From Texas, With Love. Cathy Thacker Gillen
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Название: From Texas, With Love

Автор: Cathy Thacker Gillen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408958872


СКАЧАТЬ a hundred miles, so people either have to travel several hours to meet with someone, or do it themselves. Neither option is ideal.”

      “I’m sure you’re right, but with several irons in the fire, I have to go back to New York.”

      Molly understood, even as she refused to take no for an answer. “The wedding is this weekend. You can stay until then, can’t you?” She clasped Samantha’s hand. “It’s only seven days, and it would mean so much to us. Howard even has a car for you to drive if you stay,” Molly added. “That white Lexus coupe parked next to the house.”

      Will squinted at the vehicle, just visible from where they were seated. “It looks brand-new,” he remarked.

      “It is.” Molly got up to pour more coffee for everyone. “Howard just picked it up in San Angelo a few weeks ago.”

      Will glanced in Samantha’s direction. She knew what he was thinking. It was a question city folk often got. “Yes, I know how to drive,” she informed him. “I learned when I was in Texas. I took driver’s ed in school—a pilot program paid for my car insurance.” Otherwise, as a foster kid, she wouldn’t have been able to afford the liability and accident insurance needed to take driver’s training.

      “Do you own a car now?” Molly asked, returning to her seat.

      “No.” Samantha stirred sugar and cream into her coffee. She looked up and found Will’s eyes on her once again. “It’d be impractical. I rent one when I need one. Otherwise, I walk or take mass transit.”

      Molly rested her chin on her hands. “It must be so exciting, living in New York.”

      More like lonely, Samantha thought, since all she did was work. And now, look for a job and chase mice in her tiny apartment.

      “Hey now.” Will sat back in his chair and stretched his long legs out in front of him, his knee nudging hers under the table in the process. “Don’t count Texas out.” He winked. “Laramie has its thrills.”

      Samantha knew one. Will McCabe. Not that she intended to become emotionally involved with him.

      “I know this is a lot to lay on you all at once,” Howard interjected quietly, “but I promise, if you’ll be part of our wedding, I won’t bug you to visit us again.”

      Samantha studied him, for a moment seeing the loving older brother he had once been, instead of the emotionally distant man he’d become, after their parents’ death. “You swear?”

      He nodded, his eyes holding hers. “I know this is my last chance,” he admitted with a sincerity that touched her heart. “I know I have a lot to make up to you. I know there is no reason on this earth you should let me try. But I’d still like that opportunity, Samantha. I’d still like to be the family we should have been to each other all along.”

      “I WISH WE DIDN’T HAVE TO cut this short,” Molly said, an hour later. “But I’ve got to get over to my office. And Howard has to go into Dallas on business.”

      “Molly’s the mayor of Laramie,” Howard explained, wrapping an arm around his fiancée’s waist.

      She hugged him back and acknowledged with pride, “My biggest accomplishment thus far has been to convince new businesses—like Howard’s and Will’s—to base their operations here.”

      “Howard has his own investment banking business now,” Will told Samantha.

      How odd, she thought, that everyone knew more about her only remaining kin than she did.

      “Before I forget!” Molly snatched a turquoise folder from the console in the foyer. “Here is your schedule of wedding events. The first thing is a fitting at Jenna Lockhart’s boutique. It’s on Main Street, between West Avenue and Bowie Lane. She’d like you to come over this morning, if you can. Meanwhile…” Molly paused. “Where are you going to stay this week?”

      Samantha sensed yet another invitation coming. There was a limit to how much she was going to put herself out there. “With Will,” Samantha replied.

      “But…” Molly and Howard exchanged concerned looks.

      “You’d be more comfortable here,” Will pointed out, practical as ever.

      Samantha knew that.

      “I have a very nice guest room and private bath,” Molly added.

      Howard held up both hands in a defensive gesture. “Don’t worry about running into me. I’m bunking elsewhere until after the wedding,” he said.

      Knowing the more she accepted from Howard and Molly, the more indebted she would be, Samantha rejected the invitation with a pleasant shake of her head. “Really. Will and I are fine.”

      “At the airstrip?” Molly appeared unconvinced, as did Howard.

      Obviously, Samantha thought ruefully, the two of them had seen Will’s Spartan accommodations.

      Trying not to think about what it had been like to fall asleep next to Will and wake up in the middle of the night snuggled cozily against him—only to come to her senses and pull away from him once again—Samantha stiffened her spine.

      “The accommodations at the airstrip provide absolutely everything I need.” Including an incredibly sexy and interesting man to spar with. “So you don’t have to worry about me,” she said, knowing that much was true, because there was no way she and Will were sharing a bed again. Being so close to each other, even if not so scantily clad, was a temptation neither she nor Will needed.

      She might be leading a very celibate existence these days, but she was still human enough to miss the emotional and physical connection that came with making love. Being back in Texas, dealing with her brother, was leaving her vulnerable and overly emotional. Samantha sensed it wouldn’t take much more than a few really passionate kisses or a well-timed hug from Will to have her seeing him in a whole new light. And while she guessed hooking up with him would certainly be pleasurable, it wouldn’t be smart. When she made love with a man again, she wanted to be in love with him, and most important of all, she wanted him to love her back with all his heart.

      “Listen, see y’all later. Thanks for breakfast.” Samantha hurried out the door, Will ambling along behind her. He didn’t say anything, but she could tell he thought she was behaving foolishly in rejecting Howard and Molly’s invitation to stay. For some reason, Will’s disapproval bothered her. And that was strange, since she had stopped caring what other people thought about her a long time ago.

      Samantha reached the white Lexus being loaned to her. She unlocked the door and was immediately assaulted with the new-car smell.

      Aware of Will lingering next to her, Samantha tossed her wedding folder and handbag onto the leather seat. Feeling his eyes upon her, she turned back to him. He came closer still, looking her over from head to toe in a way that electrified her senses. He flashed her a smile.

      “How did I just agree to any of this?” she muttered, rolling her eyes. She had promised herself she was returning to Texas only long enough to provide closure and move on. Instead, she had let herself be goaded into spending the night—and sharing a bed!—with a man who was temptation personified, had agreed to meet her brother’s fiancée and participate in their wedding, all in a little over СКАЧАТЬ