Just for Today.... Emmie Dark
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Название: Just for Today...

Автор: Emmie Dark

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472016522


СКАЧАТЬ Sebastian Douglas on the big screen was finally going to bring him a measure of peace. Topping the New York Times bestseller list hadn’t been enough to impress his family. But a movie with one of Hollywood’s most famous names starring? They couldn’t dismiss his success then.

      It’s not quite there, Sean. Still a bit of work to be done. That was the weaselly language the studio exec had used during the meeting about the screenplay. What the hell did that mean, exactly?

      We want to get this off the ground soon. So you’ve got to give us your best, or we’re going to take it out of your hands and call in the script doctors. The threat was clear. Sean was an author, not a screenwriter, but he’d wanted to maintain control over his creation. So he’d written the script himself in defiance of the studio’s wishes. And that was potentially going to be the death of the whole project.

      That and whether or not some precious director was available to do the job.

      His agent had hung on the line after the exec had disconnected to reassure him. But the ego boost was unnecessary. What Sean needed was space. Room to concentrate. Time to get his head back into the draft he’d written more than a year ago and do whatever it was that would finally get Sebastian Douglas, Demon Warrior the green light.

      Perhaps this house-sitting thing was meant to be. Six weeks in one place would ground him enough to focus on the script. And it might even help him meet the deadline on his new book that was approaching far too quickly for his liking, especially since he was having troubles with the werewolf characters he’d decided to incorporate.

      Sean pulled up in front of Jess’s building, but stayed a moment in his car to update his Twitter account. It had been a while since he’d given the crew a progress report.

      Hi, crew! Staying put in Melb for a few weeks working on Sebastian stuff for you guys. It’s supersecret, but it’s gonna be good, I promise.

      Within seconds there were multiple responses filling his phone’s screen.

      You tease! Can’t wait. Sebastian is my dream.

      Yippee! *Happy dancing*

      Make Elvire give up on Roman and get with Sebastian, okay?

      We love you, Sean!

      He knew it was shallow, but the responses made him feel better, salving his bruised ego. In some ways, his readers—the crew, as he liked to call them—were a substitute family. A family that admired his success and appreciated his hard work.

      Before he closed down the Twitter application, a direct message popped up.

      Sean, if U R in Melb for a while can I organize a fan meet-up?

      It was from Rachel, the self-appointed manager of his unofficial “fan club.” She called herself RachElvire on Twitter and her avatar online was a picture of herself in full Elvire costume hugging him at one of the comic conventions he’d attended last year. She seemed to turn up at every book signing, appear at every convention he attended and always seemed to know which hotel he was staying in.

      But apart from a fondness for dressing like a vampire, she seemed pretty harmless, and her Sebastian Unauthorized Wiki website had been one of the first in an explosion of online fandom for Sebastian and his adventures. She’d even flown all the way to Sydney for the launch event of his latest book and had proudly presented him with a box full of cookies baked in the unique shape of Sebastian’s favorite dagger. They’d been delicious.

      He typed back to Rachel:

      I’ll let you know. I have a deadline, so it depends on how the work goes.

      He enjoyed attending the occasional fan meet-up. But they were starting to get a little out of hand. The last one, in a café in Richmond, had the café’s owner calling a halt to everything when regular customers couldn’t get in the door for their coffees.

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