Cowboy Dad. Cathy McDavid
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Название: Cowboy Dad

Автор: Cathy McDavid

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408957967



      “True.” Deana had the decency to look chagrined.

      When she’d retired from Natalie’s job, it was to pursue a longtime dream of owning and running her own business. With Jake Tucker’s financial backing, she and Millie Sweetwater, Jake’s aunt, opened an antique shop in Payson that was so far operating in the black and showed promise of really taking off. Jake, Natalie knew, was satisfied with the return on his investment.

      Yet one more reason for Natalie to steer clear of Aaron Reyes. It was unlikely Jake would withdraw his support of the business because of his aunt. But if he did, Natalie’s mother would suffer. Possibly lose the business. Jake and his aunt could withstand the financial hit. Not Deana.

      Shiloh finally had enough and was now crying in earnest.

      “I think this is my cue to go home.” Natalie returned Shiloh to the carrier and refastened the straps, then stood. “I’ll see you all in the morning.” She went around the table to the other side and gave each of her parents a kiss on the cheek.

      “Night, baby girl.” Deana reached out and tickled Shiloh’s sock-covered foot. “I hope she doesn’t keep you up all hours of the night.”

      “She’ll be fine once we get home.” Shiloh usually went to sleep quickly and often as not, didn’t wake up until morning. “I might walk around a bit first. Fresh air makes her sleepy.”

      “You sure? It’s getting cold out there.”

      Natalie tucked a blanket around the baby. “We won’t be long.”

      She noticed Aaron still sitting and chatting as she wove between the tables and headed toward the kitchen. Apparently, he’d yet to grow weary of hearing his name on every person’s lips. Good for him.

      Taking a shortcut through the kitchen, she stopped at the walk-in refrigerator and grabbed a bottled water before going outside. The instant they hit the cool evening air, Shiloh stopped crying and started looking around.

      The peace and quiet was a welcome relief. Natalie paused a moment to enjoy the silence before cutting across a small strip of lawn that ran between the dining hall and the main lodge. She’d driven her compact car from her bunkhouse, not wanting to take Shiloh in the golf cart.

      Light spilled from a window in the laundry room behind the kitchen, catching Natalie’s attention. She sighed and changed direction. This was hardly the first time she had to follow behind careless employees, shutting off lights they left on or picking up their discarded trash.

      An empty bag sat atop one of the washers. Natalie looked around and when she saw nothing else amiss, switched off the light. She turned to leave…only to shop short when she came face-to-face with Aaron Reyes.

      “Oh!” Her heart suddenly beat faster. “You startled me.”

      “Sorry. I didn’t realize anyone was here.” He moved aside to let her pass.

      She stepped around him, carefully maneuvering Shiloh’s carrier. “I’m always shutting lights off.” She flicked the switch, turning the light back on.

      “My fault. I’ll be more careful next time.”

      He flashed her a smile. Not threatening or predatory or even sexy like Shiloh’s father. Just nice.

      Although Natalie should have left—did her long talk with herself at dinner mean nothing?—she lingered. “How are you getting on with your bunkmates?”


      “I should have warned you about Teresa.”

      “What? And take all the fun out of it?” He pulled wet clothes from the washer and tossed them in the dryer.

      “I really didn’t have any choice but to put you with them. Our employee contracts limit the number of people we can assign to a bunkhouse.”

      “I like sleeping on the couch.”

      Natalie winced. “I’m pretty sure we have a cot in one of the storage rooms. I’ll check on it tomorrow.”

      “I’m fine,” he said, pushing a button on the dryer. With a squeaky groan, the drum started spinning.

      “You say that now. But after eight weeks—”

      “I’ll still be fine. Really.”

      A moment passed with neither of them moving. Even Shiloh quieted, her little arms no longer wiggling.

      Natalie broke the silence. “Can I at least give you a ride to your bunkhouse?”

      “No, thanks. I’ll walk back with my new roomies after my clothes are dry.”


      Her estimation of Aaron rose another notch. No one would think much of her giving one of the owners a ride. They would think a whole lot more of that owner if he walked.

      Natalie took a step toward the door. There really was no reason to stay. So why didn’t she leave? “You going back to the dining hall?”

      Aaron leaned a hip on the washing machine. “In a few minutes. I have some calls to make.”

      Her eyes automatically went to the cell phone clipped to his belt. “You can’t get a signal everywhere on the ranch. It’s best near the main lodge and only when the weather’s not overcast.”

      His expression warmed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

      Natalie wanted to bite her tongue. The line she delivered ten times a day to guests had sounded like an invitation to walk with her. It was all the incentive she needed to finally get a move on.

      “Good night, then.”

      “See you tomorrow.”

      Stepping outside, she decided it would be for the best if she avoided Aaron as much as possible in the coming weeks. Technically, she worked for him, and it was her duty, her responsibility, to be helpful. But helpful didn’t include chitchatting in the laundry room. The last thing she wanted was for him to get the wrong idea.

      Leaving him behind, she backtracked the way she’d come, her gaze focused on the uneven ground ahead. A shadow entered her line of vision. For the second time that night, she stopped short just before colliding with someone. Only this someone was her boss. Jake Tucker.

      She didn’t need to see his face to know he wasn’t happy.

      Chapter Three

      Natalie skipped her usual sit-down breakfast the next morning. She had a hundred and one things to do and only two hours of uninterrupted work time while her mother watched Shiloh. After that, Deana would leave for the antique shop in Payson, an easy twenty-minute drive south on the highway.

      Entering the dining hall, Natalie headed straight for the coffee station and filled her jumbo travel mug. On her way to the kitchen, she stopped by one of the tables and grabbed an English muffin, wrapping it in a napkin.

      “Morning, СКАЧАТЬ