A Way With Women. Jule McBride
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Название: A Way With Women

Автор: Jule McBride

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474018623


СКАЧАТЬ check his P.O. box while she was finger combing her hair and experimenting with eyeshadows. She hadn’t worn makeup since Bruce died, but now Macon was back in town, and she didn’t want him to think she wasn’t aging well.

      This would teach her.

      Earlier, she’d returned to the mail counter to find the lobby empty and Macon pushing through the door, pink stationery fisted in his hand. She’d quickly hunkered guiltily behind a display until he was out of sight.

      As Macon now nosed his truck beneath the willow tree that served as her carport, Harper reminded herself that she had nothing to fear. In fact, she should take great pleasure in telling Macon the truth about why she’d written to all those women.

      Macon got out of the truck and slammed the door. Pretending he wasn’t aware she was staring at him from behind the screen, he glanced around the yard, his gaze resting momentarily on an old sandbox. Harper hadn’t removed it, compelled, she supposed, by the same maternal force that made her hold on to Cordy’s craft class artwork, skateboard and first mountain bike. She watched anxiously as Macon casually assessed the house, taking in the sweeping, white-railed wraparound porch, porch swing and petunias spilling from the weathered pine flower boxes Bruce had built.

      When their eyes met, her fingertips curled on the door screen as if the flat surface could provide her with support. All at once, she couldn’t think straight or breathe, and she kept trying to swallow, but she couldn’t do that, either. She wished Cordy was home, then she felt guilty for wanting to use her teenager—my and Macon’s teenager, she thought with breathless panic—to shield her from his own father. It was wishful thinking, anyway, since Cordy was gone, spending the night with his best friend.

      Breathe, she coached herself as Macon approached. It should have been easy, but just like delivering Macon’s mail from all those women, it wasn’t. Besides, she was too busy worrying about the bags only she noticed under her eyes, and about how, after her thirtieth birthday, cellulite had dappled her thighs overnight while every other inch of her started leaning like the Tower of Pisa.

      Macon, of course, had never looked better.

      Why did he have to be the one man about whom her mama had been so right? And why did seeing him in her front yard hurt so much even after all these years? Well, no matter what, she wouldn’t allow her anger to surface. What was past was past. Besides, any show of passion around Macon—even temper—might lead them places neither was prepared to go.

      It was the wrong time to remember their lovemaking had been too urgent for them to ever make it as far as a bed. Or to realize Macon had showered and changed since coming to the post office. He was wearing fresh jeans and a pressed white short-sleeved, snap-up shirt, and despite that she was bracing herself for battle, he looked even better than he did in Texas Men magazine. For the briefest second, she thought he’d changed clothes for her, then she recalled it was Friday night and Macon probably had a date. She felt a rush of temper.

      He came up the porch stairs lifting off his Stetson and stopping wordlessly on the other side of the door, staring at her through the screen, his amber eyes touched with barely suppressed anger. His hair was a delicious mess, the rich gold waves rippling in early evening sunlight that slanted across the wide planks of the porch.

      “Harper,” he drawled, the hard consonants of her name lost so that it might have been something else entirely, such as Apa or Happa.

      “Macon,” she returned just as calmly. It was the first time she’d spoken his name aloud to him since he’d come home, and doing so did such funny things to her heartbeat that she shot an involuntary glance over her shoulder, as if Bruce was still alive and might catch her out here alone with another man. Just looking at Macon McCann made her feel that guilty.

      “We need to talk, Harper.”

      Thankfully, the screen was safely between her and Macon. Everything inside her was tightening as it did whenever he got this close. It would be impossible to convince herself that the heat suffusing her skin was anything other than pure lust, but she tried, assuring herself that nothing could be as brutally punishing as this god-awful Texas heat. “Talk? About…?”

      “You know why I’m here.” Pulling a sheet of crumpled pink bubble-gum scented stationery from his back pocket, Macon waved it in her direction, then re-pocketed it. “Mind if I come in?”

      She considered, nervously lifting a hand to smooth her hair, his penetrating glance making her conscious that she’d brushed it up into a loose topknot, just the way he liked it, leaving long stray sexy wisps curling against her neck. She’d put on a strappy white sun-dress embroidered with bluebonnets, too, which showed plenty of cleavage. Licking her lips against their sudden dryness, she assured herself she’d only dressed this way because of the heat. Blowing out a shaky sigh, she said, “No, you’d better not come in.”

      Macon didn’t bother to ask why not. He knew why not. He considered the matter even longer than she had. “Yeah,” he finally said. “Okay. I guess you’re right. I’d better not.” After a moment, his eyes locked on hers with an intensity that made her shudder. “Aren’t you coming out here then?”

      His perusal was sapping strength from all her joints, so she wasn’t sure she could step over the threshold if she tried. “I don’t think I’d better come out, either.”

      Losing patience, he raised an eyebrow in question. “So, you’re going to stay in there, barricading the door?”

      “I’m not,” she defended on a rush of pique. “But should I be barricading my door? Am I in trouble?”

      Since they were nose to nose, it was definitely a good thing the screen was between them. “I’m not here to have a battle of wits, Harper.”

      She couldn’t help but flash him a quick smile even though her stomach felt awfully jittery—probably from all the coffee she’d drank this morning. “Wouldn’t a battle require two people with wits, Macon?”

      “As ever,” he retorted, “your tongue’s sharp as spurs.”

      She couldn’t quite believe how quickly she’d lost control of the conversation, and yet her heart tugged as she thought of the letters she’d read this morning. All those women were in such trouble. “In this day and age, a woman had better be sharp,” she said pointedly.

      “Especially if she’s tampering with the U.S. mail.”

      “You didn’t have to come here. You could have simply called the sheriff, Macon.”

      “And have you arrested? I thought of that myself, and it’s sorely tempting, but there’s more than just you to worry about. Did you think of that, Harper?”

      Hearing him say her name made her heart skip a beat, but she ignored that and squinted through the screen. “Think of what?”

      “Of Cordy. Your son. He’s a good kid. I’d hate to see him minus a mother, which is where he’ll be if I call the sheriff and you go to jail.”

      For a second, she ceased to breathe. As far as she knew Cordy and Macon had been introduced—on the rare occasions she’d run into Macon, Cordy had sometimes been with her—but Macon had said Cordy’s name so familiarly, almost as if their relationship were personal. Knowing she should feel more relief about Macon not taking legal action, she managed to say, “You’re letting me off the hook? Don’t tell me you found a heart in Houston.”

      He stared СКАЧАТЬ