The Replacement. Anne Duquette Marie
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Название: The Replacement

Автор: Anne Duquette Marie

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472026163


СКАЧАТЬ same Lindsey we knew.”

      Eric found himself shaken. He and Naomi had talked about Lindsey a few times, but this was news. “I never heard… No, I don’t believe it. She’d never give up her dogs—or her search-and-rescue work with them.”

      “That’s because you haven’t kept in touch with Lindsey’s sisters. I have. Lindsey’s no better for your breakup than you are—which is why you both need to repair the damage. I’ll help in any way I can. Her family wants their old Lindsey back. I want my old brother back. If that doesn’t happen, when this winter is over, I leave here for good. I can’t stand seeing you like this anymore. Knowing I helped make you so miserable makes it even worse.”

      “That was four years ago. Why the sudden guilt complex? Because she’s coming back?”

      “Because I am guilty.” Eric watched with horror as tears ran down his sister’s face. Naomi moved away from him to snatch at the coffee mugs and napkins. “I saw that you hated the time she spent with animals—you felt it was time she should spend with you. You felt her love for you was somehow compromised by her commitment to her dog. I know how you think, Eric. And I saw what it did to Lindsey. I should’ve helped you both—but I selfishly stood by. I’d already lost my husband. I didn’t want to lose my twin, too. But I lost you, anyway, by letting you walk away from Lindsey.”

      “You didn’t ‘let me’ do anything, Naomi. I’m a big boy. Right or wrong, I made my own choice.”

      “It was wrong.”

      Eric watched the tears slide down her cheeks as she continued setting the table. He asked his sister a question he’d never asked. “Naomi, you only told me the truth, right? Or what you believed to be the truth? You never lied to me, did you? You said she wanted to break off the wedding and her dog’s death was the perfect excuse.”

      Naomi didn’t answer. Shaken, he retrieved the spoon from the sink. “Naomi?” He started to press for an answer just as Keith returned with Ginger and announced, “I saw her. Better set an extra plate, Naomi. She should be here in about ten minutes.”

      Could Lindsey have been right? That all along Naomi had planned to break them up? Never once had Eric suspected that Naomi might have deliberately deceived him. Eric took a deep breath and put the communal pot on the table. He reached for the lid to the breadmaker. He hadn’t clicked the switch hard enough to activate the process earlier, he noticed with dismay. There would be no bread with the stew, no bread for the replacement ranger.

      Eric couldn’t help wishing for a more auspicious beginning. He checked his wristwatch once, twice and a third time, until he caught both his sister and Keith watching him.

      “Just seeing if she’s still the punctual type,” he excused himself—he who never made excuses.

      Naomi said nothing, but Keith remarked, “You can see her from the window now, Boss. Take a look.”

      Eric loped to the front cabin window as fast as he could without seeming to rush. Despite the distance, he immediately took in the gracefully moving figure. The shape, size and movement hit him with a sense of recognition. He could pick Lindsey out in any crowd. The familiar pain he felt at her rejection warred with joy as the figure came closer and then stopped outside the porch door.

      Before he could leave the food to hurry outside, she’d removed her skis, stepped inside the unheated enclosed porch, racked her skis and poles, and knocked on the inner connecting door. Eric immediately brushed past the other two rangers to open it personally, eager to see the face whose appearance once gave him such joy.

      Lindsey Nelson stepped inside the cabin, bringing the cold air inside. The smile on his face froze as she spoke in a stranger’s voice.

      “Lindsey Nelson reporting for duty as ordered, sir.”

      One hour later

      ERIC ROSE FROM THE DINNER table to fetch the apple pie he’d warmed for the night’s dessert, and wondered if Lindsey would refuse to have any. She’d refused his meat-filled stew earlier. After introductions had been made, Lindsey had declined dinner in favor of sitting on the huge, raised hearth and warming up in front of the fire. She hadn’t moved or spoken since, except to answer a few questions from Keith and apologize for her silence.

      “I haven’t skied for four years, Keith. I promise we’ll get better acquainted tomorrow. Right now I just want to catch my breath.”

      Her answer had shocked Eric to the core. Lindsey loved the mountains and skiing, yet her stiff movements, audible breathing and a repeated dose of Diamox showed she had indeed left the high country behind when she’d left him. Worse, her uncharacteristic detachment matched that of the depressed animal on the hearth. She hadn’t made eye contact with anyone, not even the dog.

      My God, she has changed—and not for the better. Is Naomi right? Have we really done this to each other?

      He brought her the first piece of pie. He remembered she loved apple and preferred it warm with coffee…or at least she used to. “The bread will be ready in an hour. This should hold you until then.” He handed her the plate with its fork and the cup of coffee. “Two artificial sugars and cream, right?”

      “I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t use chemical sweeteners anymore,” she said quietly. “I will take the pie. Thank you.”

      As she reached for the plate, the warm fire caught and reflected a sparkling gleam on her ring finger, a gleam that had been hidden in the dimness of the cabin. He stared at the diamond engagement ring—a ring much larger than the one he’d once bought her and still kept in his dresser drawer. The cup shook in his hand and coffee sloshed over the rim. He watched as she jumped and wiped at her indoor warm-up boots with her diamond-clad hand.

      Eric backed away with the coffee. “God, I’m sorry. Did I burn you?”

      “I’m okay. You just caught my boots.”

      “Sorry,” he repeated. “I shouldn’t have poured it so full,” he managed to say.

      “No harm done.” She turned her attention back to the fire, leaving him to set the cup on the table.

      Soon afterward, the table was cleared and wiped. Keith went outside to add more fuel to the generator. Naomi went to the storeroom, as she had cooking detail the next day. Eric, Lindsey and the dog were alone in the cabin’s main room.

      Lindsey moved from the hearth to the thick hooked rug on the floor. He noticed Ginger had slipped closer to Lindsey and seemed to be watching her as closely as he was.

      “What’s her name?” Lindsey finally asked.

      “Ginger. Although Naomi says her name’s gonna be RIP if she doesn’t start eating soon.”

      Lindsey broke off a piece of pie crust, and silently placed it halfway between herself and the animal.

      Furry golden head resting on her paws, Ginger studied the crust. Her nose twitched once, but that was all. Lindsey picked up the crust and popped it in her own mouth. The dog’s gaze took in the action without any visible response. Lindsey broke off another piece of crust, placed it somewhat closer than before, and waited. When the dog made no move toward the food, Lindsey took back the second crust and put it in her mouth, eating with casual nonchalance despite its having been on the rug.

      “Is СКАЧАТЬ