Stand-In Mom. Megan Kelly
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Название: Stand-In Mom

Автор: Megan Kelly

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408956748


СКАЧАТЬ gestured the two of them in. “You’re welcome to explore, Shelby.”

      The girl hunched her shoulders as though she didn’t plan to remove her backpack or her coat. She had no intention of staying. Just then, Scott nudged her and they both entered the room. Ginger quietly exhaled her relief.

      “Nice room,” Scott said.

      She smiled with pride.

      “I’ll be able to visualize you in this environment, Shelby, while I’m at work.” He turned a frosty eye to Ginger. “That’ll help.”

      Ginger narrowed her gaze as he mocked her with her own words, but she kept her calm for his daughter’s sake. Not that Shelby had spared a glance for her teacher, except for the fierce scowl in the principal’s office. Why had the girl taken an instant dislike to her? Had she picked up the vibes between her teacher and her father? Hard to believe, especially when Scott had treated her like a near stranger, other than his mention of them meeting at a party. Had that set the girl against her?

      “The girls around you are Jean and Maria.” Ginger pointed out their desks. “Harry sits in front of you and his twin brother, Ron, sits behind you.”

      “Ron and Harry?” Scott asked. “Like from the Harry Potter books?”

      Ginger nodded and turned to Shelby. “They don’t like to be teased about their names.”

      Shelby stared at her with her dark, depthless eyes. “Why do you think I would tease them?”

      Scott stepped up beside his daughter. “Shelby doesn’t make fun of other children.”

      Great. Alienate the student and her father. “I’m glad to hear that. I’m sure you’ll get along nicely then.” Ginger turned her smile on Scott. “I didn’t mean to imply she would be unfriendly.”

       Just because you are.

      His jaw clenched, proving her message got through.

      “I’ll show you your locker so you can put your coat away.” Ginger took them into the hall and indicated the girl’s locker. Shelby shrugged out of her backpack, and Scott hung her coat on a hook.

      He winked at Shelby. “Now I can visualize your coat in its environment.”

      Shelby grinned, displaying a missing tooth on the bottom row. The girl may not understand all the undercurrents, but she recognized her father had scored a hit.

      Ginger had dealt with all kinds of parents through her five years teaching second grade, but she’d never had a relationship with a father interfere with her emotions before. Not that relationship would be the right word for what she’d shared with the insufferable man currently taunting her. It had been one night of passion. It might have been easier if they had dated and broken up. At least then she’d know his mind.

      “May I speak to you privately, Mr. Matthews?”

      “Why, of course, Ms. Winchester.”

      Ginger barely stopped herself from glaring, knowing Shelby watched them intently. “Shelby, go ahead and put your things in your desk.”

      Her student looked to her father first for his nod of approval, then dragged her feet into the classroom.

      Ginger squared off with him as soon as the girl left their earshot. “One question and I only need a yes or no. Are you married?”

      “No.” His surprised expression was answer enough, but the spoken denial made her sag with relief.

      “Okay, then. Thank you.” She took a breath; it felt like the first she’d taken since recognizing him in the principal’s office. “Scott, no matter what went on between us, we need to be able to speak civilly to one another for your daughter’s sake.”

      “Why didn’t you tell me you taught second grade?”

      She retreated a step, taken aback by his question. Up to this point, he’d behaved as though he disliked her. Miffed, she shot back, “Why didn’t you tell me you had a daughter?”

      He glanced away. “Two.”

      It took her a moment. “You have two daughters?”

      “The other is in preschool at the Wee Care. My boss’s mother owns it, but you probably know that. I took her this morning. The three of us moved up after Christmas. That’s why I’ve been too busy to call.”

      Ginger absorbed the news. Two daughters, no wife. “It’s a good preschool. I noticed Shelby will be taking the bus there after school.”

      “Unfortunately.” He hunched his shoulders. “I don’t like leaving them for so long, but at least I can take them both to their schools in the mornings. I’ve already talked to Dylan about flexing my hours so I can start work later.”

      Ginger wanted to give him a hug of reassurance, wondering if he’d just gotten custody. The first adjustments after a divorce were hard enough without kids. Would the girls be shuttled to Georgia to visit their mother for holidays and summer vacations? Poor things. Maybe she could cut Shelby some slack.

      “I’m serious about us getting along better,” she said. “Especially in front of Shelby.”

      “I agree.” He shoved his hands in the front pockets of his pants and rocked back on his heels. “I have to get to work right now, but maybe we should get together later to discuss this.”

      His offer sounded like a date, although get together gave his suggestion a casual air. Their relationship so far had been intense and intimate, if short-lived. Tempted, she steeled her resolve. She could not get involved with this man, especially now his daughter was in her class. The principal had delivered a lengthy oration—the only kind of talk he knew how to give—just that morning regarding the school district’s cracking down on any hint of impropriety. She couldn’t afford for the adoption agency to hear of a scandal, either. “What do we need to discuss?”

      Scott blinked, some of the starch knocked out of him. “Our …”

      She raised her eyebrows. “Night of passion?”

      “For starters.”

      “Starters? That’s all we have between us. Except now there’s Shelby.”

      “So that’s it?”

      The bell rang and clattering children charged down the hall. “I have to go now,” Ginger said. “If you want to discuss Shelby’s progress in my class, you know where to find me.” She snapped her fingers. “Wait, I know. You could always call me.”

      Turning on her heel, she marched into her classroom.

      THE NEXT DAY, SCOTT WAITED in the school lobby to have a surprise lunch with Shelby. He’d spent the morning at the Wee Care Preschool and Day Care with Serena, making sure she eased into her new surroundings. Dylan was a heck of a guy to give him an extra day off. Scott owed the man big-time, especially as his wife, Tara, had helped ease Rena into the routine. Rena had taken pride in showing her school to him, not having attended preschool or day care back home.

      He СКАЧАТЬ