Who's Calling The Shots?. Jennifer Rae
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Название: Who's Calling The Shots?

Автор: Jennifer Rae

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474007627


СКАЧАТЬ women argued with him. Not many people in general argued with him. And when they did he could normally talk them down, make a joke and defuse the situation, but she seemed determined to disagree with him. It should annoy the hell out of him, but it didn’t. Nothing about her was turning him off right now.

      Lust. Physical attraction. That was all this was.

      ‘What?’ he asked absently as her lip bounced out from between her teeth again.

      ‘Alissa! She’s drowning out there and all you can do is stand and watch.’

      Jack’s face moved back to the ocean. He remembered Contestant Number Three and the action that was unfolding out on the sapphire-blue water among the white tips of the waves that were crashing relentlessly to the shore.

      ‘She’s fine. The lifeguards have her.’

      No point panicking. She was in good hands. He hoped she hadn’t swallowed too much water. She was a long way out but he could see her moving into the boat. She was flailing about a lot. So much so that one of the lifeguards had just received a nice hefty slap up the side of his head. She was fine.

      His shoulders relaxed a little and he allowed a smile to lift one side of his mouth.

      ‘You think this is funny?’

      Jack felt Brooke move closer. He didn’t move a muscle.

      ‘This isn’t funny! She could have drowned. She could have died. All for the chance to meet some man she doesn’t even know if she’s going to like! Don’t you see how crazy this is?’

      She’d moved now and was standing in front of him. He wished she wasn’t. She was angry—that was obvious. He wanted to listen to her and calm her down, but it was hard when she stood dripping in front of him. Her breasts peeped out of her brief bikini top—so much so he was sure that if she just moved a little more he’d be able to see the darkness of her nipple.

      ‘Are you looking at my breasts?’


      ‘Yes.’ He met her eyes. No point in lying. She’d caught him—and why wouldn’t he look? They were lovely, and she wasn’t exactly trying to cover them up. For someone who had spent an hour arguing about why they should be wearing wetsuits instead of bikinis earlier that morning, she’d chosen herself one of the briefest and sexiest ones he’d ever seen.

      ‘You make me sick.’

      ‘Well, clearly I make you something...’ He nodded towards her breasts, where her nipples now stood to attention. She was either excited or cold and he didn’t mind which. There was something incredibly hot about hard nipples showing through a bikini.

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