Three Reasons To Wed. Helen Lacey
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Название: Three Reasons To Wed

Автор: Helen Lacey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474040617


СКАЧАТЬ met his gaze. One thing for sure, Marissa Ellis was beautiful. And Grady experienced a strong surge of something that felt a whole lot like desire sweep through his blood. He pushed it back quickly.

       Not a chance...

      He might not have made love with a woman since forever, but that didn’t mean he was going to start thinking about Marissa in that way. That would be just plain stupid. And he wasn’t a stupid man.

      “Hi,” she said, a little breathlessly. “I’m here.”

      “So I see,” he replied and held the door back for her to enter. “The girls are waiting patiently in the family room. And on their best behavior,” he added. “The promise of a day with you had them up and dressed at dawn. Now they’re sitting quiet as mice—they’ve been watching cartoons until it was time to go.”

      She laughed and the lovely sound echoed down the hallway. He watched her walk, couldn’t help but notice the gentle sway of her hips and the sexy-as-all-get-out boots. She had a style that was an intriguing mix of big city and small town. There was nothing obvious about Marissa; everything was understated and elegant. She was beautiful enough to grace a billboard but always looked just as much at home in jeans and sweaters as she did in a fancy suit or an evening gown.

      Grady dismissed his wandering thoughts and ushered her into the kitchen. His mother and Brant both raised their brows when she entered, even though they knew she was taking the girls out for a few hours. His mom came forward immediately and drew her into an embrace.

      “It’s lovely to see you, Marissa. I was so pleased when Grady told us you’d come back for good. And Violet must be delighted.”

      “I hope so,” Marissa said and hugged his mother in return. “She said you’ve been visiting her this week, so thank you.”

      “My pleasure,” Colleen said and smiled.

      “You remember Brant?” Grady asked.

      She nodded. “Of course,” she replied and flicked her gaze to his brother. “Nice to see you again.”

      “Likewise,” Brant said, flashing her a grin as he sipped his coffee.

      Grady watched as she made a beeline for Tina, who was now bobbing up and down with her hands outstretched. Marissa enfolded his child in her arms as though she was the most precious thing in the world, and something hot pierced his chest. It always moved him to see how attached she was to his daughters. Of course, Liz had been her closest friend, which would explain some part of it. And the girls were delightful. But there was an earnest, deep kind of love between Marissa and his daughters that rattled him in a way he couldn’t quite figure. And she was one of the few people he trusted wholly and completely when it came to the care and well-being of his children.

      As if on cue, Breanna and Milly raced into the room and shrieked delightfully when they saw her. She hugged them both while still holding the toddler, and he realized it had been an age since he’d seen the girls so happy. Marissa brought out the best in them, and from the loving expression on her face, it was clearly mutual.

      Grady glanced toward his mother and saw how keenly she watched the interaction. He knew that look. Great. His mother liked Marissa...but the last thing he wanted was Colleen getting any ideas that included him and Marissa being any kind of anything.

      He excused them to follow the kids and Marissa down the hall, then he grabbed the girls’ bags from beside the front door, hauled Tina into his arms and headed back outside.

      “I installed the car seat you gave me last time I was here,” she said as they walked toward the car. “You know, the one for Milly,” she explained as she unlocked the vehicle.

      Grady was touched that she’d remembered. “Thank you.”

      Once they were all in her Volvo, she spoke.

      “I’ll have them back by four, if that’s okay?”

      “Sure. Have a nice time.”

      Then he waved them off and watched his daughters’ delighted faces through the window as the car eased away. He took a breath and hugged Tina close as he headed back inside.

      “And you, honey,” he said as he kissed her head, “get to spend the day with Daddy.”

      She laughed and gently grabbed a handful of his hair. Tina was such a placid and lovely child. Not as serious and temperamental as Breanna or energetic as Milly, but more like her mom. She’d been six weeks old when Liz died, and it saddened Grady that she’d had only such a small amount of time with her mom.

      Once he was back in the house, he made for the kitchen to collect Tina’s princess backpack. His mother and brother were still sitting at the table, and both gave him an odd look when he entered the room.

      “Marissa seems happy to be back,” his mother said, her lips curling in a smile. “And it looks as though she’s well and truly recovered from her divorce. She’s such a beautiful woman, don’t you think? And she’s so attached to the girls. I know Liz thought the world of—”

      “Mom,” Grady warned gently. “Don’t.”

      She sighed. “All I’m saying is that—”

      “I know what you’re saying,” he said, cutting her off. “So just don’t.”

      “I only—”

      “No,” he said, a little firmer. “Never. Understand? Never.”

      She nodded and stood, rattling the wedding band she still wore against the side of the cup in her hand. She was smiling. A typical Mom way of diffusing his impatience. There was no way he could get mad with his mother. She was all heart and the most generous person he had ever known. Even if she was set on interfering in his private life.

      “Never say never.” She looked at Brant. “That goes for both of you. Now, skedaddle out of here so I can get to my quilting class.”

      Grady said goodbye to his family and headed back to the ranch, determined to get his mother’s words and ideas out of his thoughts.

      And failed, big-time.

      * * *

      Marissa had a wonderful afternoon with the girls. She took them to see Aunt Violet at the hospital and stayed for a while, then afterward they all got their nails painted at the beauty salon in town before going to the Muffin Box café for a shared plate of home-style sweet potato fries followed by pear-and-pecan-flavored mini cupcakes and vanilla bean milk shakes.

      By the time she pulled up outside the ranch house, it was five minutes to four. Grady came out onto the porch, wearing jeans and a T-shirt that showed off his well-defined physique. He was broad in the shoulders and narrow in the hips and waist and well muscled. Not the kind of muscles from a gym as her ex-husband had boasted about...but from his years of working the ranch. From repairing fences and hauling hay bales and rounding up cattle on horseback. There was something so elementally masculine about him it was impossible to ignore. And the purely female part of her that registered an attractive man was on the radar was quickly on full alert, even if it was Grady. She’d have to be a rock not to notice he was attractive.


      Milly СКАЧАТЬ