The Texas Cowboy's Triplets. Cathy Thacker Gillen
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Название: The Texas Cowboy's Triplets

Автор: Cathy Thacker Gillen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474077804


СКАЧАТЬ she said, her expression becoming troubled, “then it becomes a whole thing. And if I’m wrong, as I very well might be, then I’m needlessly putting the child and their family through an ordeal that never should have been.”

      She spoke as if she’d endured a similar contretemps. “Are there any bruises or signs of physical abuse?”

      “No.” Kelly ran a hand through her hair and began to pace. “Nothing like that. Just...something feels off. And I wanted another opinion.” She swung back to face him, more composed now. With a beleaguered sigh, she added, “One not likely to be anywhere near as overly emotional as mine.”

      His heart went out to her because she really did seem to care about whoever she deemed potentially at risk. He strode closer. “Is it a girl or boy?”

      “I’d rather you not know. That way, you won’t be predisposed to see something that may or may not be there.”

      Made sense, he thought, continuing to study her. “You really want to be wrong about this, don’t you?” She looked so distressed. He wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her close. Instead, he touched her arm.

      Kelly sighed, and just for one second leaned into his touch. “Cowboy, more than you could ever know.”

       Chapter Two

      As Kelly had hoped, the two three-year-old classes at the preschool were completely mesmerized by Dan McCabe’s talk on his work at the sheriff’s department. With the exception of little Shoshanna Johnson, who never really seemed to get involved in any class activity, they sat raptly gazing at him as Dan explained how law enforcement was there to help them. And how not to be afraid to approach one to ask for help if it was ever needed.

      Kelly stared, too, for a completely different...extremely inappropriate...reason.

      When he concluded his short but very informative talk, she stepped to the center of the student circle and, studiously ignoring the lawman’s sexy, virile presence, took charge once again. “Would anyone like to ask a question?” And get my mind off just how hot Dan McCabe looks in uniform?

      To her relief, Brian Alderman’s hand promptly shot up. “Do you sleep at the station, like the firemen?”

      “No.” Dan smiled kindly, the glance he directed at Kelly letting her know he realized just how, um, unusually attentive she had been during his speech.

      “I live at my ranch,” he said, sending another deferential glance her way. Kelly told herself it was the heat of classroom making her sweat. She moved closer to the air-conditioning vent.

      “With horses?” Paul Robertson inquired.

      A slow smile tugged at the corners of Dan’s lips. “Six miniature goats and a dog, actually.”

      The students appeared perplexed.

      “I don’t think anyone has any goats as pets,” Kelly ventured.

      So Dan brought out his cell phone and showed pictures. Kelly relaxed. Maybe, she thought, ignoring the melting sensation in her middle, she would get through this without making a besotted fool of herself yet.

      It wasn’t that she was attracted to him, per se.

      It was that he was so big and handsome and confident-looking, and exuded strength in a hundred different ways that was the problem. A fact he seemed to know darn well, judging by the pure masculine devilry in his smile.

      “What are their names?” Sally Baker asked.

      Dan put his phone away. “They don’t have any.”

      Moans and cries of dismay followed. “If you have a pet, you have to name it,” Teddy Franklin pointed out.

      “Point well-taken,” Dan said.

      Kelly smiled. “Maybe we can think up suggestions later and send them to Deputy Dan.”

      Excited suggestions followed, while in the middle of the group, Shoshanna Johnson sighed, burying her head in her knees.

      “Any more questions?” Kelly said, trying not to worry over her new student’s continued lack of involvement.

      Another hand shot up.

      Uh-oh, Kelly thought, knowing where this was likely to go as Dan turned and called on her triplet daughter. Michelle squinted at him. “Are you married?”

      Despite the fact they’d just gone from goats to his marital status, Dan somehow managed to keep a poker face. “No,” he said genially. “I’m not.”

      “Are you going to be?” Kelly’s son Matthew asked out of turn.

      Dan flashed a devastating smile. “I hope so.”

      Kelly could imagine that. There were some men who were just meant to be surrounded by loved ones. Dan McCabe was one of them.

      Michelle raised her hand again, and it was all Kelly could do not to groan aloud. “Well, then, can you marry our mommy?” Michelle asked plaintively. “Because she needs a husband.”

      Michael—the most independent of Kelly’s triplets—frowned. Forgetting for a moment what he was supposed to be doing, he stood up and argued back stalwartly. “No, she doesn’t!”

      Doing her best to stifle a self-conscious blush, Kelly interjected quickly in a desperate attempt to change the subject. “Actually, I have a question for Deputy Dan.” All eyes, including the handsome lawman’s, turned her way. She noted the amusement in his eyes. “Have you ever been called to help a kitten or puppy in trouble while on duty?”

      Dan’s masculine confidence lit up the entire room. “Actually, I have.” He launched into a dramatic tale that quickly had all twenty-eight preschoolers captivated.

      “Nice save,” he murmured twenty minutes later when Kelly walked him to the door.

      The kids were busy attaching their Sheriff’s Star stickers to their clothing with teacher Cece Taylor’s help. Only Shoshanna—who was idly inspecting the goldfish in the tank—seemed uninvolved. “Sorry my triplets put you on the spot,” she murmured, embarrassed.

      His eyes glinted with an indecipherable emotion. “Not a problem.”

      But there was one. She wanted to ask him if he had come to the same conclusion she had. Aware this wasn’t the time to get into it detail, however, she said only, “About what we had talked about a few days ago. Did you notice anything?”

      “I did.”

      Hoping he might have some ideas about what she could do, Kelly asked, “Would it be all right if I phoned you later?”

      He nodded briefly, his eyes taking in the thoughtful look Cece was giving them. “Thanks for inviting me to speak.” Hat still in hand, he strode off.

      Kelly returned to the kids in the classroom. Aware it was time for outdoor play, she and her fellow СКАЧАТЬ