The Family Plan. Cathy McDavid
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Название: The Family Plan

Автор: Cathy McDavid

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408957950


СКАЧАТЬ That’ll give you something to compare my price to and keep me honest.”

      “Just so you know, both prices are a little higher than what I was hoping to spend. I have a tight budget.” He’d refinanced the house in order to fund the new clinic and cover the costs of hiring an assistant.

      “Now, about my mother…” Jolyn grimaced.

      “I won’t lie, she’s a thorn in my side.” Chase leaned an elbow on the top railing and shifted his weight to the other foot. “She’s good with Mandy, don’t get me wrong. And Mandy loves dance class. Which is the only reason I let her take lessons when I’d rather keep her and your mother miles apart.”

      “Maybe I shouldn’t bid the job.”

      “As you said, business is business. And this could be a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

      “As long as we keep my mom out of it.” Jolyn gave a discouraged shake of her head. “I wouldn’t put it past her to use the situation to her advantage.”

      Chase smiled down at Jolyn, his earlier worries melting away. Troublesome mother or not, he was glad Jolyn was back home. The affair SherryAnne had with Steven was hardly Jolyn’s fault. She’d been an innocent bystander. And like he and Mandy, she was taking the brunt of the fallout.

      There might once have been something between him and Jolyn back in high school, something more than friendship. It hadn’t gone far, not beyond a single kiss during one of his and SherryAnne’s fights. By the next day, SherryAnne had gotten her hooks back into him. She’d probably sensed the underlying attraction between him and Jolyn and refused to let it go anywhere.

      He’d handled it badly with Jolyn afterward, hurting her by not fessing up right away that he and SherryAnne reconciled. Fortunately, Jolyn was understanding—more so than he deserved. And now that SherryAnne was completely out of the picture, it might be interesting to see if any of that underlying attraction remained.

      “One step at a time,” he told Jolyn. “First, bid the job. Then, we’ll go from there.” Impulsively, he took her by the arm. “Come on. I’ll show you the plans. And you can say hello to Mandy. She’s inside playing with a friend.”

      No question about it, he thought as they walked to the house. He was courting trouble by inviting Jolyn into his life.

      Casting a lingering glance in her direction, he found himself warming to the idea of keeping Jolyn close. His reasons had nothing to do with her mother or building his new clinic, and everything to do with the justice she did to a pair of snug-fitting Wranglers.

      Chapter Two

      Jolyn stood in the middle of the stark room and evaluated her surroundings with a critical eye.

      Bright midday sunlight poured in through a lone, dingy window, emphasizing the room’s dismal condition. Dust particles floated in the air, thick enough to choke a snake. The faded vinyl flooring buckled in those spots where it wasn’t altogether missing. Jolyn counted seven holes in the walls, the smallest one the size of her fist. Paint was a distant memory.

      She didn’t have to be a contractor to see that the room was a mess—and perfect for her fledgling business. Built onto the side of Cutter’s Market, one of Blue Ridge’s two small groceries, the room had a separate entrance and convenient parking for customers.

      “Well, you want it or not?” Mrs. Cutter asked. She chewed on a plastic straw, a replacement for the cigarettes she’d given up two decades earlier.

      Jolyn did want the room, but she tried not to appear overly eager—which is why she’d waited a full week after returning home to approach Mrs. Cutter about the For Rent sign in the window.

      “It needs a lot of work.” She ran a finger over the yellowed and cracked light-switch plate.

      “Hell, yes. If it didn’t, I’d have rented it out ages ago.”

      Jolyn pretended to consider the offer on the table. In exchange for use of the room rent free, she would be required to fix it up at no cost to Mrs. Cutter and make any necessary repairs to her store, also at no cost, for as long as Jolyn used the room.

      “Mind if I put a lock on the door?”

      “Don’t bother me none as long as you give me a spare key.”

      “And I want a separate phone line.”

      “You pay for it, you got it.” Mrs. Cutter leaned a shoulder on the doorjamb. Rail thin, scratchy as sandpaper, and with only a sprinkling of gray in her hair, she didn’t look her age—which Jolyn guessed to be sixty-five, if not older.

      “Then I suppose you have yourself a new renter.”

      She couldn’t suppress the happiness bubbling up inside her. Sutherland Construction Company would have an honest to goodness office. When she was through fixing the place up, she’d frame her license and hang it right there next to the door where everyone could see it when they walked in.

      “Do you have a lease agreement for me to sign?” she asked.

      “Lease agreement?” Mrs. Cutter laughed sharply. “Good Lord, child. I’ve known you your whole life. Your parents for over thirty years. We only need a lease if you’re thinking of breaking it.”

      “I’m not.” Jolyn laughed along with Mrs. Cutter and extended her hand. “Can we at least shake on it?”

      They no sooner clasped hands when they were joined by Jolyn’s mother.

      “Am I interrupting anything?” Dottie Sutherland peeked through the open door.

      She was, Jolyn knew, on her way to the community center across the street where her dance class would be giving a recital that afternoon.

      “Come on in,” Mrs. Cutter said. “I was just leaving. Got a couple of deliveries scheduled for later today, and there ain’t a lick of extra space in the back for the boxes.”

      “I’ll be a while yet if you don’t mind.” Jolyn followed her new landlord outside. “I’d like to take some measurements and draw a few sketches.”

      “No hurry. The place is yours now.” Mrs. Cutter disappeared around the corner of the building.

      “Well, what do you think?” Jolyn asked her mother when she returned. Still feeling elated, she twirled in a half circle, imagining the room transformed into a functional and attractive office.

      “I think you’re crazy.” Her mother’s look of alarm said it all. “This place is a disaster area.”

      “The repairs are mostly cosmetic. You’d be amazed at what decent flooring and a fresh coat of paint can do.”

      “I don’t know why you feel you need an office. What’s wrong with working out of the house? You’ve been doing it all week.”

      Jolyn refused to let her mother’s lack of enthusiasm ruin her mood. “I’m in the way at home. Every time you start cooking, I have to roll up my plans and clear off the kitchen table.” She wanted her own desk and a visitor chair and a shelf for her reference books. “If I hope to build my business, I have СКАЧАТЬ