Feels Like the First Time. Tawny Weber
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Название: Feels Like the First Time

Автор: Tawny Weber

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408922200


СКАЧАТЬ winced. She’d dig for more gossip later, hopefully without having to hear any more shrill laughter. Before she could break in and excuse herself, a ruckus across the room caught her attention.

      Someone had overturned a full luggage cart. The giggle twins still babbling in her ear, Zoe watched a guy hurry forward to help collect the bags. Something tugged in the back of her mind, but she ignored it in favor of watching the delicious view as he bent low to retrieve the scattered suitcases.

      There it was. The finest ass she’d ever seen. Nerves fluttered in her throat and she tapped her finger against her bottom lip as she considered the odds of the front equaling the back. Long shot, she knew. Guys were either good to watch coming or going.

      And it’d been a long cold spell since she’d seen a guy coming.

      The man straightened, the luggage all reloaded on the cart and the embarrassed guest reassured. He turned toward Zoe and stopped as if he’d hit a glass wall. Their gazes met. She felt the impact all the way across the room. Her tummy spiraling like she’d fallen off a cliff, Zoe’s breath caught. Her body went from hot to blazing.

      Gorgeous, was all she could think.

      Shaggy coffee-brown hair was shoved off a face that made her think of poets and scholars. His long jawline and dark brows gave intensity to a face that would be pretty otherwise. She wanted, needed, to see his eyes. Were they as sexy close-up as they seemed from across the room?

      A loose, blue button-up covered broad shoulders but hid his arms and chest. Zoe wondered what that chest was like. Was he muscled and hard? Or soft and snuggly? Her eyes skimmed the shirt fabric and dropped to the well-fitted denim hugging his slender hips. She sighed in appreciation as she noted how the worn fabric hinted that he dressed left. It was all she could do not to walk over and cup that fabric herself and confirm the suspicion.

      Yeah, his body pretty much screamed sex to her. Hot, unbridled, mind-blowing-orgasm sex.

      He smiled at her. A crooked, sexy smile that rang a bell in the back of her head. But she was too busy paying attention to the sirens going off in her body to pay attention to it.

      His smile pulled her in. She automatically smiled back. Just as automatic was the shoulders-back-breasts-high shift as she angled her body toward him. Suddenly she had a second agenda besides snagging Gandalf this week—to see how many ways she could see this guy come.


      DEXTER DRAKE FROZE as his gaze met Zoe’s across the room. Even from ten yards away, he could see the sparkle in her eyes. If eyes were the windows to the soul, Zoe’s were clear plate glass. Everything she felt was reflected in those bottle-green depths. And right now the reflection was an interesting mix of irritation and intrigue. He’d like to think the intrigue was a little sexual, a hint of interest in him. But even though he’d made a fortune with his imagination, Dex wasn’t the kind of guy who lied to himself.

      More likely, she was trying to figure out why the hell, at his age, he was apparently still working at his parents’ hotel. Dex winced. This wasn’t how he’d planned to greet her for the first time. He’d hoped to make it a surprise. Preferably when she was alone instead of surrounded by a gaggle of giggling women who reminded him of overaged teenagers. Maybe when he was dressed decently, and not, he grimaced with a glance at his jeans, like one of those overaged teens himself.

      Regardless of timing, Dex couldn’t stop his grin. All he’d been able to think about for the past couple weeks was seeing Zoe again. And there she was. While he’d have recognized her trademark dimple and sassy head tilt anywhere, the rest of her was a delicious surprise.

      Sleek and sexy, she wasn’t Goth anymore, but her rebellious individuality was still apparent. No longer short, spiky and pitch-black, her hair hit her shoulders in a cacophony of curls and chunky streaks of color. Red, blond and, yeah, he was happy to see, still some black. She’d lost the roundness that ten years ago she’d lamented and he’d secretly loved. Her black top fell in a straight line to her thighs, but didn’t disguise the swell of her breasts or the indention of her waist. A stack of thick silver bangles clanged on her wrist every time she moved her arm, matching metal glinting from her ears.

      Just as Dex raised his hand to wave to her, she gave him one last, long glance. Then she turned away. He frowned. What was up with that? He caught his own reflection in the large mirror behind the registration desk and realized that as much as she’d changed, so had he.

      Ten years ago, he’d been a foot shorter, built like a noodle and worn glasses. Laser eye surgery, a good workout program and the discovery of protein had definitely had their effects on his body.

      Cool. He could still surprise her. With that in mind, Dex worked his way around the lobby. He positioned himself between the clucking clutch of women and Zoe’s probable escape route so he could step out and greet her once she headed for her room. He kicked back against one of the rosewood columns, crossed his ankles and arms and let loose a grin. He couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she saw him.

      A year younger that Zoe, Dex had taken a lot of advanced classes with her. Brainiacs like them tended to band together. But she’d never seen him as more than a sidekick. A younger buddy. Funny, safe and sexless. Emasculating, yes, but still better than the rest of his schoolmates, who usually saw him only as a wallet or the keys to the best party house in town.

      After Zoe had graduated and left town, Dex had lost all interest in Central High and had counted the days until his own graduation. A scholarship to MIT had been his ticket away from the memories of his unrequited crush and out from under his father’s ever-unfulfilled demands. College, life and a little bit of luck had healed his bruised heart. But he’d never forgotten Zoe. And now was his chance to reconnect, hopefully on equal footing this round.

      He heard one of the ditzy chicks ask, “So, who are you looking forward to seeing again, Zoe?”

      His ears, among other things, perked up. He’d love to hear her say his name. Crazy wish, since he wasn’t even a member of her graduating class and she’d have no reason to expect him here. But the seventeen-year-old in his heart still wished just a little.

      “Oh, you know, everyone,” Zoe hedged. Dex snickered. He knew better than anyone what a lie that was. They’d spent hours on end holed up here at the hotel, raiding the kitchen and lamenting the nastiness of their peers.

      “C’mon, there must be someone you’re looking forward to seeing again,” one of the women nudged. “Maybe Brad?”

      Dex shot upright, peering around the column to frown at Zoe’s face. Brad? Brad Young? That ass? With an ugly surge of jealousy, Dex remembered Zoe’s crush on the blond jock. Unlike the typical jock, Brad hadn’t been an idiot. Just a jerk. He and Dex had gone head to head in all things science. And usually, Dex remembered with a snicker, he’d won.

      “Maybe,” Zoe said with a shrug. Resentment momentarily forgotten, Dex watched the way the soft black fabric of her top moved. Touchably soft, the material emphasized her round breasts. He’d spent years dreaming about those breasts. Lusting as only a callow, teenage boy could. And she’d been lusting after Brad the cad.

      Dex ground his teeth. If her questions were anything to go by, she still was.

      “Actually, it sounds like Brad’s done really well for himself,” she said in the offhand tone that people used to pretend they don’t care. “But Julie mentioned nobody’s sure how. Sounds like a mystery. СКАЧАТЬ