The Cowboy's Homecoming. Carolyne Aarsen
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Название: The Cowboy's Homecoming

Автор: Carolyne Aarsen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474033428


СКАЧАТЬ offered.

      Louisa and Abby both shot him a surprised look.

      “I’m not completely helpless,” Lee muttered, walking to the back of the car to check on the tire. It was well and truly flat. “Where’s the spare?”

      “You don’t need to—”

      “Alan can do it—”

      Abby and Louisa spoke at the same time. Lee almost felt insulted, but he guessed neither of them wanted to spend any more time with him than they had to.

      “There’s no way I’m leaving you two here stranded,” he said, ignoring their protests. “So, where’s the spare tire?”

      He saw Abby give Louisa another quick look, as if to verify what she should do. “It’s in the trunk. Under the carpet. There’s a toolbox there, as well.” Abby hit the key fob, he heard a click and he opened the trunk.

      “I’ll help you,” she said, hobbling over to his side.

      “Go sit on the side of the road,” he said. “I don’t want you falling again.”

      The “again” slipped out. The grimace on Abby’s face indicated he’d hit a sensitive spot. He imagined that, after first falling out of a tree, then stumbling and getting cut while trying to avoid him, she’d had her share of humiliation. He didn’t need to rub it in.

      Lee sighed wearily. He clearly wasn’t gaining ground with her, so he turned his attention to changing the tire. This he was halfway competent with. He found the spare tire, jack and tools he needed.

      While he jacked and loosened nuts, Abby and Louisa had both taken his advice and sat on the side of the road, talking quietly.

      Fifteen minutes later he dumped the flat tire in the back of the car and slammed the trunk shut. “It’s ready to go,” he said, brushing his hands on his jeans.

      Louisa stood, helping Abby to her feet. “What do we owe you?” Louisa asked.

      “Nothing. Just being neighborly.”

      “I prefer to pay you,” Abby said, digging in her backpack.

      “I prefer you don’t.” Lee took a step toward his truck. “You’ll want to bring that tire in to Alan’s to get it fixed. He can swap it for the spare. And, as I mentioned before, you should get that ankle looked at.”

      “I’ll do that.” Abby clutched her backpack. “And thanks again for your help and...the ride.”

      “Okay.” Another uncomfortable pause followed. There was nothing more to say or do, so he gave her a tense smile, then walked back to the truck.

      As he drove away, he glanced in the rearview mirror, surprised to feel his heart banging against his rib cage.

      It was just reaction, he told himself as he sucked in a breath and looked ahead. He wasn’t sure if he’d see Abby again, and it didn’t matter. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him, and he didn’t blame her.

      That much hadn’t changed.

      * * *

      “You going to tell your mom that you met up with Lee?”

      Abby looked up from her camera, glancing ahead at the road as Louisa turned the car around, headed back to Saddlebank. “It’s not like I snuck out to see him,” she said, wishing she didn’t sound so defensive. “It was a rotten coincidence that we both ended up at the same place at the same time.”

      “Must have been hard for you.”

      Abby let the sentence settle, contemplating the intricate ebb and flow of feelings that Lee Bannister stirred in her.

      It bothered her that she found him even more attractive than she had in high school. She should despise him. He had not only injured her father, but had humiliated her. So, for all intents and purposes, she should feel nothing but contempt for him.

      And yet, as she looked down at her camera again, she was annoyed to feel a prickle of tears. It had been nine years since her father’s accident. Surely seeing Lee shouldn’t bring all this up again. She blamed her wavering emotions on embarrassment. On the fatigue that had dogged her for the past four years, travelling around the world doing pieces on resorts for the travel magazine she worked for. It was a dream job and had paid her enough to set a bunch of money aside. But a weariness and a soul-deep dissatisfaction she couldn’t explain seemed to vex her every time she booked another airplane ticket. Every time she checked into a motel.

      So she took a month off and, when she still felt the same, asked for an extension. It had taken a lot of wrangling with her editor, but Abby wanted to come home. She hadn’t been back in Saddlebank for years. Still, she should have timed her visit better, she realized, and returned after the Bannister anniversary and wedding.

      “I knew he was coming back,” Abby said finally. “I thought I could avoid him but it seems God has an ironic sense of humor.”

      “I wouldn’t call seeing that rat fink unexpectedly funny,” Louisa scoffed.

      “You might have if you had seen the array of my various falls in front of him. I would have gotten at least an 8.6 for artistic impression.”

      “And a ten for pain and suffering.”

      “It’s not that bad,” Abby said, glancing down at the large bandage Lee had put on her cut.

      “Well, that will certainly put a wrinkle in your hiking plans.”

      Abby had hoped to head up into the high country and take some photos while she was here. Lately she’d been doing some freelance work, selling some of the pictures she took between jobs. She hoped to supplement her income doing her own work and slowly wean herself from the travel pieces she had been doing. “I’ll manage.”

      Louisa was quiet a moment, then turned to her, eyebrows lifted. “So, was it hard to see Lee again?”

      “Wasn’t easy. The guy has taken up too much space in my brain in the past few years.” Abby thought she had erased the shadow he cast on her life. But one look at him and all the tangled emotions twisted her inside out again. “Truth is, I just hate how much influence he’s had in my life,” she continued. “I feel like I’ve invested way too much energy in this nonrelationship. And I hope Mom doesn’t want to talk about it like she does each time I call her.”

      “That’s probably part of your problem, as well,” Louisa said. “She keeps rehashing the same old stuff. Every time I speak with her, it’s also all she can talk about. She needs to get past it too.”

      “It was a hard time for her. Watching Dad suffer and then become this completely different person, then their divorce...” Abby eased out a sigh and shook her head. “It changed our lives.”

      “I know. I’m not going to lie—seeing Lee was a shock to me too. I’m still ticked at him for what he did to you at the prom. Taking you out on a bet from those louses he hung around with.”

      “That was even longer ago,” Abby said with a snicker.

      “Maybe, СКАЧАТЬ