat. Ice filled his veins.

      Nicki stood in the middle of the office with an infant in her arms. She cradled the baby against her shoulder, patting its back and cooing sweetly. Ethan recoiled at the image. His vision flickered between the woman and child in front of him and the woman and child in Afghanistan. One minute together. The next... Claws of horror pierced the back of his mind. He tried to focus on Nicki and the baby, but the image of the others on the ground—broken, torn—intruded. He was sucked back to a dusty street in Afghanistan. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move or even think.

      “Oh, Ethan. I want you to meet my daughter, Sadie.”

      Her voice penetrated his senses slowly like molasses dripping from a spoon. He had to get away. Now. “Yeah. I’m...lunch.”

      “Ethan. Are you all right?”

      Ethan looked from Nicki’s proud smile to the little child, with its bobbing fists and little head that wobbled slightly. His stomach twisted. The claws dug deeper, pulling him back. He managed a nod and stumbled back. “I’d better...”

      He pivoted and burst out the back door to the parking area behind the stores, stopping in the middle and bending over, resting his hands on his thighs as he drew deep breaths into his lungs. God help me. After a few moments, he felt the panic ease. He straightened and raked his fingers across his scalp. His gaze drifted upward, landing on a white steeple visible above the row of brick buildings. The sun glinted off the copper finial, sending rays of light outward.

      The Lord is my shepherd. He inhaled, reciting the psalm silently as he concentrated on taking slow measured breaths. By the time he got to Thy rod and thy staff, his heart rate was returning to normal, but his gut was still in knots. Lunch was out of the question. Being around people was impossible.

      He walked to his car, climbed in and drove the few miles out of Dover to his motel room. Safely inside, he fell on the bed and tried to sort out what to do next. He couldn’t stay at the store. He couldn’t work there every day seeing Nicki and the baby. He’d go mad. All the work he’d put in over the past year would be gone.

      There was only one solution. He had to quit. Today. He wanted to call her immediately and tell her, but he couldn’t walk out in the middle of the day. Not after promising her he’d be around to help her redo the store. He’d fight through the rest of the afternoon, but at six tonight he’d tell her he was done. He hated to see the disappointment in her blue eyes, but he had no choice.

      He looked at Ron’s card, lying on the bedside table. He could call. Talk it out. But his emotions were too raw. He needed time to process what he was feeling. At the very least, time to calm down.

      Service. He had to think of his last few hours as service. Then he could get through it. Doing for others had been how he’d gotten through it the first time. That, along with prayer and talking to Paul.

      Feeling in control once more, he picked up his keys and headed back. All he had to do was make it through a couple of hours. So much for Dover being the refuge he’d hoped for.

      The incident with Ethan replayed in Nicki’s mind as she carried her daughter to the kitchen and prepared a bottle. When she’d seen him in the office doorway, she’d been anxious to show off her beautiful little girl. But instead of the smile and compliments she normally received, Ethan had stared at her and Sadie with a look of shock and horror. He’d paled, and his eyes had glazed over, as if he were seeing something else. He’d mumbled something about lunch, then bolted.

      There was no explanation she could think of for his odd behavior. Maybe he didn’t like children. Or maybe he’d lost a child and seeing Sadie had reminded him of his loss. Had she made another foolish mistake in hiring him? Maybe her mother was right after all. He’d provided only the barest of information on his job application. Social Security number and a birthdate that made him thirty-three as of a few months ago.

      He’d listed his college, but not his degree. Why wouldn’t you want people to know what you’d done before? Maybe he had a criminal past. She should have done a СКАЧАТЬ