Her Secret Valentine. Cathy Thacker Gillen
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Название: Her Secret Valentine

Автор: Cathy Thacker Gillen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408958841


СКАЧАТЬ hurt someone else, she was always quick to intervene and make sure that the situation was corrected. But she also gave them plenty of room to live their own lives. And as a result of that, her six adult children were a very tight-knit group. The death of Cal’s father twenty years ago had made them even more so. They understood the value of family. And they loved each other dearly. So dearly that even after ten years of being Cal’s one and only, Ashley sometimes still felt like an outsider looking in.

      Oblivious to Ashley’s anxiety over the evening ahead, Helen linked arms with Ashley and led her toward the Great Room at the rear of the house, where everyone gathered. “If we’d had more notice, I would’ve invited your parents to be with us this evening, too,” Helen noted cheerfully. “They must be very anxious to see you, too!”

      Were they? Ashley wondered.

      “When are you and Cal going to visit them?” Helen paused in the kitchen to check the big pot of spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove.

      “I’m not sure,” Ashley hedged, watching Helen put water on to boil.

      “But they do know you’re back in Carolina?” Helen ascertained, concern lighting her eyes.

      Ashley nodded. “I e-mailed them my plans before I left Honolulu.” And hadn’t yet checked to see if there had been a response, largely because she hadn’t felt ready to face the constant pressure to achieve that her parents were likely to exert on her when they did see her.

      Aware this was a touchy subject with Ashley, Cal motioned them all to the family room, where the rest of Hart clan was gathered around the television, watching two NHL teams do battle on the ice in Montreal. Had the Carolina Storm professional hockey team been playing that evening, three of the men in the family would have been absent. Janey’s husband, Thad, because he was the coach. Dylan, because he was a game announcer, and Joe, because he was one of the hockey players. But since the team had the day off, and the next game was at home, they were all there. As was Janey’s twelve-year-old son Christopher—who was petting Lily and Fletcher’s recently adopted yellow Labrador retriever, Spartacus. Mac and the newest members of the Hart clan—Joe’s wife, Emma, Dylan’s wife, Hannah, and Fletcher’s wife, Lily—were gathered around, too.

      A happier bunch couldn’t have been found, Ashley noted, accepting hugs and warm hellos from one and all. And it was then the trouble she’d been anticipating began.

      “SOMETHING WRONG?” Janey asked two hours later as the two of them carried the containers holding leftovers out to the spare refrigerator in Helen’s garage.

      Besides the fact that everyone there seemed to be keeping a careful eye on everything she and Cal did and said? Ashley wondered.

      Ashley figured if anyone understood the five Hart brothers it was their only sister, Janey. “What do you know about the advice the guys have been giving Cal about me?” Ashley asked, opening the fridge. She was willing to bet whatever had prompted the phone message Cal had received in Hawaii was still going on among the men. Sly looks, approving nods, the occasional slap on the shoulder, one brother to another, had been going on all night.

      Abruptly, Janey looked like a kid who’d been caught with knowledge she had no business having.

      Ashley held up a palm. “I heard it all, Janey. I just want to know what prompted the onslaught of friendly guidance in the first place.” Cal was the most private of the Hart brothers. Definitely the least likely to seek advice regarding his marriage.

      Janey slid her containers into the spare fridge, then knelt to make room for Ashley’s. “They were just worried about you two.” Janey kept her head down. “We all were.” Even more quietly she said, “Cal’s been so lonely while you were away.”

      This was news. Ashley’s heartbeat picked up and anxiety ran through her anew. “Was he complaining to the rest of you?” If so, she wasn’t sure how that made her feel! Not good, certainly.

      “No, of course not.” Finished, Janey straightened. “Cal never complains. You know that.” Janey paused to look at Ashley seriously. “But even though he shrugged it off, we all knew he was pretty miserable whenever he wasn’t busy working.”

      Then why hadn’t Cal said something? Ashley wondered, hurt and dismayed, instead of acting as if the weeks and months apart were just something to be endured.

      “HEY, YOU’RE NOT still upset about the clothes-not-fitting thing, are you?” Cal asked as they turned into the driveway of the farmhouse. He stopped in front of the two-car garage and hit the automatic door button.

      “That’s the least of my worries,” Ashley muttered as she watched the door lift.

      Cal steered his SUV into the garage. He frowned as he cut the motor and depressed the remote control. “Did someone say something to you tonight?”

      Ashley got out of the Jeep, aware the jet lag she had felt earlier had vanished in the face of her anger and disappointment. She watched his face as she waited for him to join her at the door to the softly lit interior of the house, wishing he weren’t so darned handsome and appealing. It would make it so much easier to stay angry with him. “Did you expect them to?”

      Cal unlocked the door and held it open for her, turning sideways to let her pass. Their bodies brushed lightly, igniting her senses even more. “I know my family can be a bit overwhelming, all at once.”

      Ashley put her purse on the kitchen counter and pivoted to face him. She had to tilt her head back to see into his penetrating gray eyes. “Tell me something, Cal. Whose idea was it for you to come to Hawaii early and surprise me?”

      The guilt she had hoped desperately not to see flashed across his face. His fingers tightened on the keys in his hand. “You heard about the Hart posse coming to see me,” he surmised grimly.

      She had now. Wondering just how deep his family’s interference in their marriage went, Ashley folded her arms in front of her. “I’d like to hear it from you,” she retorted, just as quietly.

      Cal shrugged as if the incident were so insignificant it had barely registered on his radar screen. “It was suggested to me that I might want to do a better job of taking charge of our…situation…and bring you home.”

      Her spirits deflated even more. “So that’s the only reason,” Ashley presumed, the knowledge blindsiding her.

      Cal clamped his hands on her shoulders, preventing her from running away. “No,” he corrected with exaggerated patience. “I flew to Hawaii because you’re my wife, and I’m your husband. And I thought you could use some help packing up your belongings, shutting off utilities and turning over your apartment.”

      How…romantic. Ashley struggled to contain her zigzagging emotions, even as she wondered when the last time Cal had said he loved her had been. Six months ago? A year? Longer? With effort, she kept the too-casual smile on her face. “Be honest with me, Cal. Would you have come and gotten me if your family hadn’t intervened?” she demanded.

      Cal released her as suddenly as if she had burned him. He leaned against the opposite counter and watched her in that strong, silent, aloof way of his. “Originally, I was planning to let you come home on your own timetable,” he said eventually.

      “And then you changed your mind,” Ashley ascertained, aware neither of them had yet taken off their winter coats, and yet she still felt chilled to the bone in the cozy warmth of the farmhouse.