Sex, Lies and Valentines. Tawny Weber
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Название: Sex, Lies and Valentines

Автор: Tawny Weber

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408969052


СКАЧАТЬ watched her throat move as she swallowed.

      His body hardened.

      She lowered the glass. Her eyes still locked on his, she licked one glistening drop of water off her lower lip. Soft and pink, he imagined her tongue licking other things.

      And damn near groaned.

      “Mr. Lane?”

      Shit. He was here to do a job.

      Playtime would have to come later.

      Gabriel dragged his eyes off the gorgeous blonde and focused on the men in front of him. He could still see the sexy distraction out of the corner of his eye as he listened to the accountant outline his concerns about the deal. Jerry, the unfortunate-faced mark, split his attention between staring over Gabriel’s shoulder and absently nodding along with his buddy.

      Trying to stay focused on the game, Gabriel ignored the flash of color and light in the corner of the eye. Then Jerry winced, a shocked look crossing his homely face.

      Gabriel turned his head just in time to see Blondie’s date grab her by the hair.

      “What the …”

      Gabriel was half out of his seat when the guy pulled her mouth to his. She leaned in, like she was liking it. No struggle, no sign that she was in trouble. When he pulled away, she said something, patting the guy’s chest. The smile she offered him was big and sweet.

      His nerve endings raw from zigzagging between lust and the rescue-the-distressed-damsel adrenaline rush, Gabriel clenched his fist and sucked in a deep breath.

      Settling in his chair, he shifted so he couldn’t watch the show any longer.

      He had to focus, dammit.

      The priority was the game. The money.

      Never a woman.

      “I understand your concerns,” he told the men, focusing on Jerry. He went on to outline why their thinking was wrong, and why his deal was the greatest thing invented since internet porn. It only took a few seconds before both men were nodding along, big smiles on their faces.

      Not because he was so damned good, either. Nope, the guys’ attention was still split, half of it on the Gabriel’s pitch, the rest on the blonde over his shoulder.

      Hell, he thought as he pushed the contract toward Jerry to read and sign. She was making this way too easy for him. He was starting to feel like he should offer her up a pretty sparkle or two as a thank-you for doing half his work for him.

      Offering Jerry his pen and a charming smile, Gabriel could almost feel the million dollars sliding into his pocket.

      Then there was a loud crash of glass hitting the floor, a muffled cry of pain and a growl and the sound of flesh hitting flesh. The room went silent for a heartbeat before the air was filled with gasps and protests.

      Fury propelled Gabriel to his feet. Before he could take a step, though, the blonde gave a quick, worried shake of her head. Her face, one cheek glowing red from that asshole’s hand, looked terrified.

      Stay out of it, her big blue eyes begged.

      A man who strongly believed in people’s right to screw themselves up, Gabriel forced himself to sit back down.

      He watched a busboy rush over to clean up the broken glass. Two waiters scurried, one for the table, the other probably for the manager.

      Let it go, Black.

      It was being taken care of. No reason for him to interfere. Or worse, to blow this deal.

      He watched the blonde assure the concerned waiter that she was okay. Her date, the prick, just glared at the guy, his hand fisted around her slender arm.

      Nope. He wasn’t going to be able to ignore it.

      Gabriel grimaced. Then, unable to help himself, he held up one finger to stop the accountant’s pitch.

      “Hang on,” he murmured. He rose, his eyes locked on the guy bullying the pretty blonde. He stepped toward the booth, a charming warning teetering on the tip of his tongue.

      The guy’s beady rat eyes met Gabriel’s for a brief second before he grabbed a handful of the blonde’s curls and yanked again. “I’m paying you for a good time, I want a good time. You do me, girly. Here. Now,” he growled.

      Her quiet cry of pain was eclipsed by the red flush of humiliation warming those alabaster cheeks. She didn’t look toward Gabriel any longer. Instead she whispered something, tried to pull away.

      “No party, no pay,” the guy responded, not whispering.

      She was a rental fantasy?

      Didn’t matter.

      Fury propelled him forward. Before she could cry out again, Gabriel had his hand around the guy’s neck.

      “Oh, no,” the blonde moaned, her fingers reaching and missing as Gabriel yanked the guy to his feet. “Please.”

      His fist cocked back, Gabriel made the mistake of looking at her. Those big blue eyes, so sexy and afraid, pleaded. “Please. Let him go.”

      His fingers itched. His arm vibrated with the force of his fury. He wanted to plow into the man’s face. To make him pay for hurting her. For humiliating her.

      It was that last part, the humiliation, that made Gabriel swallow the edgy violence pounding through his system. He glared into the asshole’s beady eyes and gave him a good shake before letting go.


      The jerk looked like he was going to say something. He shot the blonde a glare, then opened his mouth. Gabriel flexed his fingers. The guy ran.

      “I have to.” Her face on fire as she looked around at all the staring faces, the blonde pressed one hand against those ripe, glossy lips as if holding back a sob, then got to her feet and ran from the room, too.

      Torn between ambition and a desperate need to protect, Gabriel wanted to howl with fury. But, really, there was no choice. Barely sparing a glance for his mark and the million he was kissing off, Gabriel followed.

      He caught her just outside the hotel, near the garden entrance.

      “Hold up,” he demanded, lengthening his stride to catch her before she rounded the corner. How the hell did she move so fast on those heels? Almost running now, Gabriel snagged her arm.

      Her gasp was a watery protest. She yanked away, but faced him. “Don’t,” she said, tears pouring from those sultry blue eyes. One of those girl things or the miracle of the paint manufactures, her makeup didn’t budge under all that wet. So instead of looking bruised and messy, she glowed.

      Gabriel cursed under his breath. There shouldn’t be anything appealing about a bawling woman.

      “You shouldn’t have followed me,” she murmured, brushing the tips of her fingers over her face as if that’d hide her tears. СКАЧАТЬ