A Sweetheart for Jude Fortune. Cindy Kirk
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Название: A Sweetheart for Jude Fortune

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472047663


СКАЧАТЬ hardly think you told me everything,” he said, “in a five-minute drive.”

      Though his tone was teasing, Gabi froze. She hadn’t thought her father had mentioned the transplant to anyone, but she didn’t know that for sure. “What did I leave out?”

      “You didn’t say anything about a man in your life.” He took the iced tea the waitress gave him while Gabi slipped a straw into her ice water.

      “That’s because there is no man in my life,” Gabi said honestly.

      “I find that difficult to believe.”

      “It’s true.” Gabi thought back to Tony, the IT manager from the bank, and the horrified look on his face when he’d seen her scar. She shrugged. “Work takes most of my time.”

      “Their loss is my gain.” Jude reached across the table and took her hand, bringing it to his lips. The feel of his mouth against her skin brought a rush of desire as unexpected as it was pleasant.

      Gabi wasn’t a neophyte, though she was hardly experienced, either. During her twenty-six years she’d only had two lovers: her high school boyfriend on prom night and a fellow business student in college.

      The prom night had been a disaster. A car was not the place for lovemaking.

      The relationship with her college boyfriend had taken place over most of her freshman year. He’d been fairly experienced, but looking back, Gabi could see now that he’d been more concerned with his own pleasure than with hers. Still, she’d enjoyed their time together and had believed he cared about her.

      Then she’d gotten sick. He’d come a couple of times to the hospital, but by the time she was feeling better, he was out of her life.

      “Tell me about Jude.” Gabi fought to keep her voice steady, no easy task since her body had begun to vibrate.

      “Not much to tell.” He lowered her hand to the table and casually laced his fingers through hers. “I got my BA from Tech and I’ve worked on the ranch since I was old enough to hop on a horse.”

      “Have you ever thought of moving away? Trying something new?”

      His blue eyes grew thoughtful. “A few times. But like my daddy, I love what I do. I like the variety and being my own boss. Horseback Hollow might be small, but it’s a cohesive community and Lubbock is just down the road. Vicker’s Corners is even closer.”

      “Sounds like we’ve both chosen the right path...for us.” He continued to hold her hand, and the feel of his warm skin against hers sent her thoughts careening down a road she had no intention of traveling. Gabi was relieved when the waitress appeared with a mountain of food and he sat back.

      “Oh, my.” She gazed at a burger as big as her plate and a salad big enough for three to share.

      Jude grinned. “I told you the food here is the best.”

      Gabi carefully considered for a moment then removed the hamburger from the sesame bun.

      “Wimp.” Jude stopped, looked stricken. “Sorry.”

      “No worries.” Waving a dismissive hand, Gabi stole one of his fries. “I simply prefer to enjoy the meat.”

      In the end, she ate half of her burger and a third of the salad and sat back, satisfied.

      “They have great sundaes here.” Jude spoke in a persuasive tone when the waitress had cleared their plates.

      Though she wouldn’t mind having a spoonful, she doubted her stomach could handle even one more bite. “I’m so full you’re going to have to roll me out of here as it is. But, if you’d like dessert, go ahead.”

      “I’ve had enough to eat,” he said. “But I wouldn’t mind taking a walk. Are those boots you’re wearing—”

      “They’re very comfortable.” Gabi brightened at the realization Jude didn’t seem in any hurry to have the evening end. “I’d love some fresh air.”

      Gabi pulled out her wallet to pay her share of the tab, but Jude had already handed the waitress several bills and told the blonde to keep the change.

      “I can pay for my own.”

      “You could.” He slid from the booth. “But tonight is my treat.”

      Gabi slipped out from her side, and when she stood, he was right there, holding out the coat that she’d hung on a metal hook at the edge of the booth.

      He took her arm as they stepped out into the cool night air. They walked down the sidewalk, the full moon hanging like a large golden orb in the clear sky overhead.

      “Thank you for the dinner,” Gabi said again.

      “You didn’t eat much.”

      “It was good.” She gazed into his eyes and had to resist the urge to reach up on her tiptoes and plant a kiss on those full lips. “I enjoyed it.”

      His eyes locked on hers. She saw them darken. Held her breath as he took a step forward and lowered his head to hers.

      Chapter Four

      Jude slipped his arms around Gabi’s slender frame and watched her eyes close. His mouth skimmed the edge of her jaw, testing the sweetness of her skin. He nuzzled her neck then found himself shoved off balance from behind.

      Irritation spiked. Jude whirled. If Chris was screwing with him again, his brother wouldn’t find him so understanding this time.

      “Sorry ’bout that, dude,” the young shaggy-haired cowboy called over his shoulder as he lurched down the sidewalk, laughing with his friends, all three men obviously intoxicated.

      When Jude turned to Gabi, he discovered she’d taken a step back. Just a small one, but enough to tell him the moment had passed. Still, the heat simmering in the air practically guaranteed there’d be another moment, another opportunity, before the night ended.

      “There are so many out tonight.” Gabi gestured toward the business district. People stood in front of the Superette, the saloon and The Grill. They talked, flirted, and one couple kissed as if no one else in the world existed.

      The same way he’d felt only moments ago, Jude realized.

      “I didn’t know this many people lived in Horseback Hollow,” Gabi said.

      “It’s Saturday night and unseasonably warm.” Jude raised a hand in greeting to several ranch hands then refocused on Gabi’s beautiful face. “Most of the cowboys from nearby ranches come into town to eat, drink and dance.”

      Her eyes went round as quarters. “Dancing? Really? Where?”

      “The Two Moon Saloon,” Jude said, mentioning the business adjacent to The Grill. “The owners bring in bands on Saturday nights. In fact—” he glanced at his phone “—the party should be getting started anytime now.”

      “I like to dance.” A wistful look crossed Gabi’s face. СКАЧАТЬ