The Parent Trap. Lee McKenzie
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Название: The Parent Trap

Автор: Lee McKenzie

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474007924


СКАЧАТЬ message. She read it while she tidied up the sales counter and slid some paperwork into her briefcase.

      Got the last Twilight movie. Luv ya! PS: 1 ham n pineapple, 1 pepperoni!

      Sarah smiled at the reminder as she replied to her daughter’s message.

      Leaving now. See you in a half hour.

      Today had been busier than usual, but thanks to Juliet’s help with the hordes of back-to-school shoppers, Sarah’s financial records were up to date and ready to go to the accountant, and she’d entered the new merchandise into the inventory database. Now she could go home, change into comfortable clothes, and settle in for movie-and-pizza night with Casey.

      They’d started the tradition right after Sarah opened the store, when Casey was only seven years old, and she was grateful that her daughter was still enthusiastic about it. Yes, she’d raised a great kid, but outside of school, Casey still spent more time with her menagerie of animals or her nose in a book than with kids her own age. Would that change after she started high school? Would her daughter want to spend Saturday evenings with friends? Maybe even a boyfriend, perish the thought.

      Sarah often reflected on her own childhood and teen years spent as an avid bookworm and a committed wallflower. She’d missed out on a lot and she wanted more for Casey, she really did, but for now these precious Saturday nights were theirs, and Sarah intended to cherish each and every minute of them.

      * * *

      JON PULLED INTO the parking lot next to Paolo’s Primo Pizzeria. He doubted a “primo” pizza could be found in an out-of-the-way place like Serenity Bay, but as the saying went, beggars couldn’t be choosers. If it were just him, he would have settled for whatever he could find in the boxes in the kitchen, and then power through till he had everything unpacked. Kate was “starving,” though, and the only thing harder to handle than a hormonal teenager was a hungry hormonal teenager. Besides, they could both use a break, and one night of cardboard pizza wouldn’t kill them.

      Inside, the warm air scented with freshly baked crust, spicy tomato sauce and melted cheese almost had him buying the primo promise. Two of the half dozen booths were occupied, one by a family of four and the other by a pair of teenagers, maybe sixteen or seventeen, who were obviously on a date, judging by the way they were nestled together on the same side of the table.

      “Be right with you,” a dark-haired woman said, clearing plates and napkins from a recently vacated table, her Italian accent in perfect keeping with the ambient aromas.

      “No hurry.” He scanned the menu options on the wall behind the take-out counter. One large should be plenty for the two of them if they would do different toppings on each half. Kate, who three months ago had announced she was vegetarian, wanted a Neapolitan pizza because everything else was gross. He was debating over pancetta or prosciutto for his half of the pie when he was greeted by a soft female voice.

      “Jonathan? Hi.” His new neighbor smiled up at him.

      “Oh, Sarah. Hi.” She appeared as freshly starched as she had earlier, making him glad he’d pulled on a clean T-shirt before he’d left the house.

      “Are you settling in?”

      “Getting there. Still haven’t tackled the kitchen, though, and the gas for the barbecue hasn’t been turned on yet so we have to settle for takeout tonight.”

      “You won’t be disappointed. Paolo’s pizzas are incredible. Best in the world, according to my daughter.”

      “Sarah!” A middle-aged man in a white chef’s apron waved at her from the other side of the pass-through. “Your pizzas will be outta the oven in a coupla minutes.”

      “Thanks, Paolo.” She set her handbag on the counter and pulled out her wallet. “I always call ahead,” she said. “Casey and I have pizza and watch a movie together every Saturday night.”

      Something akin to envy washed over him. Saturday movie-and-pizza sounded like the kind of routine a family should have, although his never had.

      The woman who’d been clearing tables approached the counter. “Sarah, good to see you. How’s your beautiful daughter? She is getting ready to go back to school, yes?”

      “We’re all set, Maria. This is her first year of high school so she’s excited and a little nervous, too.”

      “Tell her she has nothing to worry about. That girl of yours, she can do anything.”

      “That’s sweet. Speaking of high school, I’d like to introduce my neighbor. This is Jonathan Marshall, the new teacher at Serenity Bay High. Jonathan’s daughter is the same age as Casey.”

      Maria’s scrutiny was intense. “You live next door to our Sarah? This is good, yes?”

      There was no mistaking the suggestive sparkle in those dark eyes, and he didn’t have to look at Sarah to know her self-consciousness matched his.

      “Paolo!” Maria angled her head in the direction of the kitchen. “This is the new teacher.”

      “Benvenuti to Serenity Bay! You like it here, no? And for you today we give you your first pizza on the house.”

      “Oh, no,” Jon said, taken aback by the unexpected display of generosity. “That’s not necessary.”

      “Si, si.” Maria wiped her hands on a towel. “Any pizza you like. You a teacher, you work hard. That’s good, yes?” It was more a statement than a question, and it was directed at Sarah.

      This time he did glance down to see her reaction, and he liked what he saw.

      “Just you and your daughter? You are not married, yes?” Maria’s question was directed at him, although she hadn’t taken her eyes off Sarah.

      Paolo’s leisurely amble out of the kitchen broke the tension. “Here you go. One for you and one for Casey,” he said, setting two extra-large pizza boxes on the counter in front of Sarah.

      “You’re each going to eat a whole pizza?” The question slipped out before Jon could stop it, but Sarah simply laughed.

      “Not all in one sitting.” Sarah handed her credit card to Maria. “We’ll save a couple of pieces for breakfast tomorrow.”

      “Pizza for breakfast?”

      “You’ve never had cold pizza for breakfast?”

      He shook his head.

      “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

      And he could live with that.

      “Here’s an idea,” Maria said. “You and Casey, you’re having pizza. And you are taking pizza home for your daughter, yes?”

      He could see where this was going. Judging by Sarah’s reluctant nod, so could she.

      “You all should have dinner together.” Maria waggled her finger from one to the other. “And your girls, they get to know each other, be good friends, yes?”

      He liked the idea more than he had any right to.