Ruthless Revenge: Sweet Surrender: Seducing His Enemy's Daughter / Surrendering to the Vengeful Italian / Soldier Under Siege. Annie West
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СКАЧАТЬ Her hand dropped and Donato was surprised at the strength of his disappointment. ‘Thank you. But...’ She shook her head and the afternoon sun caught the sheen of honey gilt. ‘I need to go.’

      Donato was about to insist she remain when he read the strain around her mouth. He knew he could have her in his bed all night, enjoying what his body urged him to take. He could weasel the information he wanted after breaking down her defences.

      He let his arm fall. He wanted Ella’s passion and her sweet body. He wanted to understand her and her relationship with her father. But he wouldn’t seduce the details from her.

      His belly churned in a moment of unfamiliar disquiet. He was already taking advantage, pretending to want marriage. It wasn’t just Sanderson pressuring her, putting the shadows beneath her bright eyes.

      Amazingly, for the first time in years, doubt shivered through what passed for his conscience. More than doubt, it was guilt, its sharp blade scraping.

      Donato sat up, his jaw setting as Ella gathered her clothes. She might be vulnerable and sassy, sexy and funny and, he suspected, brave, but he couldn’t allow her to stand in the way of justice.

      Nothing would save Reg Sanderson from his deserts. Not even the fact his daughter was the most appealing, fascinating woman Donato could recall knowing.

      He stood, retrieving her floaty top that had landed on the day bed’s high canopy.

      ‘Thank you.’ Her eyes didn’t meet his and he caught again that hint of embarrassment.

      Their hands brushed and sensation jolted. Maldición! Need was like an electric current running through him.

      ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

      She shook her head and he had to restrain himself from catching those honey-brown tresses and hauling her close again.

      ‘I’m busy.’

      ‘Be ready at nine. I’ll collect you.’

      ‘You don’t know where I live. And you promised not to set your investigators onto me.’

      Donato suppressed a smile. That was better. Her eyes shone with challenge and her chin notched high.

      ‘I didn’t promise not to follow you home.’ He let that sink in. ‘I’ll just toss on some clothes.’ He reached for his shirt, absently noting a couple of missing buttons.

      Her deep sigh drew his attention. Despite her defiant air, she clutched her clothes close, hiding herself. As if he couldn’t perfectly recall those enticing curves.

      ‘Okay. I’ll meet you tomorrow. I’ll come here at midday.’



      ‘Nine.’ He brushed her hair off her cheek. ‘And I promise not to ring you after midnight.’ She shivered and he moved closer, inhaling her skin’s delicate perfume, like sweet peas and sunshine.

      ‘Nine-thirty, then. And you won’t call me at all.’

      Donato didn’t say anything. If she thought he’d pass up a chance to hear her voice, husky and delicious, when he couldn’t have her in his bed...well, she didn’t know him yet.

      * * *

      ‘That’s it. You’ve got the hang of it now.’ Donato’s voice was warm with approval and encouragement and Ella felt emotion flare. Pleasure? Pride? Or excitement at being so close to him?

      No time to work it out now. She had to concentrate.

      ‘Shift your left hand.’

      She watched as Donato demonstrated. Like her, he was suspended on a rope, halfway down a rock face. Except, unlike her, he was perfectly at ease. His eyes danced with pleasure and she’d seen his exhilaration earlier as he’d abseiled down the cliff then swarmed back up with an efficiency that left her in breathless awe.

      She knew he was strong. It was two weeks since she’d become intimately acquainted with his body. But seeing him now she realised how carefully he leashed that power when they made love.

      ‘Ella? Are you okay?’

      ‘Fine.’ She wrenched her gaze to the rock and made herself concentrate on his instructions. Carefully she stepped backwards, feeling the rope play out in her gloved hand.

      ‘Perfect. You’ve got it.’

      Delight filled her. It was partly the thrill of abseiling and partly the effect of his approval.

      Since when had she wanted Donato’s approval?

      She froze, her throat catching.

      ‘You’re doing well, Ella. Just keep moving.’ His voice was encouraging but businesslike enough to focus her. The perfect teacher.

      Who’d have thought it? She remembered that first night when he’d seemed so daunting with his saturnine looks and air of despotic authority.

      But the Donato she’d begun to know had surprising depths. He got his own way too much and there was a shut-off side to him she couldn’t penetrate, yet he was unexpectedly thoughtful and...kind.

      He moved close but not close enough to crowd her. ‘Try bending your knees and pushing off. Just a little bounce. You know you’re safe.’

      Ella nodded. She’d inspected the equipment, learning all she could before she’d agreed to try this. And their professional guide was at the top, watching out for her.

      Tentatively she bent her legs, pushing off from the rock. For a dizzying instant fear hit her, then the thrill of it kicked in. She did it again, this time releasing the rope a little so she moved out and down in an arc.

      ‘I did it!’ A grin split her face.

      ‘Of course you did, since you set your mind to it.’

      Ella turned and found Donato smiling as if he was as thrilled as she was. The warmth of his smile lit her inside.

      ‘Come on, let’s get to the bottom.’

      Ella turned back to the rock, concentrating on each movement. Yet as she descended, thrilled by the fun of it, she was aware of him beside her, matching his pace to hers.

      Finally she stood on shaky legs, breathing hard, adrenalin coursing through her body.

      ‘Good?’ Donato pulled her close, his hands on her hips, and a different sort of thrill shot through her.


      ‘Glad you agreed to try something different this weekend?’

      ‘Absolutely.’ She braced her hands on his shoulders when he would have pulled her closer. ‘When did you learn to climb?’

      He waited before replying, as if assessing her curiosity. ‘In my early twenties. I discovered a taste for wide-open СКАЧАТЬ