A Maverick for Christmas. Leanne Banks
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Название: A Maverick for Christmas

Автор: Leanne Banks

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472005397


СКАЧАТЬ beamed and looked at Jackson. The love between them sizzled. Laila lifted her glass to Jackson and her eyelids lowered in an intimate gaze. “Who would have ever known?”

      “Who?” Jackson echoed and clicked her glass against his.

      Abby felt a sliver of envy that traveled deeper than her soul. What she wouldn’t give to have Cade look at her that way. Not in this lifetime, she thought.

      Thank goodness the Cateses understood their priorities. Food was near the top of the list. Soon enough, a platter of roasted chicken was passed her way, followed by mashed potatoes. After that, green beans and biscuits.

      Abby took a small spoonful of each dish as it passed. Her mind was preoccupied with Cade. Her appetite was nearly nonexistent. The good news was that everyone’s attention was focused on Laila and Jackson, so no one would notice the fact that she wasn’t the least bit hungry.

      Abby nodded and smiled and pushed her food around her plate then murmured an excuse to get her away from the table. She sought peace in her backyard. It was freezing, but that was no surprise. Abby enjoyed the freezing air that entered her lungs. Despite the fact that it was too cold for words, she was thrilled with the solemn quiet her father’s ranch offered at moments like these.

      She meandered past the porch and shoved her hands into her pockets.

      Seconds later, she heard voices from the back porch.

      “I know it’s crazy, but Laila is my dream come true,” Jackson Traub said. “I never expected it, and she took me by surprise.”

      “I’m so glad,” Rose Traub said. “I was surprised, but happy when it happened. I love that you never thought it would happen to you.”

      “Thanks,” Jackson said, unable to conceal his amusement.

      “Humility is the beginning of wisdom,” Rose said.

      Jackson swore. “You’re tough.”

      “You taught me. I’m just not sure I’ll ever find my true love. Maybe he doesn’t exist. I feel like I’ve dated every man in Thunder Canyon.”

      Abby swallowed a sound of frustration that threatened to bubble from her throat. Rose had been out with a lot of Thunder Canyon men. She’d even gone out with Cade, and that hadn’t set well with Abby, at all.

      “You haven’t dated every man. There’s still old man Henson and his friends,” Jackson joked.

      Abby resisted the urge to laugh, but Rose didn’t. Her warm chuckle drifted through the cold air. “Thanks for the encouragement. Mr. Henson is eighty-five if he’s a day.”

      “Just kidding,” Jackson said. “But the truth is you can find your true love. I did. Don’t give up.”

      “I’m not sure I can count on that,” she said.

      “Give it a little longer,” Jackson said. “You might be surprised.”

      Seconds later, silence fell over Abby as she stood outside the deck in the dark. She wasn’t quite sure what she should take away from the cold night and the conversation she’d overheard.

      Abby stared into the horizon, feeling the stars from the sky watching over her. She should leave, she thought, but she felt the stars tracking her. She wanted—no, needed—to feel the stars guiding her to her future. More than anything, she wished a lucky star was shining down on her. A star of love. If not love, then an antidote for love.

      Fixing her gaze on the brightest star, she felt a ripple of realization shimmy down her spine. She’s wanted Cade as long as she could remember. She’d pushed herself to flirt with him the other night. Abby felt as if her passion for Cade would never be returned. But she would never be sure if she didn’t put herself out there.

      Abby had never been much of a flirt, and she had no idea how to be a seductress, but maybe she needed to give it her best shot now. Maybe she needed to do everything she could to make Cade see her as a woman, a desirable woman who wanted him. At that moment, she made a promise to herself. No more shy little sister, hiding behind Laila. Abby needed to find her inner sexpot.

      Abby cringed at the thought. Okay, maybe not sexpot, but seductress had an empowering ring to it…when it didn’t make her snicker.

      Two days later, Cade took a break from work at the shop and headed for the new bakery in town, the Mountain Bluebell Bakery. He was feeling deprived lately and figured giving in to his sweet tooth was the least of possible evils. Cherry pie or something better sounded great.

      He exhaled and his breath sent out a foggy spritz. Noticing a crowd ahead, he slowed as he approached. A news team was interviewing several different citizens of Thunder Canyon.

      “So, do you think a down-home ribs meal is good enough to keep customers happy?” the newscaster asked. “Or do you think tight T-shirts and short shorts are necessary in today’s market?”

      “Nothing wrong with short shorts and tight T-shirts,” a man from the crowd yelled.

      “But is it necessary?” the newscaster asked.

      “Well,” the man said, “I guess not. But it sure doesn’t hurt.”

      The crowd laughed.

      Suddenly a microphone was put in Cade’s face. “What about you? Do you think a tight T-shirt and short shorts are more important than a home-cooked meal?”

      “No,” he said without hesitation. “The food and service are great at DJ’s. No need for tight T-shirts.”

      The reporter moved past him and Cade automatically searched the crowd. His gaze landed on Abby on the opposite side of the street. He wondered what she thought of all this. She’d seemed a bit skeptical of the skimpy outfits of LipSmackin’ Ribs.

      Her gaze met his, and he lifted his hand and gave her the hi sign. She nodded and moved toward him.

      Cade noticed the way her long brown hair swung over her shoulders. Her cheeks were pink from the cold and her plump lips shiny and distracting. She had the kind of lips any man would want to kiss.

      “Hi,” she said as she approached him. “Can you believe this?”

      He nodded at the crazy press. “Not really. Who would have thought a debate over ribs would bring national news to Thunder Canyon?”

      “I’m with you,” she said, glancing over her shoulder at the crowd behind her. “What are you doing out and about?”

      “I’m taking a break and checking out the new bakery down the street. I hear they’ve got some good stuff,” he said.

      “Mind if join you?” she asked.

      Something told him he should refuse, but he didn’t give in to it. “What about school?”

      “I don’t have a class until tonight.”

      He frowned. “You take night classes? Why don’t you stick to day?” he asked.

      Her lips twitched. “Because not all СКАЧАТЬ