Whiskey Sharp: Jagged. Lauren Dane
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Название: Whiskey Sharp: Jagged

Автор: Lauren Dane

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474083218


СКАЧАТЬ him closer.

      Yes. Fuck yes. More. More. More. She shifted her hold, fingers digging into his shoulders, holding him to her.

      He hummed, as if she were delicious. “Gonna take a while to get down to the center of you,” he said against her lips.

      She might have come just hearing those words.

      Against her ass, his cock was hard and ready and big. All the protestations that she wasn’t a size queen flew out the window in the face of the very large penis that came along with this very hot Russian.

      “I’m not going anywhere, so feel free to be thorough.”

      He laughed, setting her back on the couch beside him. “I plan to spend a great deal of time on you, Rachel Dolan, with your wary eyes and that mouth that makes me weep.”

      “I don’t want to make you weep,” she said, her lips quirking up into a smile. “Well, maybe I’d like to make you beg.”

      He leaned in and stole a kiss that left her mouth swollen and tingly. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. I’m going to walk you home now.”

      “Wait. What?” She looked at the clock, noticing it was already after eleven thirty. He had to get up early and she’d gotten all caught up in her hormones. “Later than I thought.”

      He pushed his hair away from his face. “It’s not that. The occasional night where I don’t get at least six hours is fine. You’re worth it and I can always nap after work. I just want to take some time. I want you to crave me the way I crave you. And when we finally end up in bed—and we both know we will—it’s going to be mind-blowing. I like this stage. Full of anticipation. Discovery. I know your favorite color, but I didn’t know you’d like heart shaped pastry.”

      “Who doesn’t like pastry in any shape? What are they? Monsters?”

      “I like to sip and savor.” He stood and held a hand out. “You’re complex and layered, I’m going to enjoy you.”

      She allowed him to pull her to her feet and then he helped her into her coat, again pausing on the porch to zip her up.

      “I liked our second date,” she told him as they walked up her front steps.

      “I did too. I think the third will be awesome as well.”

      “I have high hopes,” she told him, deadpan.

      Once they’d gotten inside it was to find Maybe and Alexsei were sprawled on the couch, all snuggled up and looking adorable.

      “You get points for walking her in,” Maybe told Vic.

      He bowed to her and then turned back to Rachel. “I’m sure I’ll see you before Saturday.”

      “Chances are, yes.”

      He bent and kissed her right there in her house and even though they’d just kissed for like forty-five minutes, it got her all starry-eyed again.

      He and Alexsei blabbered on about something or other before he headed out and she pretended not to watch his progress from her bedroom window. Which worked until he turned, looked right up at her bedroom window and waved.


      MAYBE SHOWED UP before Rachel had even finished taking off her makeup.

      “No, we didn’t have sex. Yes, we kissed. A lot. Like, he’s a tasting menu of kissing and it’s mind-blowing. I think I might combust when we finally fuck.”

      Maybe closed her mouth and just watched Rachel finish up before following her out to the bedroom.

      Finally her sister broke with an excited little dance. “So this is really good and I’m trying hard not to show just how excited I am so as not to spook you but I need details.”

      After she got changed into warm pajamas, she and her sister got under the blankets. “It was a nice date. He took me to that little French bistro at Pike Place. He asked me questions about who I was as a person, as an artist.” She fell silent for a bit. “Perhaps that’s why I react to him so strongly.”

      “That or the fact that you’ve known him for a few years and over the last six months especially you two have been circling one another slowly. That’s like foreplay.”

      “He just clicks all my buttons. It feels like a lot. And the old Rachel would have been suspicious of it and avoided him until it went away.”

      “As I happen to be feeling pretty intensely about Alexsei right now I can relate. It’s a loss of control to be that into someone. To be feeling all those chemicals bubbling around. The attraction, the sense that this person is unlike anyone else you’ve come across.”

      It did feel a little like the way she did just after riding a roller coaster.

      “And,” Maybe continued, “you’re not that Rachel anymore. So there’s a thing. An important thing. And it’s not like you’ve been choosing one terrible dude after the next. You just haven’t really been choosing at all. Past the scratching that itch stage.”

      “It’s intense.”

      “Totally.” Maybe rested her head on Rachel’s shoulder a little while. “Tell me the rest.”

      “We had dinner. He’s a door opener and a chair puller outer. You know? He’s gentlemanly without being controlling. Bossy and used to getting his way probably through charm alone. And, Maybe, his face! How the hell can I resist? Which is rhetorical because I’m not resisting. I haven’t made out with a dude in a long time. Probably since college. It’s a simple pleasure. I could do it every day, much like eating bread and drinking coffee. Funny how he’s related to two of those things. I just...when I’m with him I don’t feel broken.”

      Or maybe that the way she was broken was okay. And beautiful.

      “We’re going on a hike this weekend.”

      Maybe turned to give Rachel a face. “Ew. Well, you two kids have fun while I won’t be hiking. Or outside in the cold when I don’t have to be. Weirdo.”

      “It’s nice to be able to go on a hike. It’s been a while.” She loved hiking but after the kidnapping it had taken her two years before she’d drummed up the courage to go into the woods again.

      “You do look super cute in your hiking gear. Wear those spandex pants that make you look like you’re training to be in the next dystopian action movie I can’t wait to watch.”

      Rachel laughed even as she knew the exact pair of pants her sister meant and put them into a contender spot. They were great in wet weather, kept her warm and made her butt look fantastic.

      “I have heart-shaped vatrushka with strawberry. I was going to have a cup of tea. I’ll share with you and your wild bearded Russian.”

      “Score. He brought gelato home and I think it should go with all that.”

      “He’s СКАЧАТЬ